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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. The *idea* of Batman IS ridiculous. That being said, I found TDKR the best of the trilogy and a rare occasion where the third film was better than the first. It was an entire movie about redemption. Every character sought it in one way or the other, even the villains. It was sort of like watching Inception with Batman. One aspect of the film among many that I thought made it superior and that I enjoyed is that Batman couldn't beat Bane 1 on 1. This movie finally delivered an adversary that probably had the goods on the protagonist and superhero in this case. That fight scene was well scripted, directed and shot...and brutal.
  2. Romney and it's probably not even close. It's the economy and that's it. All the other stuff is just static. It feels a lot like 1979 to me. For those that were around for that election,there are plenty of parallels between the then and the now.
  3. As a fan of the retro logos, if they *have* to change, they should consider the Miami Seahawks logos and colors. They were Miami's first professional sports franchise.
  4. Obama's record will be putting Republicans in the White House for the next 16 years. He'll do better than Carter who put Republicans in the White House for 12. If folks thought the Democratic Party was burnt to the ground in 1980, they haven't seen anything yet.
  5. As somebody that is voting for Romney, I really like the Rice choice. I think she's competent, experienced and smart, and it wouldn't be her first rodeo in terms of Iran and the Middle East. It's an inspired choice. I don't really care about where she stands on social issues because I don't find her positions to be all that radical and those types of issues are usually well outside the realm of VP duties. I think the next four years unfortunately will be about the economy and probably Iran and that's about it. From a strategy point of view, the Democrats will probably try to Palin her but they will commit political suicide in doing so. I don't know how you rail against an educated, experienced woman who so happens to be African American and worked and earned her positions in government and elsewhere.
  6. The only thing that stopped the Bills offense was injuries. All the offense did was pile up points in those first two months. The talent and execution was excellent that it didn't matter if the defense knew what was coming. They still couldn't stop it. What you saw after the injuries was the lack of execution, downgrade of talent, AND the defense knowing what was coming. That's when things got ugly. Now, you pair that insta-offense with at least a decent defense so you don't spot 21 points, you've got something. Since we may have far better than a decent defense this year, I think we're going to go places.
  7. I'm with the more is less crowd. Less music, less noise, less timeouts, less alcohol.
  8. It's part of my now year-round enjoyment of Bills football. As a Bills fan, and one who resides outside western NY, you won't find a better resource on the Bills anywhere in the world. Bills fans are probably one of the smaller groups of team fans of the NFL and I'd rather have it no other way. We certainly aren't bandwagon jumpers or fair weather fans, and a part of me appreciates that.
  9. Germans had higher quality "stuff" when it came to armaments. They had their own factories in the Ruhr Valley and then when they acquired Czechoslovakia for a player to be named later, they picked up the Czech's fine Skoda howitzer factories. The Germans provided technological evolution in firearms through both WWI and WWII from the 9mm Luger to the grandfather of the modern assault rifle (STG44, not the AK47) to the MG42, a machine gun that remains in use today in some countries, believe it or not. Not to mention numerous technological advances in armor, vehicles, airplanes, mines, grenades, etc. Problem is that the Germans would never be able to produce enough weapons. Small country. Once you took out the factories, they had a hard time making anything. Whereas the United States....we outproduced everybody in WWII even joining the war nearly two years into it. Germans had quality but we had production. For their 10 quality built guns, we could build 200 "good enough" guns.
  10. I'd say George Wilson. I think he's the straw that stirs that defense.
  11. Do you need a great QB or great coach to win a Super Bowl? Perhaps neither. Perhaps you need a prolific defense and and a decent enough offense.
  12. This thread made me think about the last movie Reitman directed that anybody cared about. Haven't heard that guy's name in a long time.
  13. I think the torch has already been passed. Media et al just can't nail down the "who". Everyone who's involved is being smart about it. You don't want the succession advertised. Lots of money, contracts and relationships at sake. It's better to keep everybody guessing and after all it's Mr. Wilson's team until it isn't. Some of the first decisions of the incoming ownership were the free agent pursuits of Williams and Anderson. Not only was the spending of that massive amount of money on free agents atypical of Mr. Wilson, he wasn't even heard, seen or involved in the process. Reason being that the new ownership was in Buffalo. I also believe the new ownership has their man in Whaley to succeed Nix. When Mr. Wilson passes I think we'll all be surprised that there was a plan all along and it began long before his death. No businessman leaves his legacy up in the air like it's been reported. The last thing he or the family wants is the moving vans to pack up the Bills to Los Angeles the day after his death.
  14. I know it's SJ and I know it's June but quotes like that really get me excited for that first defensive series of the year in September when it's all put together and at full throttle.
  15. I think adding at TE is unnecessary at this point. Chandler and Smith now have time in the system. Continuity will pay dividends this year at the position. That being said the biggest problem about the TE position is that Chan forgets it's an option during games.
  16. I'd pay Brees. The entire Payton system with or without the man running it is based on the passing attack. I just wouldn't make it a long deal that guarantees the cliff into cap hell is steep when the team needs to rebuild. I think the Saints have just as legitimate a shot at the playoffs as they did any other year, regardless of coaches. The team retained plenty of its firepower to make some noise.
  17. Outside of some NFL players through the years, I've met Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush. Robert DeNiro. Jack Palance. Charles Barkley. James Woods, which is like a rare baseball card of celebrity run-ins.
  18. All things being equal, I'd take Nix over Polian. I think Nix's strategy can adapt to changing circumstances better and I believe he's superior in drafting players and setting the team up for long term success. I've always appreciated the logic behind his drafting. With Polian, his strategy, whether in Buffalo or Indianapolis, entirely revolved around having a blue chip quarterback, which you're not always going to have or get.
  19. The Bennett trade was quite significant and I think it's place is appropriate on the list. It was the 1987 version of the 2012 Mario Williams signing. While the move provided great returns on the field, it was a trade that put the NFL and the media on notice that the Bills were coming in from the wilderness and were serious about winning and introduced the Bills to a lot of future fans.
  20. I can live with Vince Young in Buffalo. Could have lived without him here too. It's a two million dollar lottery ticket.
  21. Personal responsibility. An underrated human trait pretty much all over Earth these days. Whether it's people squandering millions, out of wedlock babies, obesity, you name it. It all comes down to self control.
  22. Always had faith Nix would follow through on that promise to Jackson. I'd challenge anybody to name a team that has had a better offseason than the Bills.
  23. Colts players, especially on offense, are the Subarus with 185,000 miles on the odometer. Guys like Addai and Clark have seen *a lot* of games on artificial turf.
  24. I don't care for Hoge's commentary. I really can't stand the wide tie knot, up buttoned suit combo he's always trying.
  25. It can't be fun to be a surviving member of the 1994 Chargers. Everything from airplane crashes to lightning strikes have picked off team members.
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