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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Coffee is for closers. I wouldn't want a quarterback that *wanted* to be a backup.
  2. I like the idea of keeping it in Orchard Park. OP and Erie County get screwed if a new stadium is built elsewhere, left with an old stadium property to redevelop, and needing millions of taxpayer dollars to do something with it. It's akin to having a decomissioned military installiation. To do the Beth Steel site you'll need a lot of money. A lot. You'll need federal dollars and probably a program similar to what's been started in PA where a zone is established and the state tax dollars in that zone don't go back to the state but to pay off the bonds for any development in the zone.
  3. Well that's a real goddamnit. Strong as about four oxen but has the back of a 70 year old man.
  4. Some of you guys would be the worst builders ever (of anything) and probably sucked at puzzles. Half built and you're ready to say "this looks like total crap. We should quit..." and get all depressed. This team is half built as of today with hundreds of players in FA out there, the draft and camp yet to come. Talk to me after training camp.
  5. This panic/woe/doom response is how some generations (those born in the 80s and 90s especially) react to cause and effect because society has generally turned to one of instant gratification. We get our news, food, coffee, electricity all nearly instantly. Trained to want and expect things almost immediately, when it doesn't happen, there is this almost automatic response of panic. The Bills not gobbling up free agents in the day is akin to the power being out for a half hour or a cell tower down and we can't get on Facebook.
  6. I wouldn't take that bet. NFL Security is mostly retired FBI and DSS and the NFL is pretty persuasive. If the NFL wants it investigated, I'm pretty sure it's going to happen. The manhunt starts with "Barry" from Deadspin. Bet he gives up the names in +/- 30 minutes.
  7. You don't have to be an analyst with the NSA nor an attorney to figure out that about five state and federal laws were committed with that stunt. Good luck with all that, Barry. Not only will you have NFL security coming round, you'll also get a visit from your local FBI field office. Yay for you. FWIW, I don't think Nix is senile or delusional. He doesn't tell anybody anything of value., especially to a team that will be looking at the same players as the Bills in FA. Just sounds like cordial chit chat to me.
  8. Give me the QB that performed the best in poor weather conditions. Wind, snow, rain. I don't think either of these guys are it. The Bills play in a division where weather is a constant factor whether it's Miami or Foxboro. There are no domes, no Chargers weather. This is why I don't like Barkley. Has played nearly every down of his football life in the confines of comfy SoCal. Smith while growing up in Florida, has more elements experience with WV weather but performed below average. I'd prefer the Bills get a QB in the 2nd. I don't think there is value at #8 this year for QBs.
  9. I'm a Pittsburgh Pirates fan when I'm not cheering on the Bills. The Pirates haven't been to the playoffs since 1992. For both teams, I'm optimistic and energized every offseason because I look forward to the year that the teams break their playoff droughts because that's going to feel very very good. And of course you know the year you divorce your teams, it'll happen.
  10. As a guy who grew up watching the Rams, the day Georgia Frontiere took the Rams out of LA was the end of football in Los Angeles forever. I don't think you'll ever see a team back in the confines of the city. You want a dramatic movie about football with intrigue, politics and backroom dealing, that story would be a top nominee in my opinion. And...the Bills were involved, ironically.
  11. I think the cosmic forces saved us from ourselves again this year (Meachem, Alex Smith, and now a movie). I'm telling you, they are warming back up to the Bills. ;-) The last time Reitman had a hit, the Bills were still in Super Bowls, and really his very best stuff like Stripes and Ghostbusters was back before Jim Kelly was even in the NFL.
  12. Haha. Thanks for the LOL. Great quote.
  13. I'd be ok with Geno Smith at #8. Surprised Damontre Moore, ye of bench press infamy is picked by the Chargers at #11.
  14. The Bills do not need more undersized linebackers like Aaron Maybin who run upright with marginal power. THe Bills do not need more players with chronic back problems like Terrell Troup.
  15. General managers (and franchises) generally live and die on those first round picks, especially in the NFL. That's the one decision you have to get right to be successful, later round success not withstanding. There isn't a GM in the NFL today that busts the first rounders and succeeds later and is labeled as a "good GM".
  16. I appreciate the effort and understand the rationale for the picks. However, I'd loathe this draft if it turned out this way. We talk about the Bills lack of drafting QBs. I'd say the lack of investment at the linebacker position is even more glaring given the evolution of the 2-3 tight end sets and how the lb corps got exposed in game after game the last two seasons. A top shelf LB (or two) changes things on that 200 foot gash below the waterline porous defense.
  17. Not a terribly professional thing to do by someone with asperations to coach in an occupation with prescious few opportunities. Keep your head up and your mouth shut.
  18. I don't know how people *forget* where they keep their firearms. That always baffled me. You'd think of all the things you'd forget in a day, where your loaded firearm is located wouldn't be one of them. Ever. Loaded firearms on planes is easy. Unless you're a LEO who's completed the training for carrying on an airplane and a raft of other procedures, don't even dare. He was going to get in trouble at any airport in the United States. It's not like an airport in Texas would have been anymore lenient.
  19. The NFL would be wise to instiute a trust like savings plan for all NFL players. A percentage of your pay goes into your "retirement" fund during your active playing years so when you find yourself out of the league, you've got a nest egg of your own money. In a way I sympathize with all these players that go flat broke. Most grew up without money at all and have no idea of how to manage a resource. On the opposite side, they are adults and and with being an adult, comes a responsibility to have self control.
  20. I don't think Geno Smith goes to the Eagles. They have Michael Vick, Nick Foles and Dennis Dixon probably. And their defense is god awful. I think they go D with their pick, for sure.
  21. No big deal in my opinion. Outside of SJ and TJ the unit could use an overhaul. In fact, I think it is a positive sign that the front office may be departing from the practice of contracts with generally alright, but not great players.
  22. You're telling me the Bills can't find a Donald Jones-type in the draft if they really need one? This appears to be an unnecessary extension.
  23. If it happens, wonderful for both sides. For RF, it's a paycheck and job security. For the Bills, it gives them important flexibility at the position. I'll be happy if the restructing helps the cause of signing Byrd and Levitre.
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