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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I've been fascinated at how the Bills are always attached to Mike Vick with no easily understood reason as to why they would be. It's like Jack and the Island in Lost.
  2. +1. I've thought Arizona would make sense.
  3. GENERIC. I'm convinced all the great uniform designers have long retired. It's unemployed guys in basements with Photoshop for a few years now.
  4. I'm afraid if the United States leaves the invasion of Ukraine unpunished, it will embolden China to try Taiwan, embolden Putin to continue annexing former Soviet territories and give the Iranians enough confidence not only to develop a nuclear weapon, but put it on top of a shiny missile. You mix all that ugliness with a weaker United States and a global recession, that's a recipe for a World War. This is one of those nip it in the bud events. FWIW, I don't think Putin would go to war over Ukraine if push came to shove. Even a limited engagement with the US would kill the global economy and namely the golden goose of Gazprom. I think he's merely trading on his calculation that Obama goes weak in the knees when action is required. If say Reagan, Bush or Clinton were in office, this would have never happened. Reagan would blockade, Bush would invade something, and Clinton would have carpeted the area with cruise missiles for three weeks.
  5. I'd or whatever novelty they have announcing the pick run (in full out Price is Right dash) to the podium to pick this guy.
  6. "Crockett Gillmore". That's an awesome name. My pick: Lamin Barrow, LSU linebacker. He will be a late round pick by somebody but I think he could develop into a solid backer.
  7. I think plenty of men in the Dolphins organization lost their jobs this morning with the release of this report. The Dolphins as a corporation lost control of said organization and people get fired for that. While Incognito and Martin are surely discarded, I wouldn't be surprised to see the entire coaching staff, Philbin included, cut, at this juncture. No matter the timing, the NFL will demand action.
  8. That diner scene with Art, Steve the Pirate, Picker and Wynn Duffy is some of the best tv I've seen. Easily one of the top 5 scenes of the series. As a viewer you really had no idea how that was going to go down.
  9. This is like picking between your wife of a year and her attractive friend who happens to cook and bake pretty good.
  10. Even at 48 pages, this thread isn't even close to rivaling the classic Mario Williams or George Seifert threads. The hysteria (that I admit gladly partaking in) around Mario Williams was a lot of fun. George hanging out at the airport (or is he?) was hilarious. This Pettine event is just missing something.
  11. What is up with these coaching hires? Don't these teams do *any* research?
  12. No Browns fan here but I think Jim Fassel would be an excellent selection for them.
  13. I saw the rifle in a news article. It's an AR platform with some fairly expensive optics. Couple grand. I'd weep openly if I left that in some random rental car. As a gun owner, I've never understood how folks "forget" where their guns are located.
  14. I'd pay Carpenter. Known quantity and one less hole to fill on the roster.
  15. I want to know why the NFL isn't clamping down on Ed Hochuli's illegal gun show every Sunday. Pretty sure he doesn't have permits for those.
  16. I'd kill to have that much hair at his age. I don't know why the NFL wouldn't be celebrating that.
  17. What a bland year for coaching hires. Caldwell and Whisenhunt? Blander than a roomful of khakis saving the world from color.
  18. Justified is one of my faves. Have watched every episode, every season. This premier was a bit off. Felt rushed and a little erratic. The casting for the "Canadians" and Darly Crowe was very odd. I don't think Dave Foley and Will Sasso make for convincing Canadian mobsters and while Michael Rappaport is a fine actor, he can't pull off a southern accent. He should probably just stop trying. The episode was a pleasant reminder about the underrated hotness of Alicia Witt, however.
  19. This would be a good poll question. Arizona Cardinals.
  20. Worst move of the offseason. Guess I'm glad they got *that* out of the way.
  21. I think we can do better at the TE position. Scott Chandler is a good TE but if the opportunity arises for the Bills to get a *great* TE, they should not pass that up.
  22. Crossman and Chandler. The Bills need to invest real money in the TE position. The Bills need a Special Teams coach that has shown proven success in defending the returns.
  23. Sigh. My point: NFL teams can put whomever they want on a wall. War vets. Deceased players. Fans that make up fictional men. The Bills can put Thad Lewis on the Wall this Sunday if they want to. The football stats are completely meaningless and perhaps irrelevant. It doesn't matter how many touchdowns or yards Fred Jackson has. If Ralph or the team wants him on *their* Wall, he's on said Wall.
  24. It blows my mind that Kitna entered the league in 1997 as Warren Moon's backup and played in NFL Europe. Holy Awesome 90s. Where's the Zubaz? And Kitna's on a sideline this Sunday again with players who probably didn't even know the NFL had teams in Europe. Crazy stuff.
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