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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Kyle Williams has been doing the hard work for years. Bills Wall of Fame, yes. Hall of Fame, maybe. I think he's got a good start (4xPB, 2xAP). IMO, he has been one of the AFC's most dominant DT's over the last five years but he will need a few more productive seasons to safetly navigate out of Peter Boulware territory.
  2. Absolutely. Once teams get film on you, you have to adapt and be skillful at misdirection. That's where I felt the wheels came off with that start in 2011. You can't be a stonecutter and simply rely on execution to get the job done. By the third or fourth game, teams know where you're going to be if you get predictable with the playbook.
  3. The courts take child abuse seriously. AP is in trouble. Should he be convicted and serve time, no team is going to touch him. Nobody wants to employ a convicted child abuser.
  4. Streaks on the china, never mattered before, who cares...
  5. My big takeaway from not only what was written but the sale itself is that it is a story of faith being rewarded in a world where we've largely come to expect to be disappointed. One of those rare events that actually exceeded our expectations by a mile.
  6. Foreboding days in business with Donald Sterling being forced to sell a franchise simply because he's a racist and probably the NFL Commissioner loses his job because the masses believed his employer's corporate punishment wasn't punitive enough.
  7. It's close but the week of the AFC Championship and the Super Bowl in January 1991 were bigger still, IMO. Also have to consider the insanity of the days leading up to Mario signing too.
  8. As another poster asutely stated, the offense requires EJ to convert third downs routinely. It's almost a given with the tactical approach of moving the pile with first and second down run plays. Now and again you'll get a good gain but more often than not its a few yards here or there. It worked well yesterday because Chicago had no idea what was coming being the first game of the season. With game film now available coupled with Miami's big defensive line, Hackett shouldn't rely on that particular strategy this coming Sunday in the first half. They know it's coming. I'm no big fan of Hackett but to his credit he threw enough surprises in there yesterday to get the job done.
  9. I do not know exactly why but this season reminds me of Glengarry Glen Ross.
  10. I saw Seattle use the screens, sweeps and Harvin in motion with impressive results. Green Bay had no answer for it all night long. You see if I am Nate Hackett I brush my ego aside a little bit and pull some of those screens out from the Chan days and I always have at least one receiver in motion.
  11. I suppose I can be thrown into the Hackett Haters pile. I don't understand or like his playcalling. He's allergic to using screens and slants and if the fan can predict the offense, you know the highly paid brilliant football guys on the other sideline know what's coming. While the Bills have gotten way better at halftime adjustments with Coach Marrone, the whole telegraphing issue is something that remains from the Jauron days.
  12. My spidey sense is that it's not about the players but the play calling/offensive practice. I wouldn't be a bit surprised to hear Marrone is getting serious heat to either call plays in lieu of Hackett or to do a Turk Schonert. The play calling isn't getting the job done on the field and the offense keeps practicing the same crap that has shown it doesn't work when it counts.
  13. That Tavaris Jackson "situation" was one of the more bizzare things I've seen the Bills do. I don't know if it's a pro or con it was that odd. I would offer that a "pro" of Whaley is that he is not risk averse. He's shown he'll move for boom/busts like Hughes, Chris/Mike Williams, gambles like the draft with Watkins, and lottery tickets like Moeaki and Lewis.
  14. I thought they wrote good parts for Grammer, Banderas and Gibson. The weakest link in the movie IMO was Schwarzenegger. They really didn't give him much to do. I too could not recall a Kelsey Grammer action flick and thought WTH when his casting was announced. Pleasantly surprised.
  15. Guardians and Expendables 3 exceeded my expectations. I'd go as far to say that E3 was the best of the series to date. Then again, I am in a minority opinion that Die Hard With a Vengence was the most complete, best Die Hard movie in that series.
  16. The confusing thing about preseason is that you don't want to roll out your *real* plays and you pray that nobody gets injured but... you would like to see some better execution in the red zone even if the plays have a vanilla flavor to them to give everyone from players to coaches to fans the confidence that they can get it done when it counts. I admit that I'm one of those fans that's been highly annoyed with Hackett's playcalling - especially last year. We were often settling for Dan Carpenter heroics because of the play calling. I'm hoping that with a year of experience under his belt, the calls will be better.
  17. Sanborn has one of the best jobs in the NFL. I don't think it's crazy to see fans wearing long snapper jerseys out there. I've seen a few Patrick Mannelly jerseys in my time.
  18. What about Bryce Paup? I think he needs to be in the conversation. He had one hell of a dominant 1995 season. Arguably the best free agent the Bills have ever signed. I think he's in the top 5 of the 90s.
  19. Probably because I'm not a billionaire, I don't see why the Wilson family is dicking around with the bids and "process". What's $1.3 billion versus $1 billion to them? It's still a billion dollars of found money. Just get on with it already.
  20. The organization's overreaction to the events of January 8, 2000 set the team back a decade. That one game is more influential than any other game in the team's history.
  21. I'll disregard your rudeness and give you a link to look at. I suppose the Iranians don't care about the $19.4 billion that moved through HSBC. http://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/07/16/hsbc-helped-terrorists-iran-mexican-drug-cartels-launder-money-senate-report-says/ And FWIW, the Mexican Sinaloa cartel wired $881 million into the US through HSBC five years ago but got caught. Want to know how much the bank made on cartel wire transfers before they got caught? $2.6 billion.
  22. The West refuses to eliminate the true leadership of groups like al-Qaeda, Hamas, FARC, cartels, etc and that's the bankers that hide in plain sight. These groups use a network of banks. It's not like they pile cash in a big warehouse somewhere. The only reason FARC for example has remained so strong decade after decade because you have western banks complicit in funneling, storing and laundering their money. Sure, we'll kill or capture the foot soliders all day long but the real bad guys are the ones that hide in the suits and the nice innocouous contries like Switzerland that launder all the proceeds. You start knocking off bank leadership and the financiers and these groups disappear. But that means the west would be killing a whole lot of westerners that look like you and I.
  23. Weak. This isn't going to win any Capture the Flag or Neighborhood wars. Where is the multi-tube potato gun? You can only crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women with the subtlly of combustion-launched produce.
  24. I know of a restaurant that is Bills friendly (place is packed around Andre Reed HOF announcements) in these parts along with the Wegmans. Anytime I go there, I'll get asked if I'm from Rochester or Buffalo. I was at that restaurant once and somebody said that it looked like the Justice League of Obscure Football Fandom (for PA, mind you) as you had Bills, Chargers, Seahawks and Chiefs fans all at the bar.
  25. I don't understand how football players are not in *enough* shape to pass the basic conditioning test. You know exactly when camp starts. You know the requirements of the conditioning test and know you'll have to take it. You know your livlihood depends on the condition of your body. And for Marcel, you've already irritated your employer enough in the off-season.
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