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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Event Horizon A film of underestimated nightmare potential.
  2. I think a winning record doesn't necessarily mean Doug Marrone coaches the Bills in 2015. When you consider: We've fired 9-7 coaches before. New owner. Marrone could be told that Hackett has to go and he refuses to fire him. However unlikely, a scenario where " a name" is available and wants to coach in Buffalo. Even more unlikely, Marrone goes back to college and becomes a head coach at Wisconsin or Michigan. Lots of power and money in college football. There are lots of variables.
  3. I think there are aging QBs not mentioned in that article that might be available depending on whether their teams decide to embark on a rebuilding program and want to save some money and/or the last weeks of the season don't go well. Eli Manning (NY would save $17.5 million) Tony Romo (Has a base salary of $17 million) Drew Brees (NO plans to draft a Brees replacement in 2015 and NO has a $27 million cap hit for him on a team with a lot of holes) The problem for the Bills is that it is a sellers market this year and the Bills don't have a 1st round draft pick to use and they'd have to absorb A LOT of those contracts.
  4. I can only speak for a small section of PA but the chain restaurants have been getting their asses handed to them by the resurgence of the local diner. They are packed morning, noon and night by all the demographics and I've seen younger owners taking over the business. I think that the era of the chain restaurant and its unstoppable expansion is over where you inevitably would see an Applebees near every mall and a Ruby Tuesday's along every highway. The baby boomer generation loves the chain restaurants but other generations do not. Markets are saturated presently. Younger generations having grown up on chain restaurant food, have had their fill of it after eating it throughout childhood and their young adult years. Somebody mentioned that places like Olive Garden don't cook food but merely assemble it. Same goes for Panera Bread. I don't quite get the excitement over Panera. Anything hot there is served out of a bag and all the breads are pre-mixed and frozen.
  5. The problem with "Afterword" is they went cheap. Hardwick on Talking Dead is a professional TV host. The pathetic comedian and the LA DJ on Afterword were predictably terrible because hosting a talk show on television is not what they do. I started watching Afterword just to bathe in the awkwardness. The attempted interview with Mark Boone Junior was one part hysterical and one part "man I feel bad for that host..." Although imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it probably would have helped to have some celebrity fans of the show on toojust to mix it up. Too often the SOA actors went into "I'm a professional actor!" mode going on and on about the craft in the eerie quiet of the stage set.
  6. That finale got a bit too LOSTY for me with all the spontaneous symbology with the homeless woman, communion bread and the fake crows. It was an ok finale but I was expecting something more intricate from Kurt Sutter considering the layers of storytelling included in the the Shield finale which I found to be one of the more excellent ones in recent years.
  7. He's performed well despite injuries. Worth the investment.
  8. I think some of it is structural. Boomer powerhouses like McDonalds, Olive Garden, Applebees, Ruby Tuesday, and especially Red Lobster are either fading away or having tough times.
  9. Arizona Cardinals.
  10. I would keep an eye on Eli Manning. I think he is a possible cut or trade.
  11. I've come around to keeping Marrone but I think there will be better choices than Nate Hackett for next year for offensive coordinator. If Marrone gets this team to beat the streak, I'd be really pleased. I think that's progress. If Marrone and Whaley both stay there has to be less dysfunction when it comes to personnel. Perhaps that gets better. After all, this was their first year working together in their respective capacities. They can't have more Mike Williams situations. Only acquire players the coach is going to use.
  12. If you are an NFL team you have to be wary of hiring Harbaugh. It is sorta like remarrying immediately after divorce. You're doomed to repeat your habits and mistakes and never learn from why things failed in the first one and how you contributed to it and just tank that one too. He will more than likely clash with a new GM just like the old and alienate players just like he did in SF. You really do have to think- despite all that success there they want him gone YESTERDAY. As an NFL coach you have to actually work with people. You aren't a king like they make coaches in college where you can run over the AD and spar evenly with the university president. I really don't see a lot of teams clamoring for his services in the NFL because of the expected baggage.
  13. I like our chances. Bills come to play when they feel disrespected.
  14. I'd be surprised if he moves to another NFL team especially when universities and their boosters are willing to give him the space and tolerance his personality requires and the money to get the job done. I think Jack Del Rio will be Oakland's coach next year.
  15. Manning is a great quarterback in the present because he's brilliant at adjusting to what the defense shows him. The secret to destabilizing Manning is watching tape of John Pagano's strategy against Manning. What do you think Seattle watched? He uses blitzes from all over the place, three safety dime packages,safety blitzes, standing linemen at the snap (like the Bills did in that one MNF game). I enjoy watching his defenses, even against the Bills because it's unpredictable. The Chargers just don't have the personnel like they've had in recent years to execute the mayhem. The Bills have an advantage in having an elite front four that generates ton of pressure but the Bills will have to get creative and stay creative after halftime to keep Manning uncomfortable.
  16. I don't think he's going to go to another NFL team or Michigan. Raiders? Please. My wildcards would be the Colorado Buffaloes or the Kansas Jayhawks.
  17. I'm bored with JJ Abrams and I think it was a terrible idea to give the same director both Star Trek and Star Wars. In a few years you'll feel like Kirk could do a crossover and pilot an Imperial starship and Yoda is hanging out with Sulu on the bridge. I don't think Abrams he's a good storyteller. Alias and Lost are probably his best works and for how great those series were they ended quite terribly insofar as story goes. He also recycles plot devices and music scores. Watch his Mission Impossible take and a Star Trek. You'll sense the familiarity. You combine that with Disney and you'll get an "ok", fast food film. Satisfy you in the instant but you'll forget it and still remember the classics.
  18. Does RGIII's struggles show that Briles may not be NFL caliber coaching material? RGIII needs to sit on the bench and learn the game as a backup for a year and get the confidence (and the body) right. That's the only way I'd want him in Buffalo. I do think that between the lack of mental preparation at Baylor combined with two mediocre coaches at the NFL haven't gotten the career off to a great start.
  19. Safer, I'm not sure. I do think the NFL as a private business has to think up something innovative to handle the health care needs of its players proactively after retirement. Something akin to a pension for health care - an untouchable sum of money that's built by both player and league contribution that the player can use after retirement solely for their health care needs. Or in the year or two after retirement, the NFL paying for what I'd call post-career conditioning in helping players, especially offensive linemen, shed weight, eat right, get off the PEDs, etc. so retired players get started off in retirement on the right track.
  20. RG3 needs a change of scenery and a year off to reboot his career. Just needs to sit on the bench and learn. He might get the change of scenery but not the learning experience.
  21. Yep, George Seifert is still at the airport.
  22. I think the play of the Eagles offensive line contributes to the inconsistency of Foles (and McCoy) this year. Last year when he performed well, the Eagles line players were extraordinarily healthy - playing all 17 games. This year all their starters and even backups sans Peters have been injured for weeks at a time or suspended (Lane Johnson).
  23. The conundrum for me is I'd love for the Bills to keep Schwartz as a DC, not promote him to HC.
  24. I don't want a college coach. I've had my fill of what seems like perpetual amateur hour from George Edwards to Doug Marrone. My vote would be for Pepper Johnson.
  25. I don't want a college coach. I've had my fill of what seems like perpetual amateur hour from George Edwards to Doug Marrone. My vote would be for Pepper Johnson.
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