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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I always thought restaurant inspector would be a fulfilling job. And street sweeper.
  2. +1. I rarely comment on the EJ "issue" because it doesn't get me riled up as it does others. The draft is a crapshoot. You make the best decison you can with the information you have. Sometimes it does not work out. That year especially was a bunch of lottery tickets as far as QBs are concerned. This wasn't a Whitner/Ngata or a Cushing/Orakpo/Maybin debate where overwhelming evidence contrasted with the front office decision.
  3. I think you're both right. Hollywood wants guaranteed geese that lay golden eggs and there is a great deal of worry and trepidation about inflaming sensitivities. Think about it. You can't shoot up entire police departments anymore on screen. (Terminator) You can't violently rob banks. (Heat) You CERTAINLY can't crash planes as part of a movie plot (Die Hard 2) Can't smack women around. (Casino) Can't show women of a highly aggressive sexual nature. (Basic Instinct) Can't offend anybody (Red Dawn 2 are the hapless North Koreans instead of the Chinese, Rambo took on some random Cambodians) Can't lose your **** and just start killing people. (Commando, Speed, Demolition Man, nearly every Chuck Norris film) I doubt Saving Private Ryan would be made in today's Hollywood. Way too real. Not nearly enough time travel.
  4. I watched Heat over the weekend. It's in my Top 5 of all time favorite movies. It was made in 1995. Studios wouldn't touch a movie like that today. The actors would be too expensive. No super heroes, robots, cyborgs or time travel. It was rated R. People died in it. It was a long movie. It was never intended to have a sequel.
  5. While the bombs were bad, a full invasion of mainland Japan would have been a bloodbath for both sides, with three times the casualties. As for dropping one on Germany, I recall when I read a book about Oppenheimer that dropping a bomb on Germany was a non-starter due to the fear of fallout on Allied countries and the large numbers of Allied military in and around the city.
  6. I'm digging that.
  7. Kasich and Fiorina for me. I think she'll crack the Top 10 for the next one. IMO, Kasich easily won that debate last night and not just because it was in Cleveland. He will be the front runner by the end of the summer.
  8. He's lucky he got suspended. Showing such poor decision making as an adult gets you fired in a lot of other places.
  9. +1. Always have been fascinated with the 46 scheme. I wonder if it's being used in camp to train the rushing offense because it's excellent against the run and if you can run against a 46 with the talent we have, the holes in the regular season will feel like a mile wide.
  10. Last stand? Please. He'll have 1,000 yards this year.
  11. In the world of strange things happening, Matt Simms. He's kind of like Taylor - has never had a real shot at being a starter. Strong arm, smart, confident, and probably the most accurate of the bunch when it comes to game time.
  12. I'm pretty sure this only leads to Sam Neill chasing you around a haunted space ship.
  13. The McCoy/Jackson duo exceeding expectations. Otherwise, that puts even more pressure on the QB to make plays through the air. 1,000 yard rushers. Each.
  14. Yep. Grenade in an enclosed space. It especially sucks for the kids and the innocent dental hygienist and admin assistants. Wife isn't' that innocent. A douchebag this huge gives off enough warning signs.
  15. Sport hunters are some of the biggest "tough guys" on the planet. They'd starve to death if they had to do a true hunt without guides, bait, high tech weapons. What personally pisses me off here is the 40 hours of suffering enduring by the lion and that we still have douchebags on this planet still hunting rare animals. This particular jerk not only has ruined his life, but the life of his family for a head on a wall. Animal rights people don't let this go. He'll be living Casey Anthony style forever. It won't surprise me to see his dental practice over, and he's got to move the whole family far far away to start over. That is if he somehow escapes extradition and jail time for something that is equivalent to the crime of poaching. If he gets jail time, no way he's making it out of there.
  16. The doctor did not have control over his procedure area during the procedure. That's problem #1. She falsified medical reports. That's a bigger problem #2. Office protocol was not followed for an anesthetized patient. Why any patient would still have a phone on him (and regular clothing) in the procedure room, again shows extreme sloppiness and lack of care. If the patient went into sudden cardiac arrest, sudden drop in blood pressure or other emergency situation, both the unfocused doctor and anesthesiologist were in poor position to respond immediately to it. I know she's the focus of the story but it's he that's really at fault here.
  17. As one of America's finest poet laureates once espoused... Don't start nothing. Won't be nothing. I'd give the guy a million dollars just because it's weak to talk trash to somebody who's passed out and all that bitching. There should be consequences for that.
  18. A superstar? Sure. Until he gets Drew Brees killed and then he'll be run out of New Orleans faster than the British.
  19. This thread really needs a poll because there are some great names on here already. My votes for consideration: Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake (Came up with Hogan, Dream Teamer with Valentine, the spectacle of cutting people's hair with garden shears) Demolition (Hold the record for the longest title reign for a tag team)
  20. I always wondered when it comes to making a great decision on a draft pick, who gets more credit for the ability to see the talent and accurately project it at the NFL level - Whaley or the scouts?
  21. As a Pirates fan, it was huge to throw the playoff drought monkey into the river. Set the stage for future success. Playoffs all the way.
  22. McCoy and Jackson will be the 2nd 1,100 yard (a piece) rushing duo.
  23. The entire coaching staff. From Ryan to Roman to all the Jets coaches - can they all bounce back from a crap filled 2014 to mold the Bills into a winner?
  24. +1. I think it was a bad idea for both Cleveland and Blatt to assume 1) the jump to the NBA would be workable and 2) double down on trying to coach a LeBron James who's on a mission to prove that moving on from Miami wasn't a mistake, along with "personalities" like J.R. Smith and Shumpert. I think a big shortcoming of his IMO was the inability to work Kevin Love into *any* offense whatsoever. Kept banging away at trying to make him a Stretch 4 which he never was. I see Van Gundy or Jackson there next year regardless of the Finals outcome. I don't think Thibodeau or a D'Antoni would be a good fit.
  25. $100 per month. $27 of that is for the HTC M8 rental, $11 for insurance and $62 for an unlimited talk/text/data plan through Sprint.
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