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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I don't think Kelly has learned from what went wrong in Philadelphia. Instead of taking time to assess that and correct it, he will commit the same mistakes. FWIW, I feel the same way about Rex.
  2. Couple thoughts: Around my area, I'm disturbed at the lack of kids out shoveling. I made an absolute killing in the shoveling industry as a kid and you often had a lot of competition. My dad always told me that I'm doing god's work by saving all the elderly from certain heart attacks. It's weird how people get so wound up over weather. I call it snowgasming - a euphoric state created by persistently thinking about, discussing snow and all of its impacts. Most of the people in a panic are those that continually get front wheel drive vehicles and would rather be "snowed in" (an archaic practice in the 21st Century) than getting vehicles suited to where you live, practicing driving in it and not letting their life get shut down by weather.
  3. Joe Paterno and Tony Dungy are in my top 10 too.
  4. Jimmy Johnson Barry Switzer Jerry Glanville I don't know how any list misses these guys.
  5. Again, I don't understand why millionaires with ridiculous amounts of talent seem hell bent on squandering it. In the case of this guy, all he has to do is manage his diet. He has all the resources to do it. It's just a lack of will.
  6. The 72 hours number isn't something I made up - it's from within a report prepared by an electrical provider based on the data from your typical power outage where people start getting rammy if it lasts longer than six hours. Scary, isn't it? Most of the infrastructure here (in Pennsylvania) is on poles and materials from the 1920s. It's been only recently that any upgrades have been made - and that's only because the feds mandated it post 2003 blackout. I agree that it is one of the biggest threats we face. My apologies for being off topic as well. Your comment caught my attention.
  7. Amen to that. The utility companies treat the threat with the seriousness of aliens arriving in spaceships. They haven't taken steps to harden the grid nor stockpile parts in case of an attack. There is no event response whatsoever. The magic number is 72 hours. After that societal norms start breaking down.
  8. Isn't this the same ownership that didn't like the personalities of Nolan, Singletary and Harbaugh? So...you hire Chip Kelly?
  9. Yep, that movie still has fans. Arguably, Bryan Adams is probably the movie's biggest fan ever. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/region/3924251-british-actor-alan-rickman-harry-potter-and-robin-hood-dies-69
  10. You can see the generation gap with the writing of the articles on him. Some say he's best known from the Harry Potter movies, others from Die Hard/Robin Hood. If Hollywood wanted to have an honest conversation with itself, they'd admit Die Hard is one of their best of the last 50 years. Can't believe it's a nearly 30 year old movie at this point.
  11. It's a step in the right direction for sure. However, it's short sighted to put new helmets in rotation just for the NFL. If anything, they should go to the youth sports and all the way up the ladder first.
  12. Actions or words. I tend to lean towards actions, you lean towards the words with Rex Ryan. It's a 50/50 on who's right at this point. Last season taught me to no longer buy into the bluster and bravado. Do you believe things will be different in terms of the sloppiness, penalties and communications issues if every single positions coach absent an assistant and Donnie Henderson remains? Do you foresee this group of men having an epiphany of "hey, we were pretty terrible at that whole coaching thing last year, we should probably do better?"
  13. "Hey, let's do the same exact thing with all the same people and expect different results."
  14. The thing that has bothered me about the lottery is the loss of anonymity because they just can't let you win and be provided the option of remaining anonymous. Only six states give you the option. Otherwise you are now known to the entire world. You and your family are now a target for the desperate and everyone you know now expects something from you.
  15. George Seifert rests easy returning from his vacation tonight.
  16. If Rob Ryan can improve Preston Brown's understanding of the defense calls and and improve the communication between the backers and the booth, I support it.
  17. They should release Burfict and Jones tomorrow. That was a disaster.
  18. When did the "because it's Buffalo" syndrome start in your opinion? That caught my attention - and it made me wonder what event made developed that mindset.
  19. Titans will more than likely be sold at some point in the next year or two. Beats investing a large, guaranteed contract in a new coach that the new owner may not want.
  20. Presentation is 90% of the sale.
  21. An interesting perspective. http://rightlydesigned.com/why-drudge-report-remains-the-all-time-best-designed-news-website/
  22. Ever since Borland/Willis, I'm convinced that players on their own time and money are getting checked for CTE. Is it coincidence that UCLA discovered an approach to test for it in a living body in 2013?
  23. You've illustrated the problem. We need those definitions. We needed them 30 years ago. Why can't we define it? I personally am not talking about gun "confiscation". I'm talking about the mentally ill not easily obtaining firearms in the first place. I'm talking about having a background check anytime you purchase a firearm. And a waiting period. I don't see the craziness in it. I own dozens of firearms. Needed a background check for every single one of them here in Pennsylvania. "Unintended consequences are a B word." That sounds like a movie soundbyte to me. Please provide me an example of a disastrous consequence of a background check.
  24. It's taken nearly eight years but for the first time, I agree with something the President is doing. I do not understand the reluctance to close background check loopholes. I do not understand the reluctance to deny the mentally ill access to weapons. I think the NRA is completely wrong on both these issues and have been for a long time. I know for some the idea of the mentally ill individual going on a rampage is a "newer" phenomena. Sadly, it isn't. The one that sticks in my memory the most is San Ysidro event in July 1984. I read the details of that event in an after action report and never forgot it. I think part of the problem of why some people are tone deaf to this issue is because we sanitize the events so we don't offend sensibilities. If the general citizenry had to face and marinate in the horrific details of these events, I don't think there would be such push back on keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill.
  25. My guess it will be modeled after U.S. Bank Stadium. It won't be a dome. Fixed, translucent roof stadium with a massive bank of facade windows. I'd love a Heinz Field type of stadium personally but the weather in Buffalo would massacre that grass field.
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