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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Aikman is in the wrong decade as a broadcaster. He's a throwback to the late 80s and early 90s. I still don't know what Skip Bayless brings in terms of talent. He and Stephen A. Smith were so annoying together that they nearly destroyed the planet with a black hole of irritation.
  2. I think she has multiple serious health conditions. Although it's been laughed at as ridiculous, I think both he (Bill ) and she have Parkinsons Disease and not because that dumbass drug guy said it. My grandfather had Parkinsons for twenty years and Bill and Hillary have all the symptoms - the falls, trembling, unsteadiness, the coughing, the odd memory lapses. All unfortunate signs of progression of the disease. I think he gets his treated much better than she does because he's got the time and a little more privacy. The dopamine infusions explain her periods of rest and why she is noticeably sharper at times - more than likely after such an infusion. I expect her to go into hiding right before each debate to get one. My problem is that the Democratic Party knows they are supporting a very sick person for President. As I've said in previous posts, I think if elected, she lasts a year and then it's President Kaine.
  3. She has every intention of running out the clock to Election Day and taking her chances. If she wins, she skates. That's Plan A. If she loses, Obama will pardon her somehow, someway on his last day in office. That's Plan B. Don't get your hopes up that this 68 year old grandmother who happens to be aformer President's wife, former senator, former secretary of state, former nominee for President will spend a single day in jail. Never going to happen. The best you can hope for is that enough of the electorate realizes she's the most corrupt Presidential candidate in the nation's history who was married to one of two Presidents that were actually impeached - and makes Nixon, derided as THE most corrupt President to date, look amateur. She loses the race and goes back to making speeches and living out her years in Martha's Vineyard.
  4. I agree. Ironically, much like college overall today, it's failing to prepare these guys for careers in the so called "real world". I think as a result, you'll see a lot more of the Aaron Rodgers template where NFL QB picks absent that once in generational talent sit for seasons to learn the job.
  5. As a Cards fan, there is worry that he too is 2015 Peyton Manning. The Cards are overrated because despite being a complete team in all other phases, he's been a disaster since last year's playoffs and there is NO ONE to back that position up should he be injured or run out of the state of Arizona.
  6. If she goes, I'll be surprised. She won't risk going on someone else's turf unless the entire proceeding is scripted and there is written agreement to sticking to the script. And of course, she's fully rested for the performance. She's already lost the initiative. He's been there done that. I think these visits to Louisiana and Mexico are turning the tide in the race in Trump's favor because he's doing things that Presidents should do. If he walks into Detroit and it goes well, she's in bigger trouble than the media or her campaign will admit. The picture yesterday was bad. He's in Mexico after all he's said about the border...and she's doing the canned, safe speech at the American Legion.
  7. Tom Brady in 2016 becomes 2015 Peyton Manning on the field. Tony Romo retires before season end. Chip Kelly resigns from the 49ers mid-season to return to college football.
  8. She can't take days off at a time to "rest" when she's President. If the campaign trail has worn her out, it's nothing compared to the rigors of that office. Take a look at how Clinton, Bush and Obama all looked after eight years there. Young men who aged dramatically. I'd offer that Tim Kaine finishes out her four years should she become President and that will be the big story. Yes, Hilary would be the first woman President but I think she lasts for a year before everything is disclosed and she makes a graceful exit stage left. I think she and a lot of people want her to be President so badly that they have willfully hidden that she's an elderly person who has serious medical issues that caught up to her years ago.
  9. Picked the Bills. Most complete team of the four teams offered.
  10. Yet another member of the media that has conveniently forgotten recently that Chris Borland is free to choose what he wants to do with his life living in the United States. People leave careers all the time. Sometimes you get sick of it and you want to do something else. Good for you. Good for him.
  11. Question: How many Bills fans see Tyrod and go "Oh hey, that's the Bills starting black quarterback." I bet very few. The better question is why is the national media going out of its way to make the "black quarterback is unique!" happen in 2016? There have been quite a few African American quarterbacks since the days of Doug Williams and Randall Cunningham. Why didn't anybody make a big deal about Thad Lewis?
  12. No doubt. One look at that picture and it made me sad that many days he's alone at the end of the table, surrounded by tables full of kids. The Daily Mail runs articles on kids who have nobody show up to their parties (equally tragic) fairly often. These kids are your average American kids. They aren't some kids in rural Slovakia surrounded by farm animals and tractors that you can't relate to. I know there are folks that will say "oh he's autistic that's why!" and "oh, it'll teach him the hard realities of life" but I tend to think that sitting alone eating your lunch as a 6th grade child day after day has lasting effects on the future adult this young man becomes and that hurts. These stories and the stories about the 12 year old kids committing suicide because of bullying really punch me in the nuts.
  13. 10-6 It won't be easy. A 3-1 quarter to get everyone excited, followed by a 1-3 quarter, a 2-2 quarter and ending with a 4-0 quarter with the team sensing the apocalypse is nigh should they fail.
  14. Don't post often but this story made me feel good. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3766922/FSU-football-player-eats-lunch-student-sitting-alone.html
  15. Fans need to stop thinking about football players like it's fantasy football or Madden. Greg Hardy has serious mental and emotional issues that he's been unable to control. These issues plagued him in Carolina and ruined his career in Dallas.
  16. Aaron Williams. I think they cut Aaron Williams because of his health. The team doesn't want to be part of that catastrophic injury that feels like it's right around the corner. He's already used up his good luckcard with the last neck injury.
  17. I voted no. The Bills don't need another player battling the addiction demons.
  18. I think you've got a valid argument. If they put tires on your car that are outside the OEM specs, they should swap them out and they should have told you that when you signed the paperwork at the dealership. TBH, I feel like you got burnt by the "oh no, we're all out of the *right* tires so we'll just throw these on instead."
  19. I'd be very surprised this show survives for a fourth season. It's too expensive and lame to drag it out to syndication. This show took the irreversible turn towards blandness when it made the extremely not bright children the center of the plot.
  20. He reminded me of A-Train. I figured he was in trouble when he showed up so overweight. You don't hear too often today stories about NFL players coming into camp overweight. The NFL season is year long for players who are committed to making it a career.
  21. Free trade (NAFTA, TPP) is a DOA topic in many parts of the country.
  22. My question: What did the Clintons do to the Russians? Either he or she did something terrible to that country or those in charge of that country. IMO, the Russian hacking and saber rattling comes across as a patient, well timed, well planned, mission against her.
  23. If I'm the Bills I trade MD this offseason. Hopefully he has a great season and they can sell and get good value. There is serious trouble here and the Bills have to decide whether they want to go down the Josh Gordon route with him. There is little expectation IMO that it's going to go anywhere but this sad route.
  24. These guys go out of their way to part with their millions and career.
  25. In many respects, the Eagles are the worst team in the NFL eclipsing the Browns and even the weird 49ers. They get a pass somehow. They've been poorly run back to the post 2004 Super Bowl Andy Reid days. Multiple, often consecutive years of poor drafts, extremely poor coaching decisions (Wide Nine!, Chip) and bad or bizarre free agent acquisitions have buried the franchise into a big rebuild.
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