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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. I'd fire Roman today. That's my proposed change. I don't know why it is so hard to emulate what made McCoy successful in Philadelphia. I don't know why he got cute and abandoned what worked last year.
  2. If that offense lays another egg and the Bills lose, I think Greg Roman gets the Turk Schonert treatment.
  3. I love when people say the world is "safer". It's never been safe. The only thing that changes is how one defines the danger because it's EVERYWHERE. IMO, the Iranians are at the lower end of the "danger" list. I'd put drug cartels, gangs, desperate junkies, Islamic terrorists, pedophiles, cancer and heart disease at the top of my list of things that make the world less safe.
  4. I'd bet Goff isn't terrible. It's more about Jeff Fisher being stubborn because in his mind he's still coaching the 90s Titans. He sat Steve McNair for two years and that turned out well so he'll sit Goff too. I think Jeff Fisher lost his way when McNair died. That's just my opinion of course, but I think that hit him hard. Hasn't been the same since.
  5. I don't understand Rex's thought process on this one. (I say that more and more.) You'd think he'd want to keep the weight down for his own health and safety. He should support his brother getting gastric bypass if the conventional methods of weight loss and lap band didn't work. Belly fat is lethal - and it's potential for mayhem only increases with age.
  6. "Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio, a gap that underscores the Democrat’s challenges in critical Rust Belt states after one of the roughest stretches of her campaign." That's better than you think for Trump considering that Kasich has done absolutely zero campaigning on his behalf in that state.
  7. The short answer is no. The game evolved too fast for the Bills organization and the organization itself was slow to change. They hired personnel in the 00s that were or would have been great in the 90s NFL like Donahoe or a Gregg Williams. Jeff Fisher is another current guy caught in the time warp. He's never stopped coaching the 1998 Titans and that's why the Rams are terrible. We were successful in the 90s because we were ahead of the curve at that point. Teams were still playing 80s football when Butler and Levy rolled out personnel and strategy that was ahead of its time.
  8. Really? I think she wants out of the White House more than he does.
  9. Nobody in that party has the balls or the numbers to tell the Clintons to take a seat. This is the Clinton family's last hurrah. I think Biden is done. He's 73. He strikes me as a guy who's ready to go home and do some speeches, write some books, do some talk shows.
  10. That assumes she has no more medical episodes and no more gaffes as a result of her health. And makes it through the debates that will require a lot from her. And the lies about what's going on don't get so outrageous nobody believes them. That's the minefield here. So many people today take care of their parents or have grandparents her age and they know when somebody's sick and when they are not. I'm one of those such people. What I see and what I'm being told don't gel. For someone who's so scripted she's nearly robotic, the "deplorables" comment was surprising. IMO, I don't think a healthy Clinton says that within 10 feet of a microphone.
  11. I realize it is Hilary's "turn" but the Democrats will lose the election if they keep propping up an obviously frail, ill 68 year old woman. What happened yesterday wasn't some case of pneumonia. What gave it away before the incident was that she was conspicuously the only one wearing sunglasses during the ceremony. Guaranteed you see her disappear for 2-3 days before each debate for infusions just like she's taking two days off all of a sudden.
  12. I hope that Rex saved something for Thursday. He has owned the Jets. Should the Bills lay the same egg they did today in the home opener, he's going to get fired. Today was pretty bad.
  13. Two schools of thought Owners want the Bills as Super Bowl winners. Apex of success and the Pegulas would be in a poor position to be cheap after finally getting to the top of the mountain. Flip side - Owners want the team super competitive but not win it all. Keeps the Pegulas from saying "well we won, box checked" and get complacent about the definition of success going forward in a stadium that doesn't make money. While 90% of this is tongue in cheek, the other 10% of me wouldn't be surprised in the least to see the Bills amazingly successful this year. Why? The NFL is a private enterprise in the entertainment business. It can tell whatever story it wants to.
  14. With my NFL conspiracy hat on, this is the perfect story to fuel the narrative. You see, the ideal narrative is for the Bills to have a 2015 Carolina Panthers season. Be so surprising, be so convincing, be so dominating that it is an amazing, feel good, uplifting story that is impossible not to like. Redemption for the Ryans. They stay in the league. Playoffs for sure. Invigorated fan base. Tons of pressure ratcheted up on the Pegulas and the state for that new stadium. And nothing else matters.
  15. If the Democrats wanted a moderator to attack - their chances went out the window with Lauer. Holt is a lightweight and unlike Lauer, he's too new in that job and he needs it. I think he's going to get owned by both Clinton and Trump. Further, most of these "journalists" who were selected to moderate don't want to suffer Candy Crowley's fate. (Seen her lately? Nope.)
  16. Once teams get tape on him, he's in trouble. Carolina was at a disadvantage of going up against a quarterback that had never played a *real* NFL game.
  17. I think way too many people watched the West Wing and mistook it for a reality show. The world is full of dictators, bullies and thugs. Always has been. Today, one is literally a petulant sociopath child with nuclear weapons. This isn't a world long for eloquent diplomacy. It's more for gunship/battleship diplomacy. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have been on the wrong side of history a lot. Clinton missing Al-Qaeda. Bush with his Iraq circus. Obama with his Egyptian, Libyan, Iranian and Syrian circuses.
  18. Maybe in Madden. Nobody has been afraid of Mike Wallace since he was with the Steelers. Nobody is ever the same after a torn Achilles.
  19. Bills 28 Ravens 10 Don't be surprised - it'll be a lot like last year's Week #1 vs. the Colts. Bills play with something to prove and Rex has them ready to play.
  20. I didn't pick Seattle to go far in the playoffs because I feel their patchwork offensive line will increasingly betray them as the season goes on.
  21. Are candidates permitted to wear earpieces at debates? The earpiece is just more evidence that there is a massive apparatus working very hard to keep her upright, alert and looking the part.
  22. Cardinals and Bengals. Barring injury, the Bengals are the AFC's most complete team. If Dalton hadn't been injured, they would have been in that Super Bowl last year. I think the Cardinals get just enough out of Carson Palmer.
  23. If your company/business drug tested you and all your coworkers, how many of you would be sitting out a week? My point is that if you applied NFL rules to average workplaces on domestic violence, crime, drug use, I bet the NFL would actually do better than your company.
  24. That made me laugh out loud.
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