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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. They had to go long on Negan violence because the Governor character and storyline was underwhelming. Otherwise it's Rick and the Battlin' Milita knocking off the villain of the week.
  2. My one contribution: Their defensive game plan did not take Miami's running game seriously. The game plan looked a lot like last year's game plan. I'm not calling Dennis Thurman lazy but I think he stuck with what worked because it worked well last year. If the defense contains the run yesterday, it is a Bills win.
  3. TS-19 is still my favorite, probably because it appeals to my enjoyment of science fiction. It delivered the kick to the nuts and hopelessness without the gore. Don't forget that "New" Jack Bauer and Tara are out in the world somewhere in addition to Morgan and Carol.
  4. Isn't it ironic that Trump is getting blasted for wanting to have a dialogue with the Russians? In other decades, that gets you a peace prize.
  5. When it comes to polls, there is no apples to apples comparison. While poll methodology makes the brain of the average American bleed, it matters how you ask the questions, to whom, sampling error, etc. That's why you can have such wild swings - Clinton is up 7 points in Poll X but in Poll Y, Trump leads by 3. Here is an article on how the polls fared in the 2012 election. I've added the link to the most accurate poll from 2012 based on that article. http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/10/which-polls-fared-best-and-worst-in-the-2012-presidential-race/?_r=0 http://www.investors.com/politics/trumps-1-point-lead-holds-despite-debate-uproar-ibdtipp-poll/
  6. This *might* be a surprisingly civil debate that will confuse everyone afterwards. This debate has an experienced moderator. Both candidates have every reason in the universe to talk about "boring" issues. She doesn't want to touch any of the Wikileaks stuff and he doesn't want to get wrapped into 90 minutes more of dealing with the groping accusations. They both want voters to turn out to vote for them. He's being coached to stay on message. She's being coached to run out the clock and make it a fast 90 minutes and get out of there.
  7. If I'm Trader Doug: I'd see what the Jets want in return for Forte.
  8. They should start Petty or Hackenberg to see what they've got. Couldn't be worse. The season is over at 1-5.
  9. His next stop is being a college head coach IMO.
  10. He looks bored playing football.
  11. You know she has no choice. Her body will betray her on the debate stage without treatment and rest.
  12. Best thing about last night's games were the Broncos helmets. They should get rid of the new age horse and run with those.
  13. The 2020 GOP candidate isn't around yet. All of those names don't stand a chance. The theory that the GOP will magically go back to establishment politics is wishful thinking. If the HRC economy makes the Obama economy look dynamic, that GOP candidate will be from business again, not politics. If HRC gets the United States into foreign affairs that make the Bush administration look competent, it'll be a person with military or foreign affairs experience. I think both Trump and Clinton are one term presidents. I don't think either of them will opt to run for a second term.
  14. There is very little chance HRC is healthy enough or avoids impeachment long enough for a second term. Democrats are thinking they are voting for this super healthy, super energetic, super principled Madam Secretary and Josiah Bartlett mix which I find hilariously naive. The Democrats won't rue the day the first elected female was a Democrat. They will rue that they chose that person.
  15. What about the status quo is "good" in your opinion? What about the last 16 years has been great? Clinton is the hybrid of Bush and Obama. She has Bush's desire for war and intervention and Obama's desire for liberal social engineering. IMO, a Clinton presidency *is* the full blown tank you speak of. I'm no fan of Trump on a personal level but I'm voting for him because the establishment status quo by both sides is the living nightmare for a lot of people, regardless of race and income.
  16. He's not the same guy he was. Skinnier, less muscle, new coach, crappier team, all the drama and to boot, hasnt played meaningful football in a while.
  17. I think the Democrats are content to run out the clock and the last thing they'd do is provoke Trump into going after Bill. That's why I think you'll see the Clinton rhetoric about women go away as we close in on that third debate. She doesn't want the last debate to be spent defending the indefensible and have the optics of trying to laugh and quip her way out of topics like rape, affairs, etc. IMO, she looked terrible smiling all the time about Bill's past and her emails - as if the women in the front row were all liars. I agree too that Trump didn't want to really go after Bill either, partially out of the fact that both men had their kids there and that at some point, Trump and Clinton were friends. That's why I think the GOP sat on this tape and deployed it themselves. Aren't you surprised it didn't come out in the primaries?
  18. Two thoughts I had watching the debate: The GOP did the tape to push Trump into going after Bill and her. I think judging by the first debate, he wasn't going to go there. Just needed a little push because they knew the Democrats couldn't resist walking into it. I bet you in this upcoming debate she will do her damnedest to stay positive and Bill won't be there for whatever reason they make up. She can't hang with Trump in a slugfest with Fox moderators.
  19. Her attempts to laugh off everything are going to backfire. She may not take him seriously. However, you look at the faces of their little crowd there and there was no laughing, smirking.
  20. She will have us in a hot war in Syria by the end of January 2017. "Russian aggression"
  21. I remember impassioned debates on here about Tyler Wilson.
  22. I think it's also the reason the Hilary Clinton brand is really not her at all anymore - it's various little armies of staffers with no primary leader. They don't communicate with each other and that's why you have an inordinate amount of sloppiness because Abedin controls X, Mills controls Y, DNC controls Z and Bill doing whatever the hell he wants - with all having a central interest in "Hilary Clinton: The Idea".
  23. With Reagan? Alzheimer's. With Clinton, I'm of the opinion she and he (Bill) both have progressing Parkinson's Disease. He's better because he's largely off the campaign trail and get treated for it as he should. She's not so lucky. She has all the tells that my grandfather had as he battled the disease for 20 years. ALL of them. Her days of seclusion before debates fits with the treatment protocols for the disease - namely slow drip infusions, rest and a few days for the medications to work because you don't see the effects immediately. The infusions make anyone suffering from Parkinson's look like a million bucks for a little while and calms down they haywire motor control functions. Her race for President is a personal race against time. The last ditch effort to accomplish what she's always wanted.
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3826369/Creepy-clown-gets-beat-baseball-bat-tries-scare-group-friends-hanging-car.html Somebody got the bat.
  25. I have been (and remain) a supporter of offloading him this off-season.
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