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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Want: Adams, Safety Don't Want: Any QB Dark Horse: Howard, TE Think: Lattimore, CB
  2. Eh, you could say the same for All-Pro Bacarri Rambo that day too.
  3. Renovation Realities on DIY. I enjoy watching people and their plans undone by a lack of patience. Lady Gaga. Have always had a thing for her.
  4. I don't have an issue with his protest. I do have an issue with his diet/conditioning and dedication to the game, which I find lacking. He fell off the tracks with no Jim Harbaugh around and the Bills already have their hands full with Dareus.
  5. No to trading back. No to trading back for a quarterback.
  6. I agree. Might be where he turns sides. The most interesting character by far this season has been Simon. The actor who plays the character, Steven Ogg, has a talent at playing mustache twirling bad guys.
  7. Aaron Maybin gets my vote. I don't fault the Bills for picking Mike Williams however. I recall that both he and Bryant McKinnie were both considered can't miss offensive line prospects.
  8. Stephen A. Smith is carving out quite the niche as an actor on General Hospital.
  9. I will make a prediction. Rex will last exactly one year. He won't like the neutering surgery that ESPN requires of it's so-called "opinionated" talent. I'm convinced they gave Mike Ditka an actual lobotomy. Now, you can yell and wear suits one size too small but you can't say anything "bad" about the NFL, it's teams or its players.
  10. I liked it, didn't love it. I would have preferred more action, less family drama. The finale was weird. All that...for that? Eh. Bad guys ended up being your run of the mill generic terrorist guys. Between 24, Homeland, Six etc., TV needs to invent some new bad guys. You can only do so much Jihadi, Chinese or "Russian Mob" bad guys before it gets boring.
  11. 1. Red helmets 2. Old end zones 3. The season opener would be a handout of the 90s-era Bills hats. 4. Fred Jackson leading the charge. In uniform. There you go. Secret plan unmasked.
  12. The Bills signed who they wanted to sign. If they wanted Justin Hunter back, they would have squared that contract away already. That being said, I expect Justin Hunter back on the Bills for opening day.
  13. What's your take? Think it's saber rattling or something more? Is the "training exercise" the public cover of a military buildup? Would the Chinese tacitly approve the removal of Kim Jong Un? Would the United States remove Jong Un with the understanding that the Communist government would remain but under leadership selected by the Chinese? Would we wait for the North Koreans to strike first?
  14. Rachel Maddow=Candy Crowley=Dan Rather She did a number on her own personal career last night with that spectacle. I think the same thing will happen with this obsession with the Russians. They will investigate Trump and find only evidence of Democrats, especially the Clintons, doing what they think Trump did.
  15. Agreed. Jericho fell victim to a weak knee network that loves it's storytelling as vanilla as possible. False flag attacks, nuclear weapons, civil war was way above the pay grade of CBS executives in those early days post 9/11. I think the scene with the melon would have been more effective if the Saviors hadn't shown up to collect it after all. The cost of the war will be high for the Saviors. To drive home the cost, I'm sure the show will mow down all the "decent" Saviors first.
  16. I still see Hawkins (his character in Jericho) when I see Lennie James in anything. You know the relatively calm, level headed Savior is going to be the first to die.
  17. I like the signing without reservation.
  18. The Patriots paid great money for a good player. You generally shouldn't do that. NE/Gilmore reminds me of PHI/Asomugha. A good corner, asked to be great, and just isn't.
  19. I've noticed that with the closure of the BBMB and the immigration of fans to this board, the topic titles proposed by some have become woefully, sometimes hilariously short. Have to add some detail, folks.
  20. I think the biggest misstep to the Legacy series is that they didn't create a unique universe for the show that referenced all the stuff that happened in the original series. In a world where you had all that death and destruction and only one POTUS that served a full term, there's a lot of room for story. Shows that do create a unique "setting" (Person of Interest, The Man in the High Castle, Scandal, Designated Survivor, the Expanse, etc.) allows you to create fresh material.
  21. Anabolic steroids, no. I'd have no issues if the NFL made HGH legal, however.
  22. Professional wrestling today takes itself too serious, IMO. Believe it or not. I'm not a wrestling fan but the wrestlers of yesterday were more actors, less professional athletes. You legitimately thought Macho Man and the Ultimate Warrior were completely out of their minds. The guys today are more professional athletes than they are actors. Back in the day you had a guy with a parrot and gigantic snake (Koko B Ware, Jake Roberts), guys who's final move was cutting hair, (Brutus the Barber) guys who carried lumber as a weapon (Hacksaw), guys who carried instruments as weapons (Honky Tonk Man) and ridiculous Cold War stereotypes like Sergeant Slaugter, the Iron Shiek and Nikolai Volkov.
  23. I am but eh. They are using the same ol' plot devices, super goofy storylines (Carter's wife is the new Kim, quarreling gay coworkers, evil dad, etc.) and Islamic terrorists yet again. If this show takes place after all the Jack Bauer mayhem, consider all the nerve gas, atomic weapons detonated on American soil (at least two), and the numerous Presidents killed or arrested in Jack's time and you're going to have to do better than a truck bomb on a bridge by the hot little number in a van.
  24. John DeLancie was always "Q" from Star Trek no matter the show. No matter what Alan Rickman did, he was still Hans.
  25. The Expanse (one of my new favorite shows) has a ton of "hey I've seen you before..." actors and actresses. Miller is the Punisher (Thomas Jane) Fred Johnson is Tyrese from TWD Jean Pierre Mao is the doctor who was in all the films the survivors found on LOST Chrisjen Avarsala is the weird terror mom from Day 4 of 24 Lt. Sutton was Ed Lane from Flashpoint
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