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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. This is Jerry Jones being a cheap bastard. Can't release him for nothing, you know.
  2. To borrow a quote from the show - "I'm shocked as ****" Simon made it out of Season 7 alive. Thought for sure he was going to be eaten by a tiger or the turned Sasha. I'll call my shot now - Jadis dies by garbage truck next season.
  3. I expect early success, yes. The Pats have very little business intelligence on McDermott at this point and that's their bread and butter. If you want to know just how good they are at it, the second half of the last Super Bowl tells you. They had years of experience playing Rex Ryan. Rex never changed his scheme so it wasn't too hard to figure out. McDermott will be more of a challenge, at least at the outset.
  4. I vote against trading down. I want Whaley to focus on getting the team one quarter versus trying to get it right with two dimes and the nickel. Plus, I'd never give an AFC competitor a Top 10 pick.
  5. Pretty much EVERYTHING on ABC, NBC and CBS. Whether it's comedy or alleged action or drama, it's all so vanilla, predictable and boring. You almost feel it's deliberate. Only exception is Scandal because 1) is the ridiculously attractive Kerry Washington and 2) they've done everything from shooting down airlines to shooting Presidents. A specific show: Treehouse Masters: Can't stand the guy and can't stand all the uppity adult homeowners building tree houses for themselves. Three quarters of those idiots don't even have children.
  6. These guys have all the money, fame and opportunity and still manage to find themselves at the bar, early in the morning, getting into needless trouble. Is life that boring, that sad, when there are no obstacles, no mission, no hunger?
  7. They hired the ESPN talent guy? There's little talent there. He reminds me of Kevin Nealon's character in Happy Gilmore.
  8. I have a feeling there will be Chuck Norris or John Wayne memes coming soon for Sean McDermott. I personally hope for 1980s era WWF interviews where he rips the microphone out of the reporter's hands and yells at the television screen.
  9. Ames was the trailblazer of terrible decisions and company implosion long before Kmart and Sears went and copied the blueprint. Ames shot itself when it purchased the Zayre stores. Just like Sears found out with Kmart, buying losers just makes you a loser too.
  10. I wonder if there is a metric on player rotation during a game and whether that has increased in recent years. To me, being the "starter" means less and less with the increased interest of teams rotating in players often to fit a certain play, scheme, point in the game, or just rest. I don't think any of these linebackers are going to necessarily be on the field all the time. You'll see a heavy rotation of players at each of the three spots. I don't see the Bills drafting the classically defined "linebacker." I foresee them drafting a strong safety they can convert to LB.
  11. Doug Whaley is a fine pro scout. He's done some amazing work with free agents and trades. Unfortunately, it's the rest of the GM job he hasn't been good at.
  12. Mark Kelso's wife attended my church. The congregation all became Bills fans, including yours truly. I recall him attending a few times.
  13. Every single person in Congress is one big failure. Biggest collection of failures in the entire United States. Eight years to think about changes about how to make it all work better for the average person. Democratic President, Democratic Congress create and pass a crap plan. Republican President, Republican Congress can't agree on how to fix the crap plan. Crap plan keeps on being crappy.
  14. It's an art, not a science. I only speculate that scouts fall in love with athletes first, football players second. Their elite athleticism compensates for their lack of hard and soft football skills at the college level. An over-reliance on "metrics" can blind you to the lack of necessary skills that they need to be successful at the professional level. The Bills especially have been enamored with athletes that are terrible football players. (J.P. Losman, James Hardy, Aaron Maybin, E.J. Manuel, Marques Goodwin and C.J. Spiller come to mind.)
  15. Jericho, CBS: The show's heaviness of nuclear bombs, false flag operations and the Second American Civil War were too heavy of topics for CBS, pre Walking Dead era. Show had some superb writing and actors. Person of Interest, CBS: Level 400 TV watching about the dangers of sentient artificial intelligence and the ability and often inability, to control it. Lights Out, FOX: Lasted only a season but was about a washed up boxer one punch away from being seriously injured but can't resist getting back into the ring.
  16. ESPN is the Sears of sports media. They know it but can't come to grips with it. Their business model and brand are dying. Telltale sign is this wholesale insertion of the cheaper on-air talent and increase of the cheap talking head airtime. They need "somebody" to say a lot of "something" so why not get it at the cheapest price point possible.
  17. We really should stop discussing this guy's "reporting" about the Bills.
  18. Domestic violence is not a "one time" thing. There's no such thing as "I just punched her that ONE time." One day you're Joe Mixon or Ray Rice or Josh Brown. Another argument, another bad mood, you're Rae Carruth. I think the NFL's sensitivity to this issue lies in what they know happens and has happened with players and this issue - and what the fans do not. The NFL took rather severe "indirect" action against Rice and Brown - and that tells me Mixon isn't going to play in the NFL.
  19. Hey if NFL owners aren't giving Kaepernick a chance over some kneeling and social commentary, there is no way that they are going to bring aboard a guy who's on film punching out a woman. My prediction: No NFL team will draft or sign him. They don't want the hassle or the baggage.
  20. They torture al Qaeda prisoners in some black site prison with an endless loop of Mike and Mike saying "Subway Fresh Take Hotline". Then they move onto Dixie and the Midnight Runners.
  21. Any word on eliminating the ESPN and Fox Sunday shows? How about all the announcers? How am I supposed to make truck buying decisions without Denis Leary and generic, non threatening bearded Chevy guy advising me 30 times per hour?
  22. At least it'd be different. Unfortunately the real life Islamic terrorists have made the TV ones look rather pedestrian.
  23. Whaley is ok. He's excellent with existing players - the trades and free agent signings. He's terrible with drafting would-be players. I've wondered if it were reverse, would we view his tenure differently?
  24. Giap made my list because there aren't many battlefield commanders with his resume - outlasting or beating back three world powers in three different decades with essentially the same peasant army with small arms. His adversaries, regardless of decade, had fancier hardware, more of it and it got deadlier with each adversary. He was also smart enough to know Vietnam was enough. Agreed on Grant. I picked Petersburg because that was the decisive battle for Richmond, and thus the war. So long as Richmond survived, the war would continue.
  25. Some consideration for: Erich von Manstein: Perhaps the "best" overall general in 20th Century warfare. Vo Nguyen Giap: Outlasts the Japanese, beats the French and United States over three decades in Vietnam. Ferdinand Foch: French General, World War I - he saves the Allied bacon three times - at both battles at Marne and the one at Somme. Ulysses Grant: Terrible President, but he saves the Union from certain battlefield defeat but IMO, his most important battle was at Petersburg
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