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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. They aren't even doing that - Sports Reporters ends next month.
  2. All of these people got cut for a simple reason. They don't yell nearly enough. You don't see Stephen A. Smith unemployed do you? ESPN is doomed. I doubt it'll be around in 2022 to renegotiate the contract. Signs of irreversible decline are everywhere. Their website is even garbage.
  3. I'm uneasy about the owners being, from appearances, all in on a rookie coach who hasn't won a single NFL game yet. Is it any different from being all in on the Rex Ryan phenomena? Perhaps a Whaley departure has nothing to do with the culture of personality that is obviously Sean McDermott, but if it does, wow, does it seem premature on ownership's part.
  4. "Come out to the stadium, we'll get together, have a few laughs..." This really is sold with Terry Pegula in an air duct with a lighter, dressed as John McClane in Die Hard.
  5. If anything, the signing of MG will show whether analytics is real or fake news. Based on all the articles I've read on their offer, Pats went after MG based on the recommendation from their stats department.
  6. I'm not saying they won't eventually get there and make a decision. It's the process and the fact they do everything by committee that is the issue IMO. I also think he, she or they (depends!) hates firing people to the point he'd rather not do it despite overwhelming evidence that supports a change. If you were the owner, would you have waited so long to fire Ryan, knowing the shenanigans that were going on? I don't think he got fired for the record but all of the behind the scenes nonsense that later came out. If record was a real performance metric for a team that hasn't seen the playoffs in so long, Doug Whaley would have been fired already.
  7. I don't think Terry Pegula is too strong of an owner. I think he's too weak of one. He is not a guy who comes across as the "buck stops here" sort who's confident in calling the shots and holding people accountable. He's no Robert Kraft. IMO, Pegula is not confident enough to decisively get rid of the institutional knowledge (Brandon, Overdorf, Berchtold), the clearly needs help (Whaley), the oafs that are stealing paychecks (Rex and Rob Ryan) or not having to consult with others who know just as much or less about football than he does (Kim). There are always rumors of "czars" and "football people" that have been consulted from Polian to Coughlin and he's never done a press conference by himself. I don't know if this MO has made him his millions and he's sticking to it or not. All I can say is it doesn't seem to be working for either of his sports teams.
  8. McCoy is an expensive tire on your car that goes flat in a snowstorm: MG is your full-size replacement that's ready to go - inflated with lots of tread. Slap it on and you're on your way. Rookie running backs are your questionably viable donut spare tire that may or may not have air and may or may not have good tread since you've never seen it and haven't ever used it. That's why you keep MG.
  9. He's not the worst. He's made average teams.
  10. Doug Flutie and Rob Johnson TOGETHER. You want the streak broken - this must occur.
  11. It wouldn't stun me to find out the Chinese blew up that rocket and have been the ones behind them often blowing up, veering off course, etc. If that rocket made it out of North Korean airspace, it'd be an invitation for a U.S. airstrike and/or missile strike. I recall reading somewhere, perhaps Jane's, that even if you take out the dictator the person, all that's left to take his place is elderly men in their 80s or the dictator's sycophants. He's executed EVERYONE else and there's no real "civil service" layer to keep things from a full on societal collapse.
  12. I voted no. The team is playing for 2017 and you're asking a GM to get several higher picks right in this scenario versus one high pick. I'd rather the Bills focus on getting #10 spot on with a guy who helps this year. I'd feel different if they didn't resign Taylor, Alexander and Kyle Williams retired.
  13. He's giving me the Clinton Presidency I didn't want at all - in some respects. You have a point on Gorsuch and the regulations.
  14. Don't forget - NATO is now no longer obsolete. (It's irrelevant even on it's own continent.) Yeah, he's in trouble. I voted for him and I haven't liked anything he's done since his first couple of executive orders. You'd like to think that with a Republican Congress he'd get stuff done but that's naive. There isn't a bigger bunch of losers in America than Congress. Biggest bunch of bedwetters when it comes to anything but a holiday proclamation or naming obscure infrastructure after somebody.
  15. I might be in the minority opinion here but I don't think the Bills will draft any QBs in the first four rounds. I think it's all deliberately visible posturing and misdirection.
  16. I don't see a red flag. He was wise to avoid needless confrontation close to draft day. Anthony McFarland is entitled to his opinion but Myles Garrett isn't required to validate it.
  17. I'm torn over his decision to take action. On one hand, chemical weapons use must be punished. On the other hand, nobody is going to win in Syria. It's Iraq - down to the Baath party and sectarian differences. Topple Assad and all you do is ferment a different kind of civil war. You can't destroy ISIS and Assad. It's an either/or proposition. The one's destruction makes the other stronger.
  18. My hopes for last season weren't high when I read he was gaining weight again just because of his brother. It was so weird, so illogical and so wasteful that I knew there were serious problems there that fans couldn't have known about. To me, something happened between season one and two because you get the impression mentally, he went off the rails a bit with his indulgence for vengeance or whatever coming at the expense of his employer.
  19. Honest question - for those that attend the draft, what makes that an event that you spend money and time on? Do you attend the entire draft or just the first round? Are there planned events, etc. that tv viewers don't see?
  20. New York state will never *let* the Bills leave. This isn't CA or MO. It'll come down to which one of the counties wants to play ball in the details of the financing and land development of the stadium.
  21. As the OP on this particular thread, I chose to put it on the main board because ESPN, the entity, has been the subject of many threads over the years on the main board. Besides, although she's known for covering the NBA today, she's been a beat reporter for the Bucs and Ravens prior to ESPN.
  22. I have no idea what the Dan Le Batard show is trying to do. That show would easily be in a UHF sequel.
  23. My tin foil hat reason: Their social media people only know or only want to know "social media" and they want to be able to manage it with phones, not laptops or tablets. Further, they can relentlessly fill social media with fluff pieces on the team and all their corporate sponsors and edit it all on the down low. Trust me, Hipster Steve puts message boards up there with Netscape, Geocities, AOL Online discs and dialup. All things he read about in college in chapters about the old timey Internet.
  24. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/04/05/sage-steele-replaced-on-espns-on-nba-countdown-amid-networks-decision-to-limit-political-commentary.html I wasn't aware any of this occurred. Replaced by Michelle Beadle, who increasingly looks like a person who hates her job.
  25. Jones knows Romo has zero trade value.
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