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Everything posted by dpberr

  1. Austin is an example of great athlete first, ok football player second.
  2. IMO, the Colts picking a QB that high would be quite "stiry."
  3. He's done. He's already made up his mind. They (Pats) might cajole another year out of him, but I think that's the ceiling.
  4. Rosen. Ive hired many people in my career and if there's one thing I can spot with pretty good accuracy is a quitters mentality in someone's personality. He's got it. Once the struggle becomes real, he's in full meltdown.
  5. Can't teach attitude and can't teach accuracy. I don't have the details like some of you guys got but I think spending a lot of capital on a QB who can't complete 60%+ in college or who have reputations for being "brats" isnt ideal.
  6. I'm a gun owner and an NRA member. I'm all for expanded background checks that'd include information on PFAs and involuntary commitments due to c&pd. I'm also supportive of a minimum 21 years of age to buy any firearm and every transaction gets a check, no matter what. None of those things restricts a law abiding citizen, a phrase often commonly used, from buying all the guns we'd like. What the NRA is doing isn't working. What the anti-gun folks are doing isn't working either. While they fight, the dangerously ill plot and wait for their moment.
  7. I wish this board would have its own Terry Tate that would visit the homes or offices where these crap speculation threads get started. This would end such threads.
  8. An inside look at a free agent visit.
  9. Weasel. Owners won't forget that.
  10. You can't play conservative football and hope to beat the Patriots. It's why the Dolphins won that MNF game and why the Eagles won tonight I admire Pederson because he rarely plays it safe.
  11. Taylor. He ended it.
  12. There's no scenario where that ends well for the Redskins. I see that attracting the ire of the owners *and* the union. A rare feat.
  13. More evidence that some people make an easy, straightforward job difficult because they are morons with no self control or discipline.
  14. If he really wants to create a different product that would get viewers, female athletes should tryout for teams just like the men. Same goes for officials. Won't compete with the NFL offering a similar product. It has to be a revolutionary product to stick around.
  15. BB eats predictable, gutless coaches. You have to keep the boot on the neck of BB all four quarters to beat him. Not sure how many years he's got to teach this lesson to the rest of the AFC, but apparently not enough yet.
  16. Will Justin Timberlake only do his SNL songs with Andy Samberg? He's got at least three, maybe four that he could roll out. Arguably his best work. Don't thank me NFL for boosting your halftime show ratings with my idea.
  17. Anything that'd suggest otherwise?
  18. Untreated mental illness will be the healthcare pandemic that AIDS only ever wished it could have been. What makes somebody do that? What makes parents chain their kids and let them shower once per year? What makes somebody shoot up places full of people? What makes somebody decide to commit suicide but also take the kids and the spouse too? What makes somebody abuse prescription drugs? Why are middle aged white men committing suicide in record numbers?
  19. The 1990s were the apex of western civilization.
  20. Heat was a Christmas time movie and at the time, Toy Story was #1 in the theaters and blowing everyone's mind. I'm hoping Mann takes his Heat prequel novel and makes a film of it at some point.
  21. If I'm the Bills, I pay him in 2018 and don't screw it up. You start screwing around with the salary or cut him, you're creating unnecessary, avoidable issues on a variety of levels. We just made the playoffs for the first time in nearly two decades. You don't cut the man who is arguably the face of the franchise and the engine to your offense.
  22. From his time in Arizona and Pittsburgh, you certainly get the impression he's an unlikable individual. I think that runs its course eventually. Getting into bar fights or "altercations" as a grown adult doesn't help your cause either.
  23. I recall seeing something like that, yes - they were part of the financial mix in that bid. That's why I call big shenanigans on his revisionist history.
  24. Absolutely. It's too irresistible a target for the clowns at headquarters. I'm sure there are some dbags in the NFL offices that have a *huge* problem with fans donating to obscure players and even more obscure foundations and charities. NFL Executive: "You know, fans should only be able to donate to one of *our* pet causes like the troops or breast cancer. We can't just let them donate to some guy named Tyler Boyd and his obscure nobodies in western Pennsylvania. Don't they realize troops! Veterans! Breast cancer!"
  25. Close second for me for DeNiro's work. I think the mid-90s was the high water mark of his career. Think about it - what movie has he done since Ronin in 1998?
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