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Everything posted by machinegun12

  1. I TOTALLY AGREE that Ryan Mallett has superb arm strength. But that is the only superior trait that Mallett has over Luck. Luck is extremely accurate (watch the first quarter of tonight's game again and just look at some of the windows he puts that ball in) and has amazing touch on his long balls. He is a very capable runner, which is a huge bonus given our offensive line struggles. He has incredible heart. A few weeks ago he ran down a CB down the sideline after being intercepted, had he not made that play it would have been a score. Tonight he was the lead blocker on a reverse field sweep and threw a block (well more got in the way of the defender) that led the RB to a 20-25 yard gain. He made an exceptionally athletic throw from a near sprint in the 3rd quarter that was right on the money on 3rd down that got them a 1st down. I've just seen him play 4 or 5 games this year and each time he just reaffirms what I've previously thought, only he adds to it. If he is available for us, I think we're fools to pass him up. You're proving my point. Mallett is a thrower. Luck is a passer. Mallett looks like a freak of nature throwing that ball. So did Jeff George.
  2. We would be a shoo-in.
  3. I haven't seen Ponder much at all, the one game I saw early in the season he looked AWFUL. I'm not going to judge him on one performance, I would love to hear people's opinion on him if they've seen him at any length. He seems to me like a guy that could be had in the 2nd or 3rd round from what I've heard... I think all that attention was based on potential and hype, he has yet at any point shown to me to be a QB at the next level. He struggles mightily in games vs tough competition, and that always turns me off about college QBs.
  4. When you said "she got mad and attacked her husband"...you don't mean that little whorebag and Merriman were married do you? If he married that little twit he just dropped a few levels on my scale (it's metaphorical...I don't really have a scale with people on it, it's more mental)
  5. I have seen a few of both Luck's and Mallett's games, and I've come to a conclusion. This is 1998 all over again. Luck is Manning. Mallett is Leaf. Period. If we have the 1st pick and Luck comes out, let's not over think this decision. I don't know if you're saying Newton is the better pro prospect or the better college player. I personally think that Luck's pro career is going to dwarf that of Newton's.
  6. Even if we win tomorrow we're still mathematically alive for the #1 overall pick.
  7. There have been a few high scoring games like this since the new OT rule took effect. I'm sure it was entertaining to watch, but CERTAINLY will NOT go down as an all-time classic. Neither one of the teams are ranked in the top 25, for crying out loud. Now Buffalo @ San Francisco...9-13-92...the Super Bowl that never was but should have been. That was an all-time classic (as far as a regular season game goes...that is). This was just two average college football teams taking a long time to find out who was better. And I saw, too, the amount of turnovers Michigan had in that game, it actually looks like they should have ran away with it if they were at all disciplined.
  8. I'm hoping he wears #55, and switches to #97, and changes his nickname from "Lights Out" to "Biscuit".
  9. The uniform change has not worked well for Buffalo, but I remember a big deal being made about the Broncos winning back to back titles right after they changed theirs, and how the Tampa Bay Buccaneers won one soon after their change. A little off subject, but thanks for reading. GO BILLS!!! Edit-I forgot to include the Patriots*, who drafted Drew Bledsoe the year they changed theirs, and since then have gone on to 3 titles and 5 Super Bowl appearances.
  10. Your sense of humor= EPIC FAIL
  11. I'm guessing there will be someone from the Bills organization picking him up. I sure hope they greet him.
  12. ...and Jay Cutler is a turnover machine. 2 reasons.
  13. I can't find the link right now...but I SWEAR I just read that Andrew Luck was going all Ochocinco and changing his name to Jandrew Luck...that's weird.
  14. I would give up a 3 game winning streak for a 1-15 season...with that win coming against...not the Patriots*...but the Pittsburgh Squealers. HATE THE STEELERS WITH A PASSION. The team is a well run, smooth oiled machine...but I live in the 'Burgh and the fans are god awful. GOD AWFUL. So I would love to walk into the gym on that Monday morning sporting the Bills hoodie I wear every Monday morning with a smile a mile wide. A man can dream.
  15. It's sort of like Andy Kaufman and his alter ego Tony Clifton, huh?
  16. It's the guy who helped pave the way to OJ's 2000 yard season...Jim Braxton.
  17. If he plays great, we franchise him and force him to drink the kool-aid.
  18. Only if you're injecting it.
  19. I sure hope you know I'm kidding... I'm skinny, It never stopped me from getting busy, I'm a freak.
  20. I, myself, am a binge steroid user. No, I cannot touch my arms to my side. No, I do not enjoy those crater-like tumors of pus on my back and shoulders. No, I do not like the fact that my balls are inverted. And yes, sometimes I wish I would not be dead at 37. But I can bench 705 lbs, and that, my friend, makes me sleep like throbbing ball of muscle every night. What this has to do with the OP is well beyond me.
  21. Sorry...got a little fired up...must have bit off and spit out that part where you said you knew it was meaningless...I honestly can't believe any "power ranking" would not have the Bills dead last right now. No matter how much better we've been competing and how poorly other teams are playing as of late, you can't move a winless team from dead last until they actually win, in my opinion. But yes, I can chuckle at the fact that it is the Cowgirls who dropped below us.
  22. Short term retrograde amnesia? Or just a stutterer?
  23. Living in Pittsburgh, Big Ben is generally percieved as an arrogant, demeaning scumbag who treats everyone like garbage. And now TWICE allegations have come out that he was accused of rape. That is a pattern of behavior in most people's eyes. Merriman kept a little money hungry whore from driving from his house drunk. No comparison. And (so far) Merriman hasn't shown that pattern of behavior. And it seems that he was very well liked in San Diego (from what I just read on a different thread) so he also doesn't seem to be a scumbag human being.
  24. Worst case scenario...we wasted some money this year. Best case scenario...he ressurects his career, decides he likes what he sees in Buffalo, signs an incentive laden contract, and is a long term solution at LB for this team. Sure hoping for the latter.
  25. Gotta love the optimism...lets worry about beating the Bears in Toronto this Sunday and build on it from there. By the way, the OP says Merriman will lead us to 9 straight wins, but he's not playing this week, so do you care to change that prediction?
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