An interesting question, especially considering they could meet in the SB this year. Some other classic SB QB matchups....
SB 32 (Favre, Elway)
SBs 27 and 28 (Kelly, Aikman)
SB 24 (Montana, Elway)
SB 19 (Montana, Marino)
SBs 10 and 13 (Staubach, Bradshaw)
It's actually pretty amazing how few Super Bowls have legendary QB matchups, and how even fewer of them were competitive ballgames.
My top 5 QBs all time (I've been watching football since 1988...when I was 11... so forgive my omissions of great QBs of the past...I'm ranking guys that I've actually seen play....I think it would be pathetic to put guys on that I've never seen perform other than on a few highlight reels):
1.John Elway (lost 1st 3 SBs despite the fact he virtually singlehandedly got them there)
2.Joe Montana (4 SB wins, made up for lack of physical skills by being a brilliant mind)
3.Peyton Manning (for being a priveleged kid growing up, is the hardest working QB you'll find)
4.Brett Favre (this season, at age 40, cemented his place as all time great, if he hadn't already)
5.Jim Kelly (over Dan Marino, 4 straight SB apps, was like having an off. coordinator on the field)
right up there for me...Marino, Aikman, S.Young