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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. I think realistic expectations should be. Kolb starts this season at qb and Manuel learns from the bench. Absorbs the game that way and let it mentally slow down for him. Manuel wins the job next season (or halfway through this year depending on how Kolb plays) Woods/Graham up their games season to season. The defense adjusts under new players and Pettine's system. Next year Manuel steps under center with a better team surrounding him then what we'll have this year. This way he doesn't come into a sub par team get hit a lot and become gun shy. On a better team next year he can take what he's learned mentally and physicaly start applying it. In all honesty next year we should have a shot at the playoffs. This year meh not so much
  2. Hunter has size/speed but one of the softest wr's. Would've really been interesting rd 3 had the chargers not taken keenan allen
  3. Seriously it sounds pretty classless coming from a fanbase who seems to pride themselves on being classy and community people to insult a young man and call him some of the garbage being slung around here smh. I like to know what makes Geno a punk/thug?!? Sure ok if you want to discuss his shortcomings as a qb prospect fine, but I don't ever recall Geno getting into trouble or being a negative influence.
  4. yeah but Negative Nancy's track record has been much better than Polly's as of the past decade +
  5. disagree. Brad Smith will still return kicks and be the 4th wr.
  6. Awesome pick would like to follow this up with Jordan Reed at our next pick
  7. F5'S http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05Gx_Am-9Vs
  8. If Britt can keep his head on straight sign me up. He's an immense talent from a football perspective absofriggenlutely. From a personal stance meh. How many chances can you give someone?
  9. yes all the time to bills/jets games
  10. Andy Reid's forte is offensive linemen. If he's looking to trade an offensive lineman you want no part of it.
  11. he's 6'6 340lbs I'm sure he fits in any scheme he wants to play in
  12. Bills cause I live in NJ and I'm not a Sabres fan. Although if the question was broadened to who upsets you more your hockey team or the Bills. Then my hockey team would def win this year as I'm past the point of expecting anything out of the Bills
  13. Whew that was a close one for Mario
  14. What excites me is seeing CJ Spiller are the primary ball carrier and not being told he was winded after a long run that results in him getting 7 touches a game. What worries me the most is the lack of any kind of Receiving depth. At this point teams will simply double up on Stevie and we have zero else at wr. No qb regardless of who it is would succeed with this receiving "core"
  15. I don't understand why this bothers people. It gives us a qb better than Tarvaris Jackson who can play for awhile until a rookie is ready. Better than being 1 injury away from Brad Smith playing quarterback for us lol
  16. I'll bite and not easily dismiss this. If my kid was gay I'd still love them because well they're my child.....However no parent in their right mind would not be worried about their safety regardless of their feelings about homosexuality. The stigma and ever real medical dangers that surround it. As a parent you want the absolute best for your child, and above all you want your child to love and be loved, but one must also realize the social fight that will go along with acceptance from others. However above all if you can't put aside your social view of homosexuality for the benefit of your child you pretty much suck as a parent. You don't have to agree with the lifestyle, but your blood will always be your blood
  17. Vick is a saint compared to what goes on at The Circus
  18. Or he could be one of the rare success post Achilles stories like Julian Peterson was
  19. Again it all depends on what one morally considers a "thug". Personally I lean on the side of someone who commits sexual misconduct/rape etc etc is more of a thug then a person who fights dogs. Both are repugnant but hurting a woman or child again this is just my opinion is the worst thing a person can do
  20. You make it out like he was only catching 17 balls a season prior to catching over 50. He caught 48 his second year in the league. Also let's not forget he was playing behind a pretty good te at the time in Chris Cooley who had 83 receptions in Fred Davis's rookie year. When Cooley was injured in 2009 Davis had 48 receptions starting the final 9 games of the season. When Cooley came back in 2010 Davis's production went down. If you want to nitpick the how's and why's go right ahead. Just don't overlook he was playing behind an elite te. Not every team with 2 good te's is NE who's gonna get each of them over 50 receptions a year. The only thing I'll agree with you here is him coming off his Achilles injury and the money, However assuming Davis is healthy and you want to forecast stats. We're looking at a guy who average wise will get you 40 receptions a year a little over 500 yards and a couple td's. Not really dumpster diving. Should we expect Tony gonzalez,antonio gates, gronkowski, witten type stats? Hardly. Would a combination of Davis/Chandler give the Bills there first legit duo of tight ends in over 20 years? Damn straight it would. Nothing about modernizing yourself to NFL offenses is "dumpster diving"
  21. +1 lol seriously. If Davis is healthy it's a no brainer
  22. what are we classifying as "thugs"? Criminal records, general misconduct, questionable morals, children out of wedlock?, cheating on your baby mom with another woman. If so my teams qb is Tom Brady
  23. It's on like a mofo part 2 The Gilmore addition
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