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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Dareus needs to be benched so does George Wilson "Or he can just stand there" unreal smh
  2. Can we bench Dareus, Sheppard,Aaron Williams. George Wilson,Barnett, Bradham. Kelsay ( yeah yeah I know vocal leader he still sucks on run defense) Pickspatrick as well?
  3. I'm all for less government in the everyday lives of American citizens. However unless your vehicle is taking part in races it should not have bumper stickers all over it.
  4. This. Ralph Wilson does not inspire winning. Not in the front office, not in the scouting department not in the coaching staff, or the players and at this point even the fans. I get it Ralph kept the team where it is. He is not a guy you think of when you look around the league at owners and their teams committed to winning, Football in WNY will survive long after Ralph is gone. Sell the team
  5. 1. Ownership 2. Front office 3. Scouting 4.Coaching 5. Lb's 6. corners 7. Qb 8. Wr's
  6. this defense is just attrocious
  7. I'd say one maybe both those drives that resulted in field goals result in touchdowns instead. People don't realize how big of a loss that is to this offense, but outside of CJ and Fred Nelson is probably the 3rd most important cog in the machine.
  8. I think the biggest area we miss david nelson is that 2 minute offense. It basically eliminates any over the middle catches that split the seems
  9. Hi my name is Rob otherwise known as Stealth and I support Ryan Fitzpatrick for this season, or until said time where we have a better option at quarterback
  11. I guess he's at the same level as Tom Brady as well
  12. I agree with this except for the last sentence. CJ Spiller like most runningbacks the more they touch the ball the more effective they are. The thing about runningbacks is you don't hide them. You especially don't hide their ability for the sake of "staying fresh". Spiller has rare talent that you just don't see in players. He's not only a game changer, he can very well be one of the best players in the NFL. It's no fluke that since he took over the job after Fred Ex got hurt last year till now that only Calvin Johnson, Ray Rice, and MJD have more total yards from scrimmage. Spiller is that great. This is not meant to be a slight at Fred. Fred in his own right is a #1 rb when healthy. Watching the Bills though I think it kind of hurts both of them to be used in tandem. It hurts the tempo of the offense, and slows them down. Spiller in this formula will come up with the bigger plays because of his raw talent. Where as Fred is that grinder who needs 25-30 carries a game but can get you 130-140 yards rushing and be the cog in the wheel. It was also no fluke that Jackson before he got hurt last year accounted for over 40% of the Bills offense and was the leading rusher in the league. If they can find a way to make it work as the season goes along awesome that's what we all want, but given the choice between a 30 year old very good when healthy runningback or the 25 year old Spiller who has all world potential. I'm going with Spiller
  13. The New Jersey Devils. Also being 28 it's been amazing watching the career of one of the greatest goaltenders of all time, as well as several hall of fame defensemen. I think outside of championships when you can look back and say "My team had so and so who was one of if not the best at what he did" that's something to look fondly on. I'm a yankee fan but I lost my luster for baseball years ago, so I don't really count them. College football there's a few teams I watch regularly. Could care less about basketball. All in all though as much as I love my hockey team nothing will make me happier as a sports fan then the day The Bills win a superbowl.
  14. this x's 1000. I thank god I never got involved in that lifestyle, but a couple of very good friends around me did and I watched them slowly destroy their lives to the point where I couldn't be friends with people I knew since childhood. At the end of the day you're not gonna stop unless you want to, but they shouldn't be punished the same way common criminals are. It doesn't stop the addiction and ruins their lives when they do get out and 9 times out of 10 will go right back to using.
  15. A lot of my friends listen to death metal. Personally I can't get behind it. Not the musician aspect cause some of the guitarists and drummers are supremely talented musicians. The part to me that takes zero talent is being a front man. I won't even give them the respect of labeling them a singer. Growling sounds and inaudible words into a microphone is not singing. To me that just doesn't take talent. Leave that nonsense out of the genre and it's def something I could get behind. I'm generally an indy/underground hip hop guy and rock listener. Although I'm open to listening to pretty much anything if there's a good tone and lyrics to it.
  16. Break out the Motts Apple Sauce. Alert Mary Wilson we're staying up till 9 tonight It's gonna be a fiesta
  17. I dont know about this gangnam style craze, but Mel B has become pretty damn hot over the years
  18. Buffalo is kind of a runningback factory. You had lower marquee players like Shawn Bryson who did a decent job in detroit. Antoine Smith, Sammy Morris, Travis Henry, Mcgahee, Lynch. Some guys with wait and see potential like Bell and White. Then obviously we have Fred Ex and Spiller. Now only if we could have that same kind of success at linebacker.
  19. 27 tds 20 picks over 4500 yards passing almost a 63% completion pct and that was without Vincent Jackson for most of last season. His overall play was down from the prior few years but that might have something to do with gates being injured getting older, Matthews being injury prone. Their oline sucking. Ron Rivera leaving their defense and special teams which cost them more games then anyone last year. Speaks far more to the failings of AJ Smith then the shortcomings of Rivers as a qb. Contrary to the status quo opinions. When players age, get injured the overall numbers of a qb regardless of who they are will go decline steadily. Rivers still put up high level elite numbers. This is a team who again didn't have Vincent Jackson most of the season last year. Sproles left. Their special teams cost them off hand about 4 games last season alone. Their defense has lacked. They've done nothing to help out the oline. Now they lose Jackson/Tolbert ask Floyd to step up and be the #1 and still deal with oline and defensive issues
  20. left out the part where I said he played in an afc championship with a torn pcl and injured acl, while the all star rb sat and sulked on the sidelines cause when healthy wasn't producing and still almost beat NE. Rivers would win games just like he did before if the chargers had a head coach worth a damn. Probably would've won Marty Schott a sb if AJ Smith could remove his ego from his anus
  21. It tells me that the Bills thought their prize free agent additions Anderson/Williams along with Kyle Moore who impressed the coaching staff would produce. It says that they recognized that this team needs depth with Anderson injured, and the overall lackluster performance. Look not at the former price tag, and look that we have a fresh body who's the locker room respects and is a vocal leader, and that the Bills probably made a business decision letting him go and a smart football decision bringing him back. That's football in a nutshell
  22. Are we really comparing Fitz to Rivers?!?! hahaha Career Totals 105 95.4 2044 3205 63.8 25536 243.2 8.0 171 83- Rivers Career Totals 63 75.6 1138 1927 59.1 12146 192.8 6.3 80 73- Fitzpatrick This was Rivers first 4 int game in his career. Rivers faults begin and end with the cockiest gm in football AJ Smith and Norv Turner. This is the same Philip Rivers who played in an AFC Championship against NE on a torn pcl and strained ACL while the great Tomlinson sulked on the sidelines. What comes off to people as being a cry baby is just not true. Rivers has heart to go along with being pretty damn talented
  23. Johnson didn't step down till may of 2009 after the season. Although he wasn't really so much involved in the playcalling and game prep at that point anyway. Still a bit of a non viable comparison. These eagle teams are not nearly as good as the early 2000 teams defensively that made them superbowl contenders. I don't doubt Reids ability as an offensive passing game guru. My issue with Reid is the whole game management, situational football and his ignorance of the running game. Also as we speak the eagles are the #31 scoring offense
  24. Depending on who you talk to Reid isn't as responsible for the Eagles Success as Jim Johnson was. It could also be argued the merits of Reid as a talent evaluator and who actually built the eagles. A lot of people are of the opinion that it was Tom Modrak. Johnson himself is responsible for the coaching careers of Spags, Ron Rivera, Leslie Frazier among others, The Eagles defense has not been the same since he was diagnosed and rest his soul ultimately passed from cancer. The best d coordinator this league has seen outside of Lebeau.
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