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Everything posted by webtoe

  1. It was 2007, and thankfully they went 18-1. A story later came out in that season that during a Bills game which of course they were winning by a large margin, in the 4th quarter, McDaniels called a run play, and Brady changed the call at the line and through a bomb to the Moss for a TD. I don't know where you live, but living in Massachusetts I hav had plenty of opportunity to listen to Brady's local interviews, and he is the biggest pompous ass. I guess I would like him as a player on my team, but I would never like him as a person.
  2. If the questions was "Who would you rather win a Super Bowl with?" The answer would be Fitz by a mile!
  3. It would put a knot in my stomach...until they started winning, but I would definitely take Brady.
  4. After the 2008 season, I don't know how you can think that.
  5. Didn't he go under the knife for his injury last year? If so, you would have thought they would have caught anything congenitive at that point. If it is something that has come up all of sudden, it could be bad. Hopefully they caught whatever it is in time and he is going to be ok.
  6. It is all good...just increasing the size of the Chip on the player's shoulders! Amazing how 'the world is against us' seems to work so well sometimes. I think Nix has brought in the type of players that have a lot of pride and take that stuff to heart. It also helps when those players have some talent, which based on an admitedly small sample looks to be the case.
  7. I don't have access to YouTube at work, but I think it is imbedded in this article (written by a fellow UB grad no less). Tom Brady’s UGGS Commercial Leaves Many Questions Unanswered
  8. Between GQ Sanchez, and Tom Bundcheon - the face of a girls shoe for men, Fitz is clearly the only AFC East QB that has retained his man card. Playing in Miami instantly disqualifies Henne. My son fell over laughing when he saw the commercial, and a Pats* fan co-worker said he may now have to become a Raider's fan.
  9. Like him or not, Rome is one guy that is always quick to give the Bills props when they deserve it.
  10. The Pats* are in first because they are 1-0 in the Division. Henne was pretty good, but he cannot throw an endzone fade to save his life. The fact that gained over 400 yards passing is a good sign for the Bills. Stopping Mr. Bundchen is another issue. Hopefully WMD can provide the pressure without having to blitz. On a side note, anybody heading out to buy the Uggs for Men. My son could not stop laughing.
  11. Coming Tuesday: The surprising Bills, plus a fan who just might inspire you.
  12. You still watch that game? I would spend my budget on new remote controls if I kept watching that game.
  13. CBS Draft Report
  14. I always liked Evans and wish they got more, but that is not a reality. It may not even be a wasted pick this year (unlike the last two) when I pick Evans in my fantasy draft. Nix is not a fan of smallish WR's, unless they are slot guys, which Lee certainly is not. Take a look at the WR's in SD they are bigger, and did not have a straight speed receiver. Other than Parrish and Jones, all the other receivers on the team now are at least 6' tall.
  15. I know we all love to hate on the guy, but this one is almost too easy Brady on waterslide
  16. He reminds me of Ed McCafferey. If he has close to the career that Ed had, that would be a good thing,
  17. Not much of that 163 comes up the middle...
  18. My wife turned to me and said "he must have been working on that line all week."
  19. Tasker usually bother's me because I think he overcompensates in an effort to sound objective. Yesterday, and this season in general I think he has done a much better job of providing a balanced approach. In fact yesterday, he may have bordered on partial to the Bills. Maybe that was just because they are actually playing better. My son and I both get a kick out of the excitable Gus Johnson. Just listening to his "Oooomph" on Coleman's hit on the kick-off return was great!!
  20. I agree. I did a double take to make sure I saw the correct number when I saw him standing there. Let's hope he gets a bunch more playing time the rest of the year. If that happens, it is safe to say that the coaches feel he has earned it.
  21. I think we have a winner. I think, based on the history with Edwards, they changed at least in part in order to see if they could salvage what appeared to be a major bust. Now that they know that there is nothing to salvage, at least not yet, they want back to a defense that suited the rest of the players.
  22. Let's take a poll...how many people would be "thrilled" if they had to move from sunny San Diego, to Buffalo as the winter is approaching? I love Buffalo as much as anybody else, but even I would have a tough time being thrilled if it meant moving from an area I lived with almost perfect weather for the last 6 years.
  23. I am curious as to which of our current outside linebackers you think are going to improve after a year of learning the defensive scheme. Beyond that, which ones even warrant consideration of being on the team next year?
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