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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. i dont see the stadium being ready by monday either....just me though, this is an insaneeee amount of snow....gotta move the location I think (and day)
  2. I dont get it
  3. "im beaten" - way to fight for so long my man....hopefully relief in the form of no more snow (fingers crossed for you) finds you down there what a nightmare situation for the great people of the southtowns
  4. let me correct it #snowandcoldweathersux better?
  5. they had me until they are forcing me to take game tickets as well....no thanks...
  6. you sir, are either a complete idiot, or just trying to get a rise....ill bite... its a pretty historic amount of snow fall in a very short period of time, making it IMPOSSIBLE for plows to even attempt to keep up with the snowfall and keeping roads clear...add to that, the stranded vehicles blocking any attempt of plows to clear roads, and you make the situation even more impossible to keep up....and then add to the fact that you have 6 feet of snow in a large area that you need to physically REMOVE from the area, not just move it around...and you have a nearly impossible situation for a few days
  7. i live in the northtowns and MAN did we just get a cool inch of fresh powder dumped on us..... #wintersux
  8. I get that he was joking and this is an awesome story - but if I'm at a show and anyone yells free bird at any time I will immediately go punch them in the balls
  9. walkers in sleeping bag died of starvation? van totally should have landed on the hood from flipping...def. dumb, and could have been easily accomplished, just show them all smashed up and crawl out, could still survive it... def thought Carol was going to pretend to get hurt to get taken into the hospital in an effort to rescue beth....shocked thats how it went down....good stuff
  10. how has no one mentioned Adele - those pipes though
  11. I'll give you a winter prediction: it's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's going to last the rest of your life - groundhogs day
  12. how about you stop spamming the board with these posts about old has been coaches/GMs and go spend your time learning about the game of football - seems like it would be time better spent Whaley is a very good GM - he is not even remotely part of the problem (theres a reason hes highly regarding around the league) Cowher coaches 90s football, it doesnt work in todays NFL, and Dungy is laughable......we need a coach, not an analyst Do we need to fire The Moron, yes...but please, no retreads, get the next best thing, not the last best thing
  13. Whaley is a fantastic GM and if hes fired Pegula should probably move the team to Toronto or LA or London because hes an idiot and we will continue to suck forever anyway so who cares Marrone and Hackett should go.... is there ANY WAY that marrone/hackett can get fired in the offseason, and we hire a new head coach but keep Schwartz as DC?
  14. the intense gas that I have after all the chili that I did this afternoon
  15. oh no im basing it on the show, and i obviously am a dumbass and forgot that is totally what happened to them hahahaha...thank you sir, im glad they met the demise I was hoping for
  16. a fine skin suit I have created from the peeled skin of my murder victims
  17. you sound like a winner, and your 50 year old wife is one lucky woman
  18. great post, couldnt agree more i dont worship Doug and also question some things he does/doesnt do/says/doesnt say but the bottom line is this team has been in position to win almost every game this year (Not the Pats, and the chargers I could go either way on) and its come down to almost 100 percent player execution....he gets a pass for last season because it was year 1 in the system for players and year 1 for the coaching staff to turn around a down trodden, hang your heads franchise....this year is the improvement year and hopefully show us the baby....year three is where I expect playoffs and continued success (not that that cannot begin this year) - but some people are freaking unrealistic and unbelievable thanks again for that post
  19. I'm on episode four of season 1 - love it! How many eps are in season 2 - just another 6?
  20. Oh I must have missed that in the thread - my apologies Agree about poorly portrayed on the show....even having him stumble in on the group of guys around his wife/daughter and then showing his face, then back to real time, next flash back showing them all dead like they did and him bloody, next flash back his terrified family cowering from him- something more than what they did The past two eps have been major let downs after the beginning of this season - almost feels like same ole walking dead now....they just let some story lines linger too much, but then again, I don't want it to turn into sons of anarchy rapid chase scenes and violence and then music montage every episode because that gets repetitive - there has to be a happy medium
  21. According to a friend who reads the comics - Abraham went out on a supply run, and all the people in the store raped his wife and daughter and he comes back and goes beast mode and violently kills all the men - and his family, instead of being grateful, are scared of who he has become and leave home.....I hope they get eaten horribly by walkers
  22. New bar/rest in harbor center DT buffalo
  23. Pre game cigar and scotch Game is My living room....my wife will be making Thai noodles, and a broccoli, sweet potato and salmon Thai fry I will wash it down with some apple pie in a jar (aka blackout juice, but not too much so I don't black out) and sierra Nevada celebration And the bills will stomp the life out of the fish
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