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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. oh yea, I see the legendary LSU tailgaters on Barstool all the time - putting each other through tables, doing bowling ball shots, traveling around the country to opposing stadiums and causing a ruckus....OH WAIT NO I DONT Stop it fool...how dare you speak about Bills tailgates and mention ANY OTHER IN THE LAND in the same breath (or in this case, within the same reply on an internet message board)
  2. yea, as long as that player we get in return is a top 10 NFL tackle, like Glenn is
  3. I very much doubt BH pulls the plug on the BN, at least while WB is alive...he has routinely stated his love for local newspapers, and specifically cited the Buffalo News. He has even said he would operate it in the red.
  4. I cant stop - and by the way this is much more constructive dialogue that the first exchange - but how do you propose we can ever compete legitimately for a national championship? We do not have anywhere near the level of talent in our home areas that other college football teams have...and if they are good, they are choosing other colleges in the "area" (Penn St. Pitt, Syracuse, any ohio schools) because they have established programs. We, being a state university (one of many), do not have anywhere near the resources of big time, established programs to lure recruits. We do not have good weather or good fan support. We dont even have a cool name or mascot!! How would an alum make a difference on any of that? What could me cheering for them actually do? I know I am negative regarding our football program....but I think, rightfully so. The way college football is constructed, new programs - and yes UB is a "new" program - have NO WAY at getting to a competitive level. And no, competing for a MAC championship (which we have legit done like twice) is NOT being at a competitive level. I would prefer to just do away with the embarrassment and focus on things that our school does well. Thanks for the constructive dialogue.
  5. nah way brah, christmas colors boiiiiiii
  6. update as of McD's 9:30 presser: he is still day to day, will not be practicing today (same for Gaines)
  7. oh wooooahhhhh, 8-5....that is like, national championship contention right??? Gave them a "scare"?? wowwww, that IS impressive You have your fan sights set mighty high friend!!! (I know sarcasm is hard to read, so just know, all of that was heavy sarcasm) Now end sarcasm....Why should an alum support this? I am proud of UB, an affordable institution that is making its way as a medical leader in western new york (serving and training), educates many undergrads and post grads alike, encourages those graduates to remain in the community to work and live. I donate annually to my alma mater because of those things, and I believe that by NOT supporting their terrible football program that literally never has a chance to succeed (because of how college football is organized) they may eventually fold the program and focus their energies on other academic and athletic endeavors. But, thank you for your judgement. (I am done with this line of discussion in this thread)
  8. The ringer cannot look empty Dude, Its my dirty laundry, the WHITES!
  9. I posted this same thing several pages ago, and that view still holds. Wet field = advantage offense....now luckily, we run a lot of zone (although lots of man last week) so it makes it a LITTLE easier getting to WRs out of breaks, but it's still no bueno Hopefully it plays to our offenses advantage as well, with our shifty guys (Shady and TT) why is it sad that WNY'ers didn't want to waste their time and money supporting an absolutely putrid college "football" team (even while they had Mack)? I am an alum and wouldn't go to those games. There are many of us who wish UB would do away with the football team altogether.
  10. Looks a lot like this....but with a droopy clown hat on
  11. As stated above, go right to the lots from the airport....stop at a gas station and pick up some brews, enjoy the atmosphere, just walk around. If you want good people, look up Hammers Lot and have fun there. Otherwise just wander around holding your beer right in the box it comes in and soak in the scene man....it's like none other (if someone offers to put you through a table, or have you put them through a table....DO IT!)
  12. I would like for you to write about firing Jerry the clown
  13. if you are referring to my post above, I was not making excuses for the weather. Simply trying to shed some light on the fallacy many fans embrace in regards to rainy, wet weather helping slow down offenses...and how this could benefit us Sunday. I agree the Bills have to win this game (if playoffs are going to be a reality). And yes I will be at the game and certainly do not want wet weather...but that is irrelevant to my aforementioned post.
  14. I am worried about the weather. Big myth that rain slows down offenses. Unless it is a torrential downpour where the QB cant even hold a slick ball (the NFL has come a long way in the keeping the balls dry department), the poor field conditions due to rain is a huge benefit to offenses. It is tough for CBs to match WRs breaks, often leading to blown coverages. It is tough for linebackers to be as fast filling holes/getting to the ball carrier because of the same footing issues. Add onto that the increased potential to injure or re-aggravate an injury, something our defense cannot afford, and this weather forecast has potential to really help Oakland. Let's hope the winds shift and brings sunny skies to OP on Sunday.
  15. yea I do, because it costs us serious coin either way as far as the cap goes...cant just let him go
  16. That is the maddeningly frustrating thing with TT that one sees when they attend games (or watches the all-22)...there are open guys ALL THE TIME. There are open guys that he seems to be looking directly at quite frequently as well. I know even the best QBs miss open guys too (thats not where pre-snap reads led them, they dont trust certain guys in certain situations, coverage collapsed when it wasn't expected)...but as a season ticket holder I have been watching these every home game for years now, and it is mind boggling. With that said....there are steaming piles of trash all over the NFL at QB position. I like the positives that TT brings (when he uses them, or is allowed to use them) enough to continue down this road as our "Stop Gap Franchise QB" for however long that needs to be the case. IF there is a better option I am all for it...but I don't see one on this roster, and we may not next year either. Aside from TT...great post. I too HATE the d-line rotation of the studs AT THE SAME TIME!!!!! WHY?? Rotate them, but rotate some 2's with 1's and all that...not all of them together at the same time! A note about the end of half: it IS on McD because everything you point out is correctable with coaching in practice. In yesterday's presser McD said something like "It is ultimately on my because we havent practiced it enough, and you bet we will be doing that this week"....so I think it will be fixed.
  17. he did look better, and the staff continued the recent trend of reverting back to last years scheme (and even some EXACT plays in the run game)...and that has helped a lot of our guys
  18. Marshawns teammates didnt seem to mind too much, they were celebrating with him after in the locker room sooooooo
  19. People expect too much from athletes
  20. nah B, got hit on the knee on the tackle
  21. ivory tower must be nice, im happy to hear you live a pristine and perfect life...the rest of us make some mistakes and bad decisions. Some people struggle with that their entire lives. And others just like to have some fun... I realize some youths look up to athletes like role models. However, athletes have zero responsibility to be role models. Some athletes choose to act like, and be role models to youths, and great for them for making a difference. Others choose to just live their lives for themselves, and good for them. I enjoy being entertained, and BEAST MODE is certainly entertaining
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