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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. lol, we've been hearing all about prospects for the sabres for literally a decade now. We always have these great kids down in rochester...then they seem to suck when they hit the NHL. Color me skeptical. Team has Eichel, Kane and then.......................... ............................... .............................. Exactly, poop squad
  2. what is all this silly "I would never want to root for intentionally injuring a player" - WHAT? bunch of pansies in here....I would shoot tom brady in the thigh if I knew it would keep him from playing against us... it will never happen but HELL YES to hitting him cheap, dirty and late alllllll game long
  3. OR it just goes to show you how lucky they got last year/how good their defense played/how over rated the Dolphins were last year "Tannenbaum/Gase combo" - ummm....what? The dolphins are trash man, and will be in overhaul mode maybe as quick as next season
  4. Problem is having a guy they love....aside from Lamar Jackson, and maybe Baker Mayfield (but hes like 4 foot 6, and doesnt fit this regimes mold of character guys) I don't really think theres a reason to give up a lot for anyone. Average at best. Wish I knew the solution (and was hoping TT would progress/Peterman could actually be good). There is not a lot of QB hope on the horizon, even IF we had the number 1 pick.
  5. I didnt mind the 3rd and 6 run play call, especially with the backup RB in...it was unexpected. Dennison is ALWAYS doing the expected this season, so it was nice to see him try to dictate to the offense and catch them off guard instead of vice versa. The play did not gain 6 yards, but thats not to say it couldn't have.
  6. Just dreaming and having a little fun here... IF ALL GOES WELL in the next few weeks with NP as the QB (maybe we dont beat KC and NE but if the offense actually is producing and we are still in the playoffs convo or in the playoffs as we currently are)...wouldn't it be fun to see some TT package plays? I know this is a pipe dream because Uncle Rico couldn't even involved these types of plays when TT was actually the QB...but humor me. TT comes in for a few plays a game when we run a KC/PHI style read option...while still having the ability to throw. Less of a "we are scared of TT getting hurt" mentality because he isn't the QB1 anymore. Defenses would have to game plan for the WCO run by Peterman and some type of read option/college spread offense with TT in the game. Could be used situationally, or sometimes in the red zone...man I think it would be tough for a defense/DC to game plan for and then stop. Would add an extra element of the offense heading into the playoffs...would be real nice to see. On a related note...why dont we really see NFL offenses regularly use their weapons in unconventional ways. We are seeing SOME of this with KC/PHI offenses, and the way Oakland has been using that one WR. We saw GB use Montgomery at RB but that was more out of need. Is it because the NFL is too old school to really be innovative anymore? It's disappointing to see a waste of unique skill sets (like having TT sit on the bench for the rest of the season when he is a dynamic athlete that could create headaches if he isn't the QB1).. Ok, carry on...
  7. Garapollo, even though very small sample size where he played well, is a QB who can be plugged into many systems. And has learned under Brady/NE's coach...therefore he had really high trade value.. TT is the exact opposite of that. He is a very scheme specific QB. His value would only be there (in the trade market OR in FA next year) to a team that realizes he must be built around, and not forced into a system that he doesnt belong in (like here, or 30 other nfl offenses). On top of all that, if his 16 million dollar option is picked up...he has 0 trade value. Maybe if his contract was for like 6-9 million then the right team might trade for him...but seeing in how there are only a couple teams/coaches who run this offense (KC) or might be willing to adapt their offense to fit TT, trading TT is impossible
  8. I think the general consensus among fans who are happy about this is, "it cannot possibly be any worse than TT has been playing recently"....and those are happy about the move like the possibility of actually seeing a WCO offense as Dennison has been trying/envisioned us to be running (bc Peterman CAN run that type of offense) I personally expect to see decent QB play, and some rookie mistakes...
  9. if you are playing Madden, down by three scores and still calling run plays on first and second down...you dont even belong in Madden Rico SHOULD be on the hot seat (unless NP comes in and dominates in this offense...in which case it will be clear that Rico did not have any confidence that TT could actually run this offense, time will tell)
  10. not my argument here but I have to jump in....you CAN make the playoffs with a losing record IF all the other wild card teams have worse losing records....for the record
  11. Real good read, does a good job of showing the positives and the negatives that Peterman will bring to the table. He is a rookie, he will make mistakes....but man it looks good watching a QUARTERBACK back there actually pull the trigger and make the throws. You can't make them if you don't take them.
  12. I don't know who you are or where you have been...but, more posts like this please bro Liked your take earlier about "removing the stink" too...you get it, I bet you trust the damn process Bottom line: we get half a season to evaluate a rookie QB who was seen as more "pro-ready" than many college QBs coming out, he has had half of an NFL Season to sit and learn (mostly what not to do) and now we get to see what he has. As far as facing the Chargers in his first game, so what? They are a bottom 10 defense statistically, sure they have good DE's, but so do many NFL teams...it is what it is, I'm not any more scared of them than 5-6 other defenses we have already faced this season. And it isnt even really a road game either...Ball out Nasty Nate (or don't, and lets draft the future)
  13. could HAVE, no such thing as "could of" and this is a dumb thread
  14. Its a veterans rest day...what don't you understand about that?
  15. Ill be worried about him IF and WHEN he misses the game...were talkin bout PRACTICE
  16. is this just a rest day for Glenn? Or is he still butthurt from the whooping he took on Thursday? Is being embarrassed on national TV reason enough to miss practice?
  17. This game is likely going to come down to our D-line winnings one on one matchups both in the run game and the pass rush game...if we can do that semi-effectively we should disrupt their offense. Simply said, but harder to do. A wrinkle or two that we haven't yet put on tape on both sides of the ball could really help swing the game in our favor too (cough cough: screen pass, reverse, more d-line stunts)
  18. I have a collection of memories from when I was 7-12 years old. It was during our Super Bowl years and right after. My mom and step-father HATE sports. I loved the Bills. Every sunday I would wake up and read the local sports section front to back, absorbing all Bills related and general NFL related news and stories. My step dad and I would walk through town, usually to pick up breakfast. I would babble the entire time about the days matchup or how the season was going, how each player could impact the game, what we needed to do to win the game. I am positive that my step dad wanted to blow his brains out the entire time, but he just let me vent. Years later he told me that yes he did abhor listening to sports talk, but he loved seeing my passion and excitement for something and that is why he allowed himself to suffer through Sundays during football season. The Buffalo Bills for me, like many of you here, have been a life long obsession for me. I cannot possibly pick out one single memory, so I chose to go with my earliest memories of Bills fanhood that shaped me into who I am, as a fan, today. And a nice little tribute to one of the most important people in my life, my step Dad. Thanks for indulging.
  19. 10 would be ideal...but it is good news to know that if we lose to a mighty hot Saints team, all is not lost...have to take care of the remaining AFC games. Obviously we all want us to beat this Saints team, and theres a 50/50 chance we could. This is a refreshing take about only getting to 9 wins though...something that SHOULD really be attainable (and would set up a HUGE week 17 for the Bills). Lets start the march to 10 though by getting a big win this weekend! DEFEND OUR DIRT
  20. dont be silly, TT should just sling it man...does there need to be anyone to throw it to? just throw it!!!! thats what franchise QBs do brah, they just drop back, close their eyes and throw
  21. I do care, I absolutely care. Just not about what YOU are drinking...if you wanna drink schwill, god bless you. Which was what my post was about. I care about what I drink. I love craft beer. I work in the industry. I am around it day in and day out. I have never met someone who rubs their craft beer love in others faces, I am sure they exist though. They suck just as much as someone who hates on people who have a passion for consuming delicious and different tasting beer.
  22. sounds like something you'd hear from a guy who is, for some reason, butt hurt over people judging him for drinking schwill? Some of us prefer taste/variation/experimentation in what we choose to drink, while also not caring if you choose to drink schwill
  23. your confusing replacing players in the future with depth on the current roster, sorry you are confused
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