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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. winning/playing well is more important than a few draft spots. Sorry but it is. Lets keep the JA train rolling.
  2. yup you can bring in any food you want as long as its in a clear plastic ziplock bag. its in the stadium rules
  3. I tailgate and get my fill most of the time, but in the past I have brought: wegmans subs and chicken finger pizza at different times. Always roll with a nice bag of chips too.
  4. bummer. sorry bro. I would still plan ahead and bring my own delicious food into the game. But hey, if you enjoy those stadium beef on wecks then do you!!!
  5. I cant believe people eat at football games...like, really? Didn't you just tailgate your face off for hours with good food? If not, you done did it wrong. You should be spending your time yelling with all your might, and if you have time, slugging down a couple over priced, watered down brewskis. If you eat at football games you deserve to ingest whatever gross things they give you. Also, you can bring any food in that you want, as long as its in a gallon ziplock bag, so if you need to eat in the game why not bring in your own? OR, you will just eat at establishments that are not found to be gross???? But I guess if you live in Rochester there really aren't any LOL
  6. who cares what hes making next year? It aint my money, and it sure as hell aint any of yours. why create more holes? Even if its just for him to be a 3rd down back, why should we get rid of him? Great leader, great teammate, pro Buffalo....why again would we get rid of him? We have obscene amounts of money and literally no one to spend it all on in FA. That said, I know he will perform better if he has even a semblance of an o-line. We should still draft his replacement though.
  7. That is NOT the argument. The argument is that adding Julio Jones (i dont think its realistic personally) IN ADDITION to using offseason/draft to shore up the O-line and get other offensive weapons puts us a contender. It is the NFL, any team can win any game at any time. String enough together and you are competing for a superbowl. We have the money and draft capital to secure elite level Juli Jones AND CONTINUE TO BUILD THIS ROSTER...its not an either/or situation. Would be a great get if we could send next years first rounder and a mid round this year for Julio...especially when next years 1st rounder is a late first rounder. Again I think this is a pipe dream because I don't see the Falcons as wanting to get rid of Julio, but if they wanted to and would we could get him, DO IT. Its part of team building. Not the end all, be all of putting together this team.
  8. shop one of the only actual productive WRs on our roster when we need to build that corp? that is dumb.
  9. I just watched it again, you are correct...he had four full seconds in the middle of the pocket and then bailed to his left and hit Zay. He did have plenty of time but I guess no one was open and thats why he had to leave the pocket. Great throw.
  10. are you talking about the sideline laser to Zay for first down when it was 3rd and long from their own 1 yard line and Allen was in the endzone? He had to roll out to his left because protection was horrible...we could be talking about different plays though because there was a lot of Allen to Jones connections.
  11. really big bummer...but honestly, we know what we have in him, and thats a DAMN GOOD CB, shut him down now and get the problem fixed (he has been playing hurt all year) so hes ready to go all offseason and next year. no lingering issues if you get it done now.
  12. I am dumber for having read this, and I am not sure why I read it, and even more perplexed why I am responding to this
  13. this is dumb. if your attempting to compare last offseason to this offseason then you are also dumb and don't understand football, both the game and the team building aspect of it. I like everything here. I wont flame you for Bell, but I don't agree that we should be targeting him. If he has to settle for less money because no one wants to pay him a ridiculous contract then fine, but I would rather keep shady/draft someone/pay someone else. I agree we could probably "stomach the luxury" right now of paying him, but I don't want those ramifications down the road and would rather spend the money elsewhere (even if we have enough). We likely dont need to worry about Bell though, McBeane wants team first guys. But please, give me Paradis/Saffold/Williams ALLLL DAMNNN DAYYYYY
  14. the stats from yesterdays game say otherwise. 62% completion percentage when outside the pocket and 50% from within. your theory is correct based on accuracy inside and outside the pocket from yesterdays game
  15. yea your exactly right, he got excited. that was about the mildest case of taunting i've ever seen in my life. I addressed the holding already, holding happens on every NFL play, so I don't get too excited about it but yesterday was baaaaaadddd
  16. All joking aside that was a TERRIBLE one sided called game. Josh Allen was hit at least three times in the pocket late. The one sack his helmet was almost literally ripped off. On one of his slides a dolphins LB literally clotheslines his head. Blatant PI on Zay Jones on the final drive goes for a no call. That personal foul taunting call on phillips was ridiculous. Im not much to argue about holding calls not being called because holding happens on every NFL play BUT MY GOD JERRY HUGHES WAS RAPED all game long and drew one flag (I think). It was a bad bad bad day from the officials yesterday and it did very much contribute to costing us the game. Even so Josh still put us in a position to win the game.
  17. After yesterday...for the first time it looked like we hit on this guy. He has shown flashes before, but he dominated this game. And he did it with very limited and underwhelming offensive support. A couple bag throws: - threw behind zay jones who was wide open in the end zone for a TD - just overthrew Foster deep for a TD - Missed Foster on the sideline by leading him a bit too much - The INT on Kelvin Benjamin throw Two should have been TDs and those hurt. The INT was a terribly lazy route and a bad throw right to the DB. For a guy with less than half a season of starts under his belt, and who is a project QB, man did he look impressive both running and throwing. Both TDs to Zay were darts, one of which he extended the play with his legs but still kept his eyes up the field to hit him. Pass on the final drive to Foster was his second look and an absolute laser through defenders. Most of his runs did not seem like he bailed too early which was real good to see. We will see what the All 22 shows but man did he have a heck of a day. And if Clay catches his underthrown ball (I am in the camp of, if it touches your hands you need to catch it) the narrative is only how amazing he played. Real good game. Color me encouraged, cant wait for this final month to see how he grows.
  18. I dont agree with everything the OP said, however, that last drive of the first half was awful. Even if I disagree with the conservative run calls, once we did hit the pass play and got up to the 40, it should have been a NO BRAINER to get up to the line, run another play and call the TO and try the long FG. And then even after he botched it and called the last TO, STILL TRY FOR THE LONG FG OVER THE NEVER WORKS HAIL MARY!!!!!!! Seriously dumb decision making. He has not improved one bit in this respect of being a HC.
  19. Sirles isnt "young"...hes a 6 year vet that we signed off the street
  20. people already calling NEXT YEARS schedule difficult!!!???? LOL!!! You never know how easy or difficult a schedule was until AFTER a completed season. We have no idea who will be healthy or injured, what players will even be on these rosters, or in some cases even who the head coach of these teams will be!!!!! The NFL is a week to week league, any given sunday, its hard to win in the NFL..pick your cliche, its true. The only reason to be looking at 2019 schedule is to pick the away game you want to travel to. Other than that its meaningless.
  21. was there last time the Bills played there. Stadium is beautiful, expect a very very quiet crowd. When they are on offense you can literally hear a pin drop (or you can yell from the upper deck and be heard on the field), leftover from the Peyton manning days where he called the offense from the LOS. They get a little loud when they are playing D but its super tame. Tailgating is in various lots around the stadium. It was only Bills fans tailgating when we went. And that was all over every lot.
  22. I think I am actually going to go to Green Bay Distillery for their tailgate. Its also an all you can eat and drink affair, but smaller than the Bart Star Plaza one, you can park right on site.
  23. Think I might swing by the Bills tailgate at that small little auto shop that has been circulating, see some Bills fans and then head over to the bart star plaza tailgate. 30 bucks is a darn good deal for three hours of food and booze. Plus I dont have to walk around with my own beer. Does anyone know if there is Uber in Green Bay?
  24. you can get stoned in town square, nobody will stop you
  25. is there Uber in Green Bay?
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