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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. that would be why I used the quotes ("mastermind") around the term for Brandon...its what hes referred to for his "business savy".... and I love how a realistic idea is thrown out there on this message board, and most of the replies are "HE SUCKS" , "YOUR A MORON" "HE KILLED DOGS" My OP was asking for serious reasons why we shouldnt make an attempt at vick...not peoples personal garbage, wah wah, he killed dogs, who gives a f....get over it people, and as far as him not being allowed back in the league b/c fireman and cops wouldnt be? Thats because their CIVIL SERVANTS and get their checks paid for BY THE PEOPLE and therefore have to be upstanding and honorable...NFL is a business, therefore, it acts like one....you dont take out one of your highest earning players ever b/c of minor indescrections, and yea, I do think dog fighting is low on the list of federal offenses, especially for the jail league the NFL has become As to Vick, again....the good nuggets from the otherwise garbage posts....He has a high winning percentage, he is still mobile (philly didnt give him chances to show this all that much other than sending him on basically a dive up the middle)...30 is not old in QB years, his pases for the eagles had some zip....and the most important thing....HES BETTER THAN OUR CURRENT SITUATION OR ANYTHING ELSE WE CAN PROBABLY GET (without wasting a high draft pick this year) thanks to the intelligent posters of this thread who attempted to use reason or statistics and not just "i hate you's"
  2. oh yea, your right...im just throwing out random names of athletes i have heard of that Id like the bills to sign... No, moron, i have actually been thinking about this since last year when he was reinstated...and I think the potential rewards outweigh the potential risks....risks being none....rewards being a QB who knows how to win-however he does it, with his legs, with his arm, with his head, with his dogfighting ring...I dont care, a win is a win and thanks for your sarcasm about actual intelligent posts/topics...last I checked, this was a free board where we can post such posts as this....your a real positive addition to this thread and more importantly, board
  3. to return the favor you put on my thread I LOVEEEE TIM TEBOWWW THREADDSSSSSSSS
  4. well Vick is not a Free Agent, so he would need to get cut or we would have to trade for him... as for his career QB rating....look up Edwards and Fitz and tell me those....ohhhhh yeaaaaa, vick IS better and id rather take a hit on the QB rating a get a proven playmaker in here who will fill the seats and at least provide us a chance to win on sundays....thats just me though and Vick wouldnt be a traditional QB...see Chain gailey with thigpen or Kordell stewert...adapt the offense to fit the players...hell, lets run the wildcate with Freddie Vick and Beastmode....at least all three can throw the football....its all about having options and adapting man, and Vick does that for us....flexibility
  5. exactly...he has a history of making things out of mobile QBs I would be absolutely fine with Vick playing like Slash Kordell Stewert...better than Edwards/Fitz/Brohm/Hamden haha I just think it makes too much sense, very little risk with high upside
  6. we probably actually are looking at an inexperienced D-cord....I just have a gut feeling hes going to give the job to Jim Jeffcoat for his first NFL coordinator job.....hopefully he only bring him in as dline...but I just have a feeling it will be d cordinator
  7. he will be 30, your right...and he could still play 5 more years, not to mention he spent two years out of football so he has two years less wear and tear on his body...unless you count prison gang bangs and jumpings wear and tear..last I checked though, you dont throw passes with your booty hole haha
  8. not to mention....look what good ole Chan Gailey did in Kansas City two years ago with an EXTREME POOR MANS version of michael vick (tyler thigpen)...they actually lit up the offensive side of the ball the second half of that year when Chan installed the spread offense with thigpen impersonating michael vick....I think it could really work as a stop gap at the QB spot for the next few years.... it AT LEAST allows this team to build correctly...in the trenches, and not waste picks on possible future QBs in the 1st and second round
  9. Dog fightin is more popular than you think within impoverished African American communities...and yes Vick was not still a poor black boy when he was committing these atrocities, he was a well paid and respected NFL role model...but he made the critical error of hanging on to too many of his friends from the hood...and they no doubt had a hand in negatively influencing mr vick...i do believe people deserve second chances, and he seems to have turned his life around...he has "I love Jesus" Dungy vouching for him....id be willing to take a long hard look at that talent over our current bum squad of QBs but if you cant get over the dog killing thing..thats your (and every organization who feels the same way as you) loss
  10. But seriously...aside from him killing dogs (and lets face it, people make mistakes, and id rather take someone killing dogs than people -ray lewis, marvin harrison, donte stallworth, rae carruth)....this guy could be had for fairly cheap, at least cheaper than a top draftd QB and has proved he can be explosive in the NFL.....why not? Lets get over the fact that he made a mistake, he served his time in federal prison and literally paid out of his butt for his discresions...he is a playmaker, has a rocket for an arm and is not going to be out of this world expensive...why not at least sign him, keep fitzie or edwards (or both) and let them all compete for it...if Vick cant make the throws or grasp the new offense, no big deal, we have a gimmick player that can get 10 snaps a game and provide a spark Not to mention the "mastermind" (Brandon) gives something to the fans to boost excitement and ticket sales so guys (and gals), really, aside from killing dogs...what is so good about our current QBs that should stop us from taking a shot on Vick...even if it does cost us a 4th round pick, we could just give the eagles back the pick we got for Peters...unless hes cut and we can trick him into signing with the bills (may not be that big of a trick if there arent too many starting QB spots in the NFL next year) Get over the McNabb lies, not happening, he will be an eagle next year and he SHOULD BE....thats like the bills trading away Jim Kelly (and yea, look up their stats, same stats for both of em, very comparable QBs and their meaning to the franchise) so, I digress, why not Vick?
  11. ohhhh, sorry old man for all of your heartache...I guess us youngsters who ONLY had to watch 4 straight heartbreaking super bowl losses followed by what is nearing two decades of putrid football dont have any right to complain...we arent knowledgeable enough to realize what a crappy situation this franchise is in....go toot your own horn some more with your harvey johnson and jack kemp references I know a catastrophe when I see one too gramps, and ive been watching it all for the past twenty years
  12. who is to say they havent really targeted frazier all along for real.....well...after cowher that is...I think the coaching search (or lack thereof since interviewing Frazier) points to the fact that the bills do actually have their man, and probably have a deal in place but nothing can be done until the Vikings are eliminated from playoffs or win the superbowl...for our teams sake and fans sanity, I hope they lose today to the Boys - as much as i hate dallas..... i want some resolution, and like it or not, that man is Leslie Frazier
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