if you havent read them yet, the "Deep Winter" Series by Thomas Sherry is pretty great...its a trilogy...Deep Winter, Remnant and Shatter (I cant recall their order though, google it haha) - a man and his family deal with the "end of the modern world" b/c of disasters/war etc....fairly realistic
also, one of my fave. was "Patriots" by a guy named Rawles...very good as well - group of survival friends buy and stock a "retreat" in Idaho, and when TSHTF they bug out to there, very cool
if you have already read those let me know, i know loads : )
(also if you havent read or seen the movie, The Road by Cormac Mccarthy is a dark portrayal for sure, but im sure your familiar)
ooohh ohhh, also "The Jakarta Pandemic" - Steven Konkoly - family/mostly father, deals with what happens in their community when flu overtakes the world, excellently written book