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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. cool story bro, tell it again
  2. its called bring your car, park, pop your trunk and puill out a grill/table, start sluggin beers and cookin food...why do you need "others" to tailgate?
  3. Wolfmother - whole album (and title track) Wolfmother is full on intensity, and modern (too bad they broke up after one album) but check it out
  4. "Yea well, thats just like...your opinion..man...." - The Dude
  5. welll dudeeeeeee how would I know that, no where in his post did it say "taxes are 6 bucks"
  6. 6 bucks???? try 10 dude!
  7. that Iron Mike quote is one of my fave's as well, and I agree, I doubt he thought he was being so poetic, but he truly was
  8. smoke pot instead?
  9. I live in Lockport, Its a bit of a hike from N.Buffalo (15 min) but there is a great mechanic out here, Hillmans - google it
  10. glad youve noticed my obsession with hating Boheim, and no he didnt throw anything in or at my girlfriend...I think its just the way he looks, and his horrid coaching, and how hes taken syracuse bball hostage with his old, lame style...and now how he aides and abets pederasts...everything about him makes my skin crawl...and my grandfather has always hated him so I think thats rubbed off on me and the double standard fan reactions have happened, see this thread and see the penn st. thread, some of the very same posters bashing Penn St. sitch are rushing to defend Fine, both disgusting old men who like little boys....sick sick sick
  11. gotta be a stronger drug than weed to think like this
  12. the wife wanting to get money theory doesnt hold up since she also cheated, with the very same man (Jerry...Jerry...Jerry) I still havent found anything about 2002 and 2005 investigations, in fact the only thing I found is that the police would not investigate at those times b/c of statute of limitations rules, so they "had no grounds" to investigate, so at both times that accusers came forward in those years, the police said "nah, been to long" (that is NOT an investigation) that is on the espn home page right now under "3rd accuser" link... Sandusky still hasent been found guilty of his charges either, bet you dont feel the same way about his charges (oh yea, because there was no grand jury blah blah, technically both men are still innocent in the eyes of the law)..point is, ya cant call one a dirt bag while going to the mattresses to defend another (and im not saying YOU specifically Poojer, just all in general who were up in arms over the Penn St. scandal but are vehemently singing the praises of Fine)
  13. and you probably bleed Orange and blue the ole saying goes "where theres smoke, theres fire" 3rd accuser molests children bc he was molested, classic progression how does 3rd accuser know the layout of Fines home if he was never there, like his father insists...I highly doubt that his wife would admit in a taped phone convo (that she didnt know was being taped) that she believed her husband was a pedophile JUST to make herself feel better about sleeping with the guy, I dont get how that makes sense you dont see how you are believing the ACCUSED in this situation b/c its convenient, and b/c you are a fan of that particular team? and where was it reported there were two other investigations that turned up nothing? I honestly havent seen that...all Ive seen is reports that syracuse police have FAILED to act on allegations in the past....perhaps a link and I could become more informed?
  14. hahahaha, I love, and i mean LOVE when the coaches of my favorite teams use a season like its pre season... and if the best is yet to come once Edwards is fired and Wanny takes over, why the HELL didnt that happen 5 weeks ago? seriously?
  15. Syracuse should do exactly what Penn St. did, fire Boheim for letting this predator roam their sidelines and abuse their ball boys for over 30 years...what a shame.... However very many of you same people who jumped all over Joe Paterno/Penn St./McQuery for their handling of the Sandusky abuses will just defend your little Syracuse basketball program and make the poor abused crack head out to be the real perp. while the monster continues to feed on abusing boys...sadd sadd sadddd how being a fan of one program completely changes your outlook on a situation "I hate Penn St., Sandusky is a monster and everyone should get fired, tarred and feathered" "I love Syracuse, nobody has done anything wrong here! That boy deserved the sexual abuse he got from Fine!" ohhhh the sick double standards....fire away
  16. Rodgers is hands down the MVP, runner up - Drew Brees, 3rd - Fred Jackson (if he played a full year) but since he didnt, Matt Forte Flynn in control of this Packers team would be AT BEST currently a 7 or 8 win team, Rodgers makes all the throws, runs the offense....their D is quite bad, they have no real running game, without Rodgers they are most likely a playoff team (and maybe not even that with the Bears/Lions) who loses in the first round...thinking anything different is extremely dumb
  17. RG3 in the third round?????????????? hahahahaa, this gets "silliest post of the year" award... first off, he isnt coming out, second off, he would go top 10 overall...
  18. i look forward to sunday for football in general..absolutely when the bills are doing good it makes sundays 8 million times better...but I just love football in general and would gladly sit down and watch the Colts play the Rams if its on...go NFL!!!!!
  19. what did his post have to do with Fitz? and whats wrong with putting on a bills jersey while watching the game???
  20. maybe when they move to Toronto
  21. as to what you say about the "stack"...every team in the NFL creates a "pocket" around the QB on passing plays...that would be when the LT and RT back peddle to filter, or push the rushing DE/OLD to the outside, to keep the inside advantage...there are SOME excecptions, such as play action passes when the LT/RT "run block" for a second, and then get into the pass blocking back peddle, but this back peddling is necessary for pass blocking purposes, plain and simple, has nothing to do with having good or bad tackles as far as Fitzy being "an amazing QB" when he gets a solid O-line....he will never be amazing, he could be very serviceable to good, but he lacks to arm strength to ever be amazing (and I like Fitz and am glad they extended him )... Also, I dont think players not looking a coach in the eye is "disrespect" whatsoever, sometimes they are still watching the game, looking away and thinking, simply ashamed at themselves...has nothing to do with not respecting the coaches (as a former athlete and current coach, you are looking wayyyy to hard into this one).. all that said, good rant...but seriously man, learn how to use paragrahps and brevity - it will go a long ways on this board towards people actually reading and caring about what you post - unless you just want to rant, and in that case, fire away!
  22. Big Fat Mike Williams had to be on here right?
  23. I think Whaley could be a real find in the front office spot...looking forward to his decisions in the future
  24. trust me John, you dont need to be wrong about Spiller to be an !@#$ come monday : )
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