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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. well if your going to be bashing people, I will hop in...no need for the comma in that sentence, remove comma and you have a complete sentence. aside from English writing lessons, I like Hill as a project, but definately NOT with the 10 pick
  2. im going to Lagerhaus tomorrow night for dinner...any recomendations? im thinking of going with the burger with the fried egg on top.....what about brews? good selection?
  3. have loved him since his first down at Iowa, he was a converted QB so took him a little time (but comparately none) to adjust to WR...hes faster than his 40 time, he plays fast, big, physical and doesnt drop balls...agree that he is very underated and if he is there in third round TAKE HIM - even if we sign a FA WR, I wouldnt mind trading 3rd and a 4th to get back into late 2nd round to ensure we got him...love McNutt (and he fits in with the Johnson, Wood theme)
  4. until he breaks out and your not on the train haha hes also played on putrid Oakland passing offenses
  5. couldnt agree more with this - I dont see any way in hell Mario signs with the Bills, just cant see it, maybe thats just because im a life long, jaded buffalo sports fan....but I could realistically see us overpaying Wimbley and Jackson...and im all for taking OT and then pass rushers in the draft (which is what Nix has all but gauranteed their strategy will be)
  6. national lampoons reference, love it
  7. mario williams to the bills, haha...thats good stuff even if he does come to town tonight according to these sources (by the way, metz just said earlier today that the bills were gonna sign Colston too - see him just sign with the saints?) it would just be to up the offer from the Bears - just like Clabo used us last year
  8. me thinks: Wimbley - DE Scott - DE Meachem or Royal - WR
  9. sure they will go after him "hard", just like they went after Clabo "hard" last offseason - which means, Mario will use and abuse the bills to drive up the offer from the Bears
  10. he was small and switched positions first year of college, put on weight so he could "handle" every day college ball, got spot duty in situational pass rushes last year and then this year got the full time gig - and partly what Why So Serious said (I do believe hes mostly overrated, but I think his spin move is the real deal - unfortunately thats all Ive seen from his pass rushing skills, his bull rush will not work in the NFL and his hands just arent active enough to create the needed separation from NFL tackles)
  11. link to where they never asked him to restructure? im not choosing sides here on whether I would like the bills to pursue him or not...but I havent seen evidence one way or another that the Texans didnt ask him to restructure and he refused, so they let him walk...hes gotta at least be a good run blocker (so are Pears and Hairston though) b/c the Texans have had a potent rushing game the past few years - even though I believe they run mostly zone blocking schemes on a related note, I dont think you can say we have Pears and Hairston at RT, because right now, we would be starting Hairston at LT, so technically we still need OT depth at both sides
  12. to NoJustice - the body bags were the body parts, at least thats what I took from it...I think that all of the flashbacks/flashforwards have already been taken care of as far as Lost being your favorite show....reallllyyy??? Youve got such good taste in the rest, and then to put Lost as your FAVORITE, not even top 5 list, but favorite? interesting... have you never seen The Wire?
  13. even if Mario was to be crazy and come to buffalo, his gun collection would have ZERO bearing on his decision - most athletes would continue to own a home in his current residence (where his guns would be kept, that were deemed illegal in New York) while he lived in Buffalo area during the season....
  14. if this were facebook I would have "liked" this comment
  15. considering KC and Buffalo are ALWAYS talked about as two of the (if not the best) stadiums for tailgaiting, I would say this list is a pile of sh#T! we may not win alot of football games recently....but check out the scene at tailgait nation and its hard not to love the Bills
  16. couldnt agree more - I think after FA (and maybe after draft too) we give Freddie a 2 or 3 year extension too - I think the FO would like to see what kind of money they have to work with first since hes still under contract
  17. I know your a big football fan, and an intelligent one, so im really curious as to why you think Peyton - who is known as not being mobile at all (yes he can step up in the pocket and side step in the pocket) - can magically turn into a roll out QB?? the texans ran bootleg/roll out on passing plays more than any NFL team the past three years, thats a healthy number...Peyton, even BEFORE his injury, did not roll out whatsoever...I have to disagree, I dont see Peyton even doing "simple roll outs", and definately not the boot's and roll's that make up the majority of Houstons passing offense they should, and will, stick with Schaub, who they designed this well run offense for
  18. ummmm...you dont tailor an offensive system to a 2-3 year player when you built your team/offense around a specific system that has had huge success in the past - even if its Peyton Manning - especially when a rookie backup was able to effectively execute in that system you would take a step back implementing a new system for ALL YOUR OFFENSE just to cater to the inabilities (Peyton cant execute the various roll outs and bootlegs that the entire houston offense has thrived under) of an old, maybe not ever again fully healthy QB... any way you slice it, Houston is a poor fit for Peyton - Arizona or Miami all the way
  19. hope they can celebrate from the kitchen or laundry room....
  20. no, you didnt misunderstand me, you understood perfectly, anything more than 3 mill. a year IS too much Chandlers average ability again, happy with the signing, just hoping Nix stuck to his guns and didnt overpay for average - have manyyyyy holes on the team to fill with only so much usable money
  21. better be for 3 mill or less, and we definately still sign or draft another one (preferably athletic/fast) - but good move by front office if they didnt over pay for average
  22. agreed, with all this "stuck on the farm filler material" where they chat about personal relationships, it seems like they are trying to set up for a 5 or more season show, but with all this lack of action/ANYTHING happening nonsense this show wont last that long..im about to say the show jumped the shark unless they move on from this BS in the next ep or two (realistically though, they stay on this farm until the last ep of this season when they either get overrun by zombies or another group and decide to "get outta dodge") - snooze fest ps. - I hope the baby comes out black and we find out how much of a skank ricks wife really was, hahaha
  23. Houston makes little to no sense, cap strapped team whose offensive system relies HEAVILY on play action bootlegs and roll outs...manning = the antithesis of rollout/bootleg QB... most sense is Arizona/Miami and I would almost guarantee he goes there
  24. I would say of any FA WR out there, Meachem makes the most sense Moss is never happening, no way he wants to come to Buffalo when he will have 5-10 other choices, sorry but thats reality...I am not even considering this as an option for Buffalo b/c of age/chemistry/other options for him Colston and VJ will both get top dollar from teams truly lacking a number 1 (Chicago comes to mind, Redskins - even though they have S.Moss, they still throw money) Garcon rejected Colts contract for basically exaclty what Stevie J signed for, so either he REALLY doesnt wanna play in Indy or he thinks he will get more money than Stevie - which isnt happening, so I dont know if this is a realistic option Meachem however is big, fast and fits exactly what we need. That said, because of that, he also fits what alottt of other teams need so we will most definately have to over pay for it - but I would still like to see the bills get it done, where he could be a feature in an offense instead of playing 3rd, 4th or 5th fiddle like he has in New Orleans (plus, he can block)
  25. I dunno Jack, while I respect these young broads tried to do something...they still lost, so I think if I were a would be robber, this story does not deter me
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