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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. great question, but couldnt tell, he was sitting down behind a desk
  2. yes McIntyre is needed, do you watch special teams?
  3. all I have to say is...yea right, keep dreaming....this would require cooperation and economic input from TWO countries, a billion dollar organization (the NFL), a multi-million dollar business (the bills), two counties and several city governments....maybe if we had a dictator who "just got **** done"...but at that level of government/money there would never be cooperation to make that happen
  4. yes please lets hang our WR hopes on a kid who has never played an actual NFL down...whose college production was minimal, and has repeated injury and health problems... dont get me wrong, I like him and hope like hell he can have an impact...but my hopes arent high for him this year...hopefully this WR we just drafted is the real deal, otherwise I have a feeling we will be looking at Stevie and Trash again this season
  5. guns should be loaded, if you have children, put the gun in a bedside locker, either one of the expensive fingertip locks or some type of "succesion tap" locks....what will you do with an unloaded gun when the intruder breaks in? throw it at them? might as well load up your nightstand with baseballs instead...and good luck....
  6. no link? your tellin me I have to go and search this **** myself?
  7. then why didnt Chan make our rag tag group or WRs any good? aside from Stevie (and maybe Nelson in the red zone) we have a whole bunch of trash who cant catch or get open
  8. yea and then we say "no" and hang up because OBD also wants Barron...
  9. sure theres a reason for the guys to be in the green room, to walk up to the podium and hold up the jersey, and then be interviewed for cameras....all of those are far more important reasons to be in attendance rather than "so he can be on camera when he gets the phone call", which also ruins the surprise for the home viewers and I cannot flip back and forth between the two stations because of the stranglehold TimeWarner has on NFL network....f'ing Time Warner
  10. favorite draft thread BY FAR, kudos to you all
  11. how is it a meaningless gesture??? its been ruining the first 20 picks of the draft for years now, what is meaningless about it eball?
  12. "According to Sports Illustrated's Richard Deitsch, after the league met with ESPN and the NFL Network on Wednesday, the three entities have decided to turn up the intrigue on the drama. Deitsch writes that the NFL Network and ESPN have agreed not to “show a draftee on the phone in the Green Room prior to the pick on the first night of the NFL Draft.” In past years obviously, those Green Room shots let the viewer knew who Roger Goodell was about to announce before Goodell could get to the podium and actually say the name. This way, nobody except the draftee -- and whoever is sitting next to him in the Green Room -- will know which player the next team on the clock will take until Goodell announces it." GREAT NEWS for those of us who love the draft and still like the "christmas like" surprise of not knowing who it is until the name is called! about dam time! There was another article in USA Today with Chris Berman who loves the move and says hes been telling ESPN Execs for years to do away with it because it was killing the fan experience....he also said the NFL gives ESPN ZERO heads up on whos being drafted where...
  13. I wonder how many peeps actually get this.... I hear he can skate with the best of em though...and if hes willing to play two sports, im all for it.
  14. I always enjoy your posts OCinBuffalo, and our chats in the shout box as well....getttt emmmmm'
  15. and bingo was his name-o
  16. as already mentioned, some of those picks were used to move back into first round, having picks allows flexibility....and we still have ALOT of crap on this team that could be replaced by draft picks (Even 7th rounders) ex) batten, moats, every WR not named Johnson/Nelson etc.
  17. trading within division doesnt often happen thats for sure...id be happy to trade down and get extra ammo to fill needs later in the draft regardless of who the trading partner is (and in this particular case, the Jets took Ingram, woopty doo...me = not impressed)
  18. point value basically is even....I wouldnt mind the trade one bit if they were able to take anyone BUT Reiff with that pick haha Extra 3rd is great, and I think extra 5ths and 6's are good deals
  19. ESPN is doing their blogger's mock draft, bloggers play GM and make picks/trade for first round At 10, the Bills traded down with....the JETS, who had to give a boat load to move up 6 spots, where they selected Ingram At 16, Bills took Riley Reiff (Floyd and Gilmore were taken with picks before) To trade up the Jets gave the bills the 16th, 77th, 154th and 187th... Overall, not a bad move, most of us seem to want a trade down, however I would definately not want us to take Reiff at that spot..but it seemed like he was dictated to us by the picks right before ours in the trade down....
  20. just came in to say this, haha
  21. david is NOT 6'3 and 243, unless he grew 2 inches and put on 25 pounds since the football season ended...but thats a helluva growth spurt for a 21 year old man
  22. interesting you completely gloss over Gilmore at CB at the 10 spot, he is who I THINK we draft...who I want, is Kuechly (and would be happy with Floyd or Gilmore)
  23. first of all I really dont think Belichick is open to trading Mallet, unless of course hes offered a "too good to be true" scenario from a QB desparate team....and second, I think he (and the offensive staff) really like Brian Hoyer, add in the fact that Brady will probably play for 3-5 more years and you have an obvious answer to why he would be willing to trade a 3rd QB on the depth chart (for a dynamite offer)....and Belichick loves turning one draft pick into multiple...
  24. well I most certainly heard none of those, and id be very interested to hear or see where you heard such rumors....I highly doubt he would have been drafted (let alone in the 3rd round by the Pats) if there were concerns over meth and cocaine....only thing he ever tested/admitted to was pot im certainly not saying I want to trade for him haha, but people talking "relapse" over the dude enjoying a bong hit here and there is rediculous
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