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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. thanks farmer...thats what I thought I remembered, it makes sense...get some live hitting/game situations against someone ELSE, get to beat on someone else...pre-pre-season...I like it...
  2. were you wasted?
  3. I sweem to remember doing this with the Browns quite a bit a few years back, correct?
  4. wrong forum for your 13000 and one post buddy...think youda learned by now
  5. totes gettin the hometown discount now...
  6. so itll be Bills vs. Panthers eh? niceeeee....sorry Panthers, your not winning (do LOVE kalil though...)
  7. while I know your main point was no Freaky Freddie included, but dont hate on Sproles - hes a game breaker/game changer, and can do it all...BIG reason the saints were so lethal last year...but I completely agree, the list is a farce b/c of no Fredex
  8. oh yea...shoot....
  9. I keep slides of drops of blood from every bad person I have killed in a wooden box in my AC Unit
  10. Grateful Dead - American Beauty is one of my favorite summer time jam sessions - amazing summer time album
  11. hahahaha, i like my face with some home made salsa
  12. obviously it wasent the pot that turned this upstanding citizen into a flesh eating zombie
  13. I love how the end of the article says "a lawyer offered his services to the photog right after the incident" hahaha....of courssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....freakin leaches (sorry lawyers)
  14. what kind of average joe goes jogging naked? I know that I absolutely HATE it when I get face all over my new polo...
  15. in the buffalo news article I read last week that showed the winning Firm, they said but "none of the designs will be used on the actual building" - that those designs were just to show the panel "what the firm was thinking" and "how they would create a useable space" - so I though that was just their winning design to get to come up with a design for UB med campus...I know that sounds truly odd...but thats how that article read, that this design shown here wouldnt actually BE the design of the campus....
  16. OTAs means PaattMaann drops in for some TBD visits once again....lucky you guys!
  17. Schiancoe is a good receiving and blocking TE and would be excellent depth/two TE set....he was made expendable to the Vikings because of their previous two drafts and his age - I dont understand why we HAVENT brought in any other TEs this offseason, even if Chandler some how learns to be fast and athletic and sets records at TE, it can never hurt to have another (or at least a backup - duh) other than that, I dont think id take a look at the garbage on that list
  18. great lineup....just unfortunate they have to waste a lineup spot on moe. guess thats the price of hosting the festy, eh?
  19. I would take probably all of them over the dribble of a WR squad we have after Stevie....Nelson is an OK 3rd WR sometimes, too soon to tell about Graham...but the rest are below average (who knows if Easley ever plays a down) but I trust Channix
  20. 2 year extension for 12 million dollars should be total worth, keeps him in red, white and blue through 2014-2015 football season
  21. My pooch Wally, 1 year old puggle...had to go to emergency vet last night and they did surgery and found his intestines were all twisted up and dark purple...(he went in because he had been salivating/puking/ and then puked blood)...as soon as the vet untangled them they started to return to their normal light pink color so she expects a full recovery, we had to take him to our own vet this morning where they will keep him for the next couple of days for post-op observation .... My question is, does anyone have any personal experience with this type of thing? Ive done a lot of google searching so ive seen all of those, but im looking more for personal anecdotes. Unfortunately, many dogs who have this issue die pre or during surgery, luckily we got our guy there in time to be saved, but hopefully some of you out there have had experience or know about this type of thing.... Will this be a recurring thing? Is it a freak thing? Its more common in larger breeds like German Sheppards (not my little 20 pound puggle) but the research out there all seems to be very "sketchy" with the whys/whats/causes/defenses....I have not talked to my own vet yet (they are just focusing on him being given fluids and recovering from surgery right this second) and the emergency vet did not know why or what caused the stomach to twist... Any ideas or experiences?
  22. thats a great point zepp....I hope they can do great things with him (and also wouldnt mind seeing him come to camp 25 pounds lighter/quicker)
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