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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. oh I agree, I am a fan of the new album....Bobbo can really write good music, good hooks and catchy melodies...and with the help of the studio, it can really clean up his voice...but what Bob has never been, and will never be (especially at this age) is a great singer...simple as that i LOVE Robert Zimmerman
  2. because they take football seriously, they can play/practice almost all year round (and they do), they devote resources to the sport from little league up through high school, alot of poor kids realize thats their "way out" And not to be completely racist with it, but there are a lot of big black kids down there (academic research done also supports this, Americans bought and bred the biggest slaves, most of whom remained in the south after the end of slavery, and then procreated and to this day that effect is still evident) who excel at football... in the south, football is king/god
  3. hes never been able to sing haha, but your right, whoever said hes "still bringing it" in the thread is nuts...he never had the golden pipes, but today hes kind of awful to listen to - i prefer old recordings/records of the poet as for the thread: Hendrix for sure, and the Grateful Dead with Jerry
  4. I was there rocking out...the lot we were in was literally 90 percent bills fans...and we rocked it!!! I highly enjoyed "WOOFING" when the bills did good to mock the Browns and their stupid little woof woof chant...good day, good win
  5. ive been over at the Browns message board and what they say is contrary, that they like Bills fans (as we have been equally as bad) general rule when traveling to away stadium: dont be a dumbass and you will probably be fine (but there are always drunk asssholes that ruin every rule)
  6. yes sir, known him since middle school...and your right, in the cage he is an animal, only way he loses (ever really, but especially tomorrow night) is a lucky shot to the jaw...however, hes gotten cracked in the face (Evans fight and Machida fight) and didnt go down...I love watchin him fight, but I also hate it because I feel like puking the whole time
  7. im torn between Muni Lot (easy access after game to the 90 for my DD) and this mythical lot 20...guess itll be a game time decision
  8. I agree 100000%, and have NO IDEA why that was the Jets gameplan, but I gaurantee it wont be the second time around (and hopefully not ever again)...it still has not been explained, all we got was Chan saying "we played too soft, we will fix that, Dave and I have already talked" - great, but who the hell thought that was a good idea to start the game and why was that never changed until it was too late in week 1? I hope to see the defensive game plan that abused the Chiefs much, much more throughout this season, and never see the gameplan against the Jets ever, ever again... This team should press and get pressure...period
  9. gettin catty up in hurrrrrrr
  10. thanks jay
  11. anchor bar sucks
  12. yea, so how does one find kenny? look for a pinto? does he twitter his location? is it like a treasure hunt? magic 8 ball it?
  13. its very potent, has spice/hot sauce as a main ingredient and is drank mainly as a cure to hangovers and a segue to morning/all day drinking....very "un girly" but as the kids say, haters gonna hate
  14. both are manly drinks, theres no fruit in it (ok ok technically tomato is a fruit ,but we all know we think of it as a veggie) - and I am going to use some lime juice and lemon juice, but its not like its a cosmo or something girly... but I get it, I get it...you drink your Knob Hill whiskey so you think you drink a manly drink....and if you want a REAL manly drink, sip on a little Oban scotch...neat
  15. i LOVE sriracha and think theres a definate time and place for it, but I cant see putting it in my Bloody's..very distinct taste, ill have to defer to tobasco and actual blended hot peppers....and im not a fan of clamato....but I agree its not a ladies drink
  16. and is there confirmation where Kenny will be for sure?
  17. yes I shall add ice to this mix, just thought that was a given with any mixed drink....and as far as mixing rather than blending, well I will need to blend because I am going to be putting in whole hot peppers and celery stalks....but when mixed in with tomato juice and vodka it wont be "chunky"
  18. lots of partial recipes in here...im assuming many are just putting in what they add to the vodka/tomato juice? im thinking: - Vodka (lots) - v8 tomato juice - hot peppers, celery stalk, wort. sauce, tobasco, horseradish all get blended/pureed together and then added to tomato juice - garnish with gourmet green olives and pickle spears = success?
  19. try parking in the yellow lot on the map (my links arent working) from cleveland browns website, its in northwest corner of map...I know thats where we will probably try and be... as far as saturday night we will be dining and boozing at City Tap right by progressive field, as our friend Jon Jones fights in a UFC fight that night and this bar shows the fights
  20. my group of 10 will be there...I guess we will be parking somewhere in the yellow lot on the map, unless someone already has a designated gathering location
  21. thanks for the reply, looks like I might be trying for the yellow lot then...always fun to find/meet some new bills fans
  22. well birddog, what the hell was the recipe from The Silver Palate? hahaha
  23. im new to the bloody mary game, but am in love and need your special recipes...what makes your Mary the best?
  24. I am going to Cleveland for the game this weekend...staying over on saturday and will be at the lots early....BUT, ive never been and know nothing of the setup with the lots...I dont think its like The Ralph... anyone ever been and have any advice on what lot is kosher to party in? Also what time lots open and fill up? Thanks in advance!
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