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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. paying for music....haha...love it.... havent done that since the invention of the internet
  2. probably nothing.....serious things cause you to black out or have a heart attack... on a side note....anyone ever sit on a hard bench or something and have their willy go numb? THATS freaky....
  3. the best one was when the zebra tried to tackle Donald Jones in the endzone as he was catching the TD pass....(i HATE when people blame refs and complain about missed calls and bad calls....with that said, today's officiating was TERRRRRRIBLEEEEEEEEE and truly made me think the refs wanted the Pats to win)
  4. thank god he kept us in the game by dropping balls today, thanks Wes!!
  5. I just dont see Oregon or KSU losing....unfortunately I think ND gets left out and has to play in the Rose Bowl (cool for sure...but not the ship)
  6. he was wanted by teams last year as a HC....soooooo, not really....
  7. Johnny Allen Hendrix - "Are you Experienced" - but it was yeaarssssssss after it was released
  8. well you did good with the top, I cant tell in the picture where you butted the two pieces of pine together.... yea im planning on using apoxy for the top too...
  9. I like what ya did there 5 Wide...I was thinkin of the stone front too, but its not gonna mesh with my idea and design, looks good with that area though what did you do about joining the two pieces (im assuming) of the bar top? did you 45 them or just butt two pieces together? and what did you do about the top of the bar? urathane? apoxy?
  10. I hope they bought up that Romanian land!!!!! I heard its going cheap now and will sell for a fortune in just a few months! Got one of these emails a month back and bought up all the land that I could with my meager savings.....hope to be the biggest vassal in all of Romania by 2013....keep your fingers crossed for me
  11. I have no other use the for the space but I completely undrestand...Ive been thinking of that the past couple of days...however, we do host a lot of social gatherings amongst our friends, and it would make the separation of men and women that always occurs easier to accommodate with two areas for us to gather (chicks in the living room and the guys in the bar/man cave) and ive priced out the materials for the bar, and the actual bar itself will only cost me about 300 bucks to make...so if after two or three years im sick of the bar, I can just take it apart and put it the curb (or craigslist that biotch) - its not going to be drilled into the floor (it will be sturdy because of the L design and anchored into the wall into one place) so there wont be much work to take it down... and my design for the room will be more of a "high end" man cave, with high table and chairs at the back of the room and two club chairs on the other side of the room, so it wont just be all about the actual bar...
  12. GREAT list Poojer - Grace potter is killer, have seen her a bunch now...I would like to see her perform solo/with JUST another musician...love when she sings solo on stage or just with the drum beat behind her and think that made for a killer album/performance...perhaps down the road Im familiar with many off that list...will have to do some research and listening on the others though, based on previous conversations I know our musical interests align quite well... thanks for the list
  13. hahhah, ohhhhh I readily agree with ya, theres a WHOLE lot of **** out there in todays music, certainly way more garbage than greatness...but it IS there....I hope you enjoy
  14. love dr john as well, and yes Locked Down is a kick ass album - side note of Dr John - I know its not his original tune, but love his version...while at Pat O briens piano bar last time I was in New Orleans, one of the players granted my request to play Stack a Lee and it was highlight of the trip musically for me (needless to say we didnt go to many places playing live music - something I will NOT do again) I keep referencing them because some in this thread keep insisting that no new good rock is being created....and they are a good segue for some who need to see the light
  15. check out ANY of the black keys albums made in the past 5 years and you would realize how wrong you are about modern rock
  16. bathroom is attached to the room already, success no stripper pole, im going for "high end cigar bar" not "sleezy strip club" there will be a long mirror behind the bar....not entire wall size though juke box is good idea, but probably out of my price range
  17. ive got the water hook ups for a sink...it will be behind the bar (against the wall) and I currently own a wine cooler, it will be underneath/behind the bar good suggestions! keep em coming....(also ideas on HOW to implement these suggestions in a cost effective manner)
  18. Im turning my back room (that used to be a garage but was converted by the funny previous owner into a hair salon) into a bar/lounge/man cave area.....I am planning on building my own bar for the room.... plan is right now for it run along one entire wall, 11 and a half foot total, 8 foot section, 2 foot section with a foot and a half bar top that hinges up for passage through the bar.. anyone have experience in doing this? any tips or advice? Thanks!
  19. where did you see Gary Clark Jr?????
  20. its the internet, not english 101, wasn't aware we were being graded here and hot pockets are disgusting
  21. and you walked 10 miles to school, in the snow, up hill BOTH ways you drank water right from the tap and ate rare meat you played outside until dark, not on video games yea yea, we get it, your old and are from a bad ass generation...wake me up when all you old farts die and stop sucking my taxes dry with all your medicaid and medicare im joking...........kind of......
  22. no argument there... Gary Clark Jr. is amazing guitarist...hes 28...little old for your cutoff though
  23. exactly!!!! but.....i really cant get down with mars volta...ive tried, several times...and i dunno....maybe just not for me?
  24. LOVE the story...your a good man... whys the pug only have one eye?
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