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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. Im thinking about going to the movies on saturday to see this...want to know if anyone saw it and if its worth going to see in theatres (usually movies like this wouldnt catch my eye for theatres because of no special effects that warrant a theatre view...but ive got a gift cert. and i think some free time on saturday sooo...) see it? any good? Thanks!
  2. while I dont disagree about pit bulls being ugly...im not the hugest fan of golden retrievers...they are good dogs, but too "bland" for me...and im not a fan of the whole long haired doggies...just my 2 cents...
  3. stop the presses, the mayans MIGHT have been right about the end of the world business....I actually AGREE with PTR.... ....im speechless (typeless?)...
  4. as I already said, I understand its your property and you can do whateveeeerrr you please because of that....and again, im not hating, i just cant fathom someone opening their grounds to tailgating, and then having silly restrictions like "no funnels" lol....ive gotten way more drunk off a bottle of liquor than a few funnel's...and as I already said (again), I was stunned there are rules because ive never experienced a tailgate where someone has arbitrary rules about how one consumes their beverages... doesnt affect my life because a) I havent funneled a beer since I was 22 and b) I tailgate in lot 5 (where funneling is allowed if thats your fancy) and out of curiosity....how would you handle the situation of someone funneling a beer? what if they dont listen and continue to funnel? is shotgunning a beer allowed, or is this also considered "too fast" consumption of ones brew? m sure your lot is a great time for those who choose to tailgate there, keep on rockin in the free world
  5. so is this poor guy supposed to bring his baby to a bar? then you would all be crying foul.... oh, so he was just supposed to stay home?? get real....he shouldn't have to give up his life just because he had a kid....
  6. I guess I didnt realize my questioning was "bitching"....been tailgating a lot, and never had anyone issue decrees about the type of tailgating you do, so I was a little surprised, hence why I asked if he was joking and saying hes "kind" for doing the tailgating on his property might be a bit of a stretch...im sure he makes a nice buck off the whole tailgating thing, no? relaaxxxxxx, move to one of them hippy states and smoke a joint
  7. why are you so angry? or as the kids say these days, "you mad, bro?"
  8. i dont think theres any mixed feelings about Hammers...ive only read positive things about peoples experiences at Hammers lot (until today when the czar posted you couldnt funnel in his lot - but no one has ever posted any complaints about that to my recollection) the only "negative" comments in this thread, were by me, and werent really "negative"...i was just stunned that Hammer had rules pertaining to these things as far as the grill/food and such, I believe that type of behavior is tolerated, so long as your not planning on funneling your food...but you may want to consult the rule book you are given upon arrival
  9. Chan sucks, Fitz sucks, Wanny sucks... the formula for winning this game, as was/is/should have been all year long, is run the ball and get pressure on the QB Bills win 24-13
  10. pulling your leg about what? I havent read the complete guide to Hammers rules yet, but at first glance it doesnt look like there is any restrictions on butt-chugging haha
  11. well some people wanting Palmer from the Bengals is different than "trading fitz for palmer"...but I understand what your saying, but you should know by now that people on this board will ALWAYS drool for names....
  12. "excuse me sir, I saw that you were drinking beer out of a funnel, please get in your car and get out of this lot" - Hammer
  13. I, personally, can enjoy myself without pumping alcohol into my gullet like gas is pumped into a car I just think its lame to put restrictions on those who wish to do so... and please, spare me the "its his lot" nonsense, I understand it...have never been (im a lot 5 for lifer), but always assumed since people hype it up so much that it was an all out, raging good time....come to find out, you have to sign an oath to abide by some silly rules....now I imagine hammers lot as everyone wearing tux's, reading their bibles and sipping tea....lame
  14. franchise tag'd
  15. seriously???? are you joking or are those really not allowed? what are you, a nazi?
  16. lol @ Troupe love....hes fat, has a bad back, and is ugly....seeeee yaaaaaaaaa
  17. I dont care if the Bills are first in the league in rushing attempts....run the ball more!!!!! When you have a terrible QB, you hide this fact by running more, and then more...and just when they think your gonna pass, run the ball some more!!!! I wouldnt mind a game with not a single passing attempt by Fitzpatrick.... youve got two horses, run em into the ground
  18. i believe the line was "whaaatt? slim, give dat nigga 15" : ) great cutty scene for sure
  19. yes it was Levitre, and there were fumbling issues, so they replaced him, I cannot recall who took over then (Urbik I think?)
  20. I cant believe my thread about taking this flat screen off Chefs porch got locked......the nerve....
  21. ill wait to judge, but Buddy has had good success with bum linemen that he "discovers"....heres to hopin he found another serviceable lineman to fill in for our glass like line (I hate to say it, but Wood is fragile)
  22. Just picked up a brand new, cherry flat screen from some idiot who left it on his porch !!!!!!! who wants it? 250 bucks of B/O!!!!
  23. you gotta be KIDDING ME....seriously, you "did the right thing"? wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww give this man an award for "Honest Person of the Year"
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