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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. thank you to this thread for delivering Michelle Jenneke to me.....have I been living under a rock??? good god, yes please... EDIT: ohhhhhh, she was the bikini photo olympic chick...got it....
  2. this thread is gold...keep them coming (im still thinking on my contribution)
  3. if that loop hole exists, where a college player could go play for the CFL instead of college - which im not sure of the rules regarding that - that loop hole would QUICKLY get shut down after Clowney decided to do that, the NFL is far to rich and powerful to get played like that....and im sure already has something in place to stop that from occurring
  4. yes 5 year olds should be allowed to drive, if they can pass a road tet and yes 3 year olds should be allowed to have alcohol - if they are old enought to breathe, they are old enough to booze!! but seriously....what personal freedoms have we lost? well in new york we are currently losing a historically protected constitutional freedom, we have lost numerous freedoms in the name of national safety (read the Patriot Act), we are losing the right to privacy more and more each day (not just by our own choices such as facebook and other social networking sites where we share way to much - but to things such as publishing pistol permit holders addresses in the newspaper, companies getting access to phone numbers and shopping records, etc.)....im not saying all or some are good or bad, simply stating they are freedoms we are losing, and losing more every day, all in the name of "safety"...some of these changes may in fact have made us safer or are making us safer, and some may be over stepping their bounds we are still one of the only countries that continues to punish people for crimes against themselves (possession/use of drugs for instance) - not to mention, the drug/substance that ACTUALLY kills more people than everything else combined is perfectly legal and funds every major political campaign (Tobacco/cigarettes) this country is, and has been, changing for some time now at the hands of the government- and not necessarily to the benefit of the people who they are supposed to be representing (side note: I still love America and all of our freedoms....simply making observations)
  5. well compared to football in other states, NY youth/school football sucks mightily anyway, so does it really matter??? haha law will never pass, so no worries
  6. this is more than quite common....not sure why this is even a story I personally like the 3 year rule - forces players to take education serious, reduces their risk of injury at the NFL level (BIG difference between an 18 year olds body and a 21 year olds body after 3 years of a REAL weight lifting program), and is good for the development of on the field skills of players... I dont see any reason to be against the 3 year rule....could Clowney physically play at the next level this upcoming year? More than likely he would be an immediate impact player....but that doesnt mean EVERY kid his age would...it protects THEM and the integrity of the game and process...
  7. well what if I just want to smoke to get high???? huh? what then, brainiac?? : ) stop turning my enjoyable weed into some medical abomination that actually HELPS people!!! the nerve....
  8. baseball teams do it all the time because there is not a salary cap
  9. then you have not seen Modern Family, because it is one of the, if not THE, funniest shows that has EVER been on major networks 30 Rock also had a great run, never to much fan fare though Arrested Development was also hilarious (i only watched the ep's on netflix never while on TV so Im not positive, but I thought it was on network) Other sitcoms that are decent and currently on network: Big Bang Theory and Parks and Rec and Happy Endings
  10. i still find courtney cox to be very hot that said, the show is pretty terrible, lol..sorry...
  11. im sure the islanders will give tavares a big ole contract and wont ever let him walk and as far as millers performance last night, he did come up with some huge saves (and got helped by the post on a few others) - he plays his best when he gets a lot of soft shots (like last night) early on to get him in the groove...there was a lot less miller-esque flopping around the ice and more of standing pat and making saves, thats the miller I like to see defensively we are SOFT, SOFT, SOFT - and the fix is really quite simple, BODY UP ON YOUR MAN! stop chasing the puck/sticks and take the man dammit!
  12. flowers, well played haha trading down is easier said than done I want no part of any "dalton type QB"
  13. a one word answer to the thread title: no
  14. great, you start 2 WRs so the 3rd is your "back up" haha...yes I realize he plays in the slot when going 3 wide, so he is not truly a back up - and yes he had one decent year (in a year when we had to pass all the time because our defense was beyond horrible and Fred got hurt for the year) you are correct, he is a decent number 3 (for US) - does not change the fact we need to sign/draft a true number 1/2 type WR and Nelson is a slot receiver/backup at best I understand the man crushes people on have him, hes tall, hes athletic and an all around good dude....and maybe a different coaching staff thinks he could be a factor?? Be great to resign him and sign/draft others....our WRs have been average at best for a while (sans Stevie)
  15. this just in: If Carmelo never went to cuse, Boheim would STILL never have a championship thank you for your time
  16. hes still nothing more than a back up WR update complete
  17. what about him being a syracuse alum OR being friends with Vick (he is?) would give him any sort of inside info about this situation? lol
  18. troup is as mythical as a unicorn, or big foot, or the loch ness monster
  19. claytons pony tail weakens any credibilty he ever had
  20. agreed on all fronts first, its Clayton, hes probably just making this sheit up... second, im open to bringing in 20 QBs not named Fitz third, are any of the QBs in this draft ready to play from day one?
  21. hmmm...what exactly is your beef with them? I too have been flying with them for years and havent noticed any changes....
  22. lol...I can just see Buddy busting that out or better yet, bringing up this thread hahaaha
  23. Stevie Johnson FA FA/Rookie Nelson Graham Jones someone is the odd man out in this scenario.....and I would think it would be Jones...but we are extending him I guess? odd....
  24. it takes two to tango and I think we will sign em both...they both, most likely, will "test the market" so they have a better idea of what their value is, and the bills should ( and I truly think will ) match or best that offer and keep them both.... the fact that neither are signed yet means very little as far as future plans by the bills
  25. up until this year I never had NFL Network bc of disputes with Time Warner - so this will be my first opp...but honestly...probably not? its not like they are competing, they just run, workout, and do drills....not quite sure im getting the allure of actually watching it maybe watch the QBs throw??? haha..but still...probably not
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