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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. the stats of big hands leads to NFL success is VERY well documented im not saying its the end all, be all...but it does correlate
  2. and be sure to look up my thread in the Off the Wall section about going to New Orleans, lots of GREAT suggestions in there of things to do, especially contributed by NoSaint (thanks again brother, we had a great trip!!)
  3. always do at least one road game a season...last year we drove to Cleveland and Indy...not sure what game we will go to this year, but there WILL be a game.. I reccommend New Orleans, especially if you have never been....make sure you make a long weekend out of it and eat lots of seafood
  4. based on this chart, Brad Sorensen and Tyler Wilson either A) dont have hands B) have unmeasureably large/small hands.... Interesting gotta have a big handed QB - makes up for even tiny men like Russell Wilson get emmmm buddy
  5. really hope World War Z is good...the book was awesome, but the previews have me worried with these seemingly super human zombies - could trash what was one a promising script/idea/endeavour Great Gatsby should be solid too - good cast...classic story
  6. the man better hope he finds a new NFL contract to pay for all that gas... that truck is ugggllyyyyyyy
  7. serves you right for eating at a dispicable place like Anchor Bar : ) the wings at the original anchor bar are dry as well (granted not the "dry rub" that you speak of, but might as well be) DUFFFFFFFFFFFFFSSSSSS
  8. one word response: puke
  9. im proud of myself for reading that...was pretty brutal In hindsight I wish I had scrolled down and read Barbarian's cleaned up version but yea, I am not a huge fan of this mock....nor can I see some of those players lasting until those picks...
  10. overacts every scene, yes I agree : ) Andrea I agree is also terrible.... if this show was on HBO/showtime they could afford some good acting and make the show incredible... dont get me wrong, I mostly enjoy the show and will watch it until its completion, I just wonder every week "what could be" with better cast/some money and effects
  11. no to Manziel...sorry, just dont see his game translating to the NFL - hes a runner, first and foremost....and will get killed in the NFL trying that (dont give me the russell wilson or even RG3 comparisons, both of them were better passers and passers first than Manziel) - and name me ONE NFL QB who was a runner first and won super bowls/had a pro bowl career???
  12. hmmm....terrible LBs with that offseason - but I guess, what would be different about that and the bills LB play for years now??
  13. rick is such a terrible actor....its ALMOST killing the show for me I truly wish HBO or Showtime would pick up on the zombie or just end of the world trend right now and put out an amazing post apocalyptic show...
  14. i dont blame her, when I dance I tend to get really into it and before I notice, im buck naked....people like us just lose ourselves in the music....
  15. OP must me be racist, thinking the poor kid is dumb because hes black terrible... I bet he thinks Nassib will score off the charts on the test because hes white
  16. my wife and I were floored by her...good for her....
  17. thats what they are telling their husbands so they can go out and be hussies be careful of your wife man, her friends are sketchy : )
  18. why WOULDNT a married woman be wearing a wedding ring??? A) shes unfaithful B) she wants to attract creepy guys like you (and therefore is probably unfaithful, or will soon be) C) She lost it (and therefore is careless and will probably end up unfaithful anyway) any of those options says, no ring = fair game, creep away! EDIT: or the dreaded option D) you were WAYYYY to creepy and she lied about being married to get you away from her....
  19. great for your niece, PTR, glad she is breaking down barriers and boundaries - and I hope she is safe during deployment and returns healthy!! you should be, and im sure you are, proud! To the point of women serving in combat: yes there should be baseline physical fitness tests that ALL soldiers should have to pass to be "combat ready" - and this is NOT referring to just boot camp....I know several soldiers (Army and Marines) who would NOT be able to "drag a 205 pound soldier out of harms way", so if that restriction would be placed on females, then all males in combat units should be able to accomplish the same task NDBUFFCUSEFAN is raising legitimate concerns about females serving in combat roles, but there are "easy" answers to those questions...and it has nothing to do with old fashioned macho bravado of "women cant do that" - we all know there are some women who are damn qualified to serve, and some men who are NOT In general are most males stronger than females? yes...but just because that is the general trend, that should not omit ALL females from attempting to serve in combat curious to any military members....in order to be in a combat situation, were there are "physical tests" you had to pass first? (aside from boot camp) Such as, making sure you could drag a 205 pound fallen soldier?
  20. soooooo, only high priced free agents ever work out and contribute? lol
  21. there was actually a study done recently that linked those who drink MORE than 6 cups of coffee a day with drastically REDUCED chances/levels of certain cancers (testicular, colon, and something else) so I wouldnt rush to judgments about coffee being unhealthy (unless of course you load your coffee with cream and sugar, then yes, its unhealthy - but be a man and drink it black!!) : )
  22. then your getting into some murky water - having a board of people who decide someones possible future or readiness vs someone elses...i dont think thats a viable option
  23. OP hates kyle williams - hang em' high!!!!!
  24. "honorary member of the Jewish tribe" lol downloaded it, excited to read it... and I love free sheit
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