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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. I will see him live in the next two years - its on my "short bucket list" - and If possible, I will have a drink with him as well
  2. yea its a solid tune - and Im a big fan of the whole blak and blu album not to nit pick - but its a new video, not song, the song is off the album which released in August - I highly recommend the album, solid mix of guitar solo's, metal, hip hop and rhythm thanks for the link pooj!
  3. my vote certainly goes to Ray Lewis - LT is second because he "Revolutionized" the position
  4. yea if only there for two days, you will realistically only get 4 (probably more like 2 or 3 though) meals in - thats a lot to fit in - honestly...id skip the po'boy too...especially if your not going to get a seafood one im jealous of you though - wish I could convince the wife to go back so soon
  5. Listen, I ate plenttyyyyy of seafood and "authentic new orleans food" when we were down there - but I heard from quite a few locals that Port of Call was a great stop that is not "touristy" - and I LOVE burgers and must try them wherever I travel - and Port of Call certainly delivered, not to mention, as NoSaint said, you can do some SERIOUS drinking when you wait for your food - I had two of the huge "Monsoons" and I was on my ass after dinner, and I can put away the booze all in all, Port of Call is one of my top rec's when it comes to my very limited experience in Nola we also made reservations for Emeril's NOLA for a fancy dinner - and it did not dissapoint - I went with about 5 app's instead of a dinner - duck confit pizza was excellent - everything that everyone got at our table was great we had mothers on the list - but they were closed whatever day we actually wanted to go (monday perhaps? maybe sunday?) - not too sad that we missed out on that though, another time - we got our po-boy fill elsewhere we were in New Orleans for more than three days, and ate everything on that list as well as the fab. burgers from port of call but you can be ignorant and miss out on great burgers : ) in all seriousness - I do understand the whole "burger in New Orleans??" thing - but it was worth it, and didnt limit our other "authentic" intake
  6. Nix did trade up for TJ - maybe (hopefully) hes wiling to for Jones
  7. Barrett Jones - if he lasts until our pick, how do we pass him up?? (note: not only is woods injury prone but he could also be gone next year)
  8. yea I agree ACME was over rated, we had no line though (went in for dinner at 430) - aside from the Char Grilled Oysters everything else we had was sub par something about getting a non seafood po-boy bothers me haha....Im sure they are good, but I can go to any local sub shop in WNY and get a ham sub!! : ) i am sad my group didnt want to make time for the WW2 museum - as a history teacher I was reeeeallllyyyyyyyy trying to go, but was vastly out numbered and its not the type of place you can pop in for an hour just to check out - I would have been in there for half a day....next time I guess....
  9. hmmmm, someone should tell the Bills CB's that that is how NFL CB's are supposed to play - because our guys sit 10-15 yards off the ball and play "react" football, not "dictate" other than my jab at our terrible defensive scheme for...well...forever....I agree with you completely, but I have the faith he can get off the press, he has done it, just not week in and week out
  10. hey PTR - eat crow : )
  11. im not saying we should draft him but you guys are nuts - one terrible game (on the biggest stage) and hes not even going to be drafted??? lol the guy has a solid, solid body of work - played damn good against MANY MANY QUALITY teams (for just one example, check out youtube clips of him playing Stanford - with three NFL lineman on that line) and watch him murder people all game long Dude can play, period.... but id rather not have the bills draft him in the 2nd round with our other needs
  12. Te'o not drafted at all???????????? what are YOU smoking?
  13. yea check out my thread in off the wall (search: New Orleans) - lots of good info in there, mostly from NoSaint - I just took a trip there in January - awesome time, awesome city we stayed at the aforementioned Best Western - was quite nice actually (and they have an outdoor pool if thats your thing) MUST EAT AT: Port of Call (tiny burger place about a 5-10 minute walk from the Best Western, but their burgers and baked potatos - no fries- are amazing, seriously hit this place up) If you get a chance, the trip into midtown (I think its called midtown, its by Tulane) for a meal at Patois is well, well, wellllll worth it. We went for brunch and it was one of the best meals ive ever had... get the char grilled oysters, even if you dont like oysters, they are phenomenal (we got them at ACME but lots of places do em) I want to go back to narlins now... NoSaint is a wealth of knowledge that I highly recommend you all seek out I dug up the old thread in Off The Wall - its on the front page there now
  14. just thought i would dig this up for easy viewing for all of those planning to go to New Orleans in October for the Bills game.... my words of advice to those thinking of going: DO IT! Enjoy
  15. he did put his house on the market - it was reported locally in buffalo this morning I say....SEEEEEEEE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  16. thats a true fan, well done thats why you have friends over, have beer and food, play cards and put on a phish show and jam out
  17. you are right, not thread-jack worthy - I was hoping for juicy details about you being a male volleyball player, traveling to Vegas to hook up with other male volleyball players at seedy strip clubs/prossy houses....but alas - it was allllll for the kids (as it always is with "you parents") - but for real, well wishes and good luck to your daughter!
  18. while I agree about Jordan, ill **** my pants and eat it (with my pizza) if hes still on the board
  19. please explain further...this is worth a mini thread-jacking....
  20. I can understand why casual fans wouldnt watch the draft, or even why fans who are JUST bills fans (like, they dont watch other NFL games) wouldnt watch the draft but as a fan who loves ALL of the NFL - yes I would tune in to watch a 2-13 team play a 3-12 team have a show down at the end of the season - the draft is like Mecca for muslims - so much happening, so many futures of franchises changing/improving/imploding - mannn I love it
  21. he needs a punch in the nuts
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