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Everything posted by PaattMaann

  1. I was kind of thinking along these same lines....however, I also thought, "he is still not even a full season into being an NFL QB", so maybe that has more to do with why he looks uncomfortable at times, more so than the staff trying to make him into something he's not....we all know, with time, the game slows down and you can start playing on instinct rather than having to think through everything Im hoping he gets to that point very, very soon....
  2. thats why all he did was WIN, right? what a joke statement
  3. exactly - the car analogy does not work because cars depreciate...and an NFL franchise's value SHOULD always do the opposite...unless the NFL starts losing money somehow...and as the saying goes.."theres only three gaurantees in life; death, taxes and the NFL making gobs of money"
  4. THIS mans gotta eat, quit your crying
  5. soooo....the guy cant like the city of Toronto?
  6. find a better charter bus company - theres a bunch around - and one that will get you there when you want? why cant the company get you there until 10? Because you only have the bus for a certain number of hours? just ask them to pay extra and extend the hours....its really your best option....
  7. Maybe I'm just not into art like this - but those are pretty awful paintings - Monet had talent?
  8. Right - and that's my point - there isn't good access to 33, 190 etc....it would be a traffic nightmare and to fix that would take millions and years (at least that's what I'm envisioning) - so what is the plan to get a DT site viable - because it would be my first choice for a new stadium location
  9. While I disagree about traffic being a dying issue - maybe in 50 years, but for the first 30 years of a new stadium it would be a major concern - then read my comment as "transportation concerns". If it isn't parking/traffic then what is the public transportation plan for a DT stadium?
  10. Fantastic post and great comments There is room and ability to satisfy all downtown - the biggest issue is traffic in and out though - how, without spending many millions of dollars and many years to accomplish, would they remedy this issue if it were placed downtown?
  11. Traffic is a huge issue - did Baltimore add/upgrade highway system in and out of the harbor or was that infrastructure already there?
  12. None of which will make the team Andddd of course bandit beats me to it by a minute - bastard
  13. hes his buddy he sees potential in hackett that could really be true and we could see flourish and benefit from it we wont know until after this season
  14. I compiled stats last year for the first half of the season, and I shared it on TBD several times...we didnt ALWAYS run it up the gut on first down...but when we did, it tended to lead to 3 and outs almost 60 percent of the time...drives that began with a pass, led to sustained drives (6 plays or more) and points far more frequently than the "jam it up the middle plays" Hopefully, if we claim to be such an analytically inclined organization, some stat guy is sitting at OBD compiling those same stats that I did and hands his reports to our coaching staff, who in turn say "Duh! Maybe I shouldnt jam it up the middle on more than half of every drive, and mix in some throws, which softens the defense, opens up the run game and leads to points!" But, EJ absolutely needs to stay healthy and improve so that all around him on offense (and subsequently) defense, can get better PLAYOFFS!
  15. with two oft-injured RBs, of course he wont be a 3rd stringer its like driving a 20 year old clunker - you better have a backup plan, because you ARE GOING to need it eventually...otherwise, your walking everywhere...this is Whaley not wanting to walk....
  16. Wait what?? What was wrong with carrington? And Graham should bring something to this team other than being cut???
  17. Love the hell out of this idea
  18. agreed Brandon, i think the pick is Martin unless Matthews is somehow there for us (he wont be)
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_meal some interesting things in this link...such as "sugar free pecan pie"...why, if your going to be executed in a few minutes are you eating sugar free? could this person have REALLY thought sugar free tasted better? KFC seems really popular
  20. this is implying the Sabes will at some point get their **** together and be good, lol
  21. I like OPs wants for the most part - don't see a trade down happening though (hope I'm wrong) No way we don't come out of draft without adding a CB though
  22. Chicken spiedies (look it up if you don't know) on white bread Macaroni salad (w tuna) French fries Medium cheese and pep from Amherst ale house Better than sex cake They don't allow alcohol with your last meal - so, following the rules I won't include my delicious beverage choices
  23. having a stud OT allows your QB time and opportunity to get the ball to your game breaking difference makers already on the roster having a stud OT helps open holes for your game breaking RBs already on the roster OT improves every aspect of our offense
  24. Some of you are missing the OPs original point - the dude can play every position on the oline at a very high level (sans maybe LT bc of short arms - but that's also not always the case).... Some of you are saying "you don't draft a guard at 9" - that's not necessarily the case here - would you use the number 9 pick to solidify your oline? That's the question....personally, yes I would The company line (and rightfully so) has been "protect EJ and get him weapons" - that's the goal of this draft....I don't care what order it comes in or how it looks or is perceived by fans or the media, if those two goals are accomplished it will have been a fantastic weekend I'm confident in OBD
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