based upon ticket sales during the Dicky J era, there is no need to help tickets. Does anyone really believe that ticket sales will go down this year??? there is no Jauron, that's all they had to do to "sell" the dream. Buffalo is not Jax - the fanbase is solid. and it's not Miami - there are no alternative entertainment to the Bills. Tickets will sell themselves.
Vick would only help sell the team to the national media. ESPN would love the move. I would hate it! I don't think Gailey needs Vick and Vick is not a long term solution.
I don't buy tickets b/c I live far away but I watch every game. The games are so less exciting now. Vick would render them almost unwatchable for me. I don't like the move for several reasons (observed by others) and would not renew tickets if I had tickets to renew.
thus, because there is no need to increase ticket sales, I would think that Vick would only hurt local ticket sales