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Everything posted by bfw1234

  1. hope they break into tonight's UT/Bama game that Bills have just hired Cowher!!
  2. anyone following Logan on twitter? seen this on a twitter post
  3. That horse was no match for the C.H.U.D.
  4. agreed - how much interest does he have if he's waiting for the outcome of a Dallas game? I want someone who wants to coach the Bills. That's why I think the longer this goes, the less chance it is of happening. He's been out of the league a while and reportedly assembling his staff. He should be ready to roll through the contract negotiations, etc. Suspect that he would want to tour the facility and area, though prior to signing a contract?
  5. Schottenhiemer suggested otherwise today on the radio and not that he didn't want to coach but that he thought that Cowher was a perfect fit and that there was a reasonable possibility that it would be Cowher. Clayton is only always pontificating speculation to his lap dog Schopp. Not sure why he gets time on wgr to explain the Bills to Schopp? where is Hamilton's contacts? I only believe in Joe Logan now
  6. I agree that McCoy is not a top flight NFL QB but have if you watched Brohm in college you saw his arm strength, etc and I know most scouts didn't agree with the author of this article re Brohm coming out of school. Brohm can make all the throws. He was in the wrong system at GB. Recall Atlanta gave up on Farve, Tampa got rid of Steve Young, so I'm happy to wait and see Brohm succeed here. Filiponi on WGR is another Brohm hater.
  7. I agree shanny was done post haste and suspect that this is a critical time. Of course, it doesn't sound as if Cowher will have many other coaching options this year so that could slow the Bills down a bit but still Nix said sooner than later. I'm hoping it's soon; all the variables seem to be in place for it to happen....if it's going to happen. I suspect no news is good news right now
  8. Brohm is the answer - Brohm was a pro set college qb. He will develop into big time qb for us. Levevour's numbers are remniscent of Colt Brennan, Chase Daniels, etc. The spread offense is a big deal. heard Phil Simms say as much yesterday - the footwork, timing, etc Just read Malcolm Gladwell's take on the spread offense and how it does not predict NFL success in his recent book entitled "what the dog saw" for those of you not familar with the transition from a spread college game to a pro -set offense in the NFL, I recommend the read.
  9. he reminded me of Chase Daniels (Mizzou) also put up numbers in a spread offense
  10. music to my ears!! thanks for the update. yeah Marty is obviously an insider - very credible in this instance. I read somewhere, not sure if accurate that Bills were 12 in salary paid this year - if accurate, that should comfort Cowher. They over pay for bad players; Pats underpay for good players. It's all about mgt- again obviously. Also, I never heard that the Rooney family were big spenders?? So it's not as if he is coming from DC or Dallas and would be taking a major step down, etc
  11. yeah CB seems to add cred to Logan
  12. yeah I agree - if Cowher wasn't still an option, I suspect these guys would not be mentioning his name. Brown tips his hand a bit w/ regard to what is stalling Cowher, so please RB give the guy the assurances he needs already and end this speculation. I need to get some f..ing work done and this is a major distraction
  13. I say no to the tampa 2!! this guy Frazier is just Perry Fewell with great talent to work with. If Fewell had the Minn talent, he'd be a "hot" coordinator too! If they're truly considering this, they could just kept Fewell and get better talent i.e., the LB McClain and DT Cody from Bama. makes no sense. irrespective, they should get McClain and Cody!! Please!! Tired of watching them get run the f over. Jets manhandled us - we can't have that and we need to knock Brady, et al around and stop Miami's run
  14. Don - let's hope they've had more clandestine encounters. any reports from the airports today?
  15. I agree with your deduction. and if this is true, makes Shefter, et al look very foolish
  16. has anyone directly refuted Logan's statements? Florio says no - until such time, keep 'em coming Logan!! I'm not sold on Schefter's info in this case. shanahan, sure - but not necessarily Cohwer. what is going on today at the airport? wouldn't Cowher want to visit the complex, the area, etc prior to signing a contract for a job?
  17. He reminds me of a better Chase Daniels (Mizzuo) who also put up big numbers in a spread offense.
  18. think maybe he goes to KC
  19. I think most Marve era pix will be on the bubble, save for Pos - who should be replaced with McClean ® Alabama
  20. McClain (1) & Cody (1.b or 2)
  21. Tampa 2 or not, I hope the Bills draft or sign an impact DT and 2 LBs this off season. Watch the Tide tonight - would love to get that DT & MLB combo in Buffalo!!!
  22. FWIW, Soprano has previously stated that Michael Turner would be a bill, involving a trade and a 5 yr deal.
  23. yeah I agree. I suspect this Logan cat actually has friends deep inside OBD...JK...feeding him this info. Cowher or the Bills could very easily squash all these rumors. But if true, I wonder what today's exercise is all about; that is, if Cowher is negotiating $$ for players, they might close, so why fly to Minn to interview another DC? I guess this could help with the Bills leverage but it just seems that the Shanny and DC deal went so much smoother than this - also, if Logan is correct, RB give him the assurances now!!
  24. good work -- hope your detection finds our guy
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