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Everything posted by bfw1234

  1. think its the qb salary. can't stand the blond frankenstien
  2. It's as if Cowher to Buffalo is so unrealistic as to merrit mention. Didn't RW speak to the AP about it Charlie?? Cowher must have put the gag order on....but why?? Just acknowledge it and say your not interested if that's the case. I can't imagine he is leveraging the carolina gig? No news is good news right now - I guess
  3. I'll sign up for more coyness and innuendo from Cowher - at least a glimmer of hope to sustain my interest until the DJ moment they announce frazier
  4. yeah me too. wtf the point of this?!! not sure how much more I can take. might take a hiatus until the new ownership gets in Cowher's CBS show starts in little over an hour - he'll probably vanquish all hope by 1pm est today
  5. Great work Buddy ! 4 more years!! 4 more years!!
  6. Agreed. If no Cowher, then Marty please!
  7. RW loves continuity! but I don't think this is his fault unless he vetoed the cash to cap thing and refused the assurances re player $$ Cowher was seeking per the Logan story.
  8. Thanks Buddy "4 more years!!" "4 more years!!"
  9. Barry Switzer??
  10. who is the celebrity in the picture?
  11. If Frazier is such a great interview/coaching talent why hasn't he been hired already??!!?? Hasn't he been up for HC spots several times before?? Ask yourself that Buddy!!!!
  12. Frazier = continuity!!!!!!
  13. More dispiriting thoughts - thanks Moran. Where is Logan when you need him?
  14. God in Heaven, I hope you're right!
  15. I feel like giving up. I watch Bills games b/c it's habit but I no longer get excited and somewhat nervous watching them. i grew up spoiled during the Kelly era. I recall how excited I would be waking up Sunday morning. This has been an awful decade for my relationship with the Bills. And a sense of dread is beginning to take hold as I anticipate the Frazier hire; the same dread I felt with DJ hire. I'm tired of watching "real" franchises operate in comparison to the Bills. How exciting it must be to for Seahawk and Redskin fans. Not to say that Carroll or Shanny succeed, but please!! any hope, this is report smokes Cowher out?
  16. This could be it for me! It's going to hard for me to muster any energy to watch them if they hire Frazier b/c I can anticipate the results. This guy Frazier is Fewell with better talent at his disposal!!! WTF!!! another disaster for us but the talking heads will say it's a "great hire" WTF!!! If true, this aint RW's fault -- good job Buddy!! :wallbash:
  17. It certainly sounds as if it could be Kelly - http://twitter.com/LoganInEA
  18. can anyone verify Monday's Billick interview? or was that just BS - thanks
  19. sports talk in dallas suggests that cowher not interested in cowboys; friends of cowhers intimate that he will go to bills. this story was reported in a thread yesterday afternoon and prior to jw's dispiriting article
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