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Everything posted by bfw1234

  1. that cant be good for tourism
  2. thanks for the info! sounds very good!
  3. I've been attuned to this Cowher vigil for what seems like an eternity. Truthfully, I expect a little separation anxiety when it finally ends
  4. yeah why doesn't someone in the media just ask Cowher already!! RW asked the media to do this. but no, we're left to speculate and accept tweets from adam shefter - overlord of nfl insiders and final arbitrator of Cowher's definitive position in this matter
  5. agreed; our lines seem to get pushed around. need to end this
  6. I don't think I want Fox either based on the analysis of Panther fans. I hope this "waiting period" smokes Cowher out of hiding. If he is serious about coaching in 2010, where he going go?
  7. anyone know of unusual private jet activity today b/n NC and B-Lo?
  8. Trestman should get serious consideration.
  9. I notice Cowher's name not emerging in association w/ Oakland HC spot. maybe he goes to the UFL? sounds like Haslett might get the Wash DC gig. or maybe USF? Tex Tech? where are all the "insiders" who said he was defin coaching in 2010 and assembling a staff?
  10. How does King explain Billsman's report that Cowher was in Buffalo Friday or Saturday or account for all the private jet flight activity to/from Blo, Teterboro and NC??
  11. Cowher to Oakland, then?? According to earlier "insiders" Cowher was a lock to coach in 2010, so per King's deduction that is where he'll end up
  12. where is Cowher going then per all the "he will defin coach in 2010 reports"? I guess Oakland
  13. Brohm will be better than Sanchez
  14. the "go ask Bill Cowher" directive is left to talk about. thus, the 500 pound gorilla in the room
  15. why would they conspire to silence? "mutual agreement" they had no such agreement with Shanahan. I suspect they are still smoking Cowher out. If he is going to coach this year, he better start acting like it.
  16. FWIW, Pat Moran tweeted that Cowher has not discussed coaching search w/ anyone - including but not limited to CBS, friends. JK - make that call
  17. fwiw, Patrick Moran has apparently heard that Cowher is completely mum re coaching situation; hasn't even discussed it with CBS, others. http://twitter.com/PatrickMoranBSD
  18. Thanks John for the response. CBS's blatant ommission of the 500 pound gorrilla in the room from the Bills HC discussion leads me to suspect that Cohwer is angling for something....and CBS is abetting these behind the scenes machinations... I just wish it would end already and with Cohwer in Buffalo, of course! -thanks
  19. K-Gun is correct re tax law. the estate tax is sometimes referred to as the "death tax"
  20. John, again - many thanks for the contribution; very much appreciate the insight. Just wondering why no one in the media has followed up on Mr. Wilson's suggestion and asked Bill Cowher if he is interested in coaching the Bills? CBS did a deplorable job analyzing the Bills search by omitting your RW/BC scoop from the analysis. Surely, he could end all the speculation (hysteria - see billboard) enveloping Bills Nation in the same manner Shanahan did. A prolonged Cowher vigil is not healthy for long-suffering Bills fans; but for that matter, neither is hiring another Tampa 2, unproven as a HC guy.
  21. fine, then have the professional courteousy and decency to politely decline the offer. the fact that no one at CBS acknowledged the situation is insulting
  22. what time was that? they got to sign cowher before Jax calls him
  23. one method for diagnosing insanity -- expecting different results when replicating the same activity, repeatedly
  24. what's the vegas action re Cowher to Jax?
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