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Buffalo 66

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Everything posted by Buffalo 66

  1. Why not go for "TWO" Isn't the point to try and "WIN" the game?
  2. This team did not deserve to win, they did not deserve to beat Arizona or Cleveland.I HOPE HEADS START TO ROLL! I wonder if Chan has any answers for this one? These guy's are comical.
  3. Cant believe I just wasted 3 hours of my life watching two GARBAGE teams play!
  4. We need to get to at least the 25 yard line with this wind
  5. Time for "FITZ"Magic to earn his $$$$$$$$!!!
  6. What a cool speech by Polian!
  7. Who woulda thunk? http://www.wivb.com/...-dangerous-city
  8. The Dolphin's are tied with the Bill's for Christ's sake! Seems to me like he is at about the same level as the old Amish Rifle LOL!
  9. A moose on the hoof weighs about 1500 lbs, That ia an Alaska/Yukon moose which is bigger than the ones in Quebec! They only make a Big chief and little chief, the only difference is the amount you can smoke at one time, The Bradley smokers are a little fancier and a lot more expensive! Let me know if you want ideas, recipies, or what have you! Would be glad to help, this is my area of specialty!
  10. I got weathered in my tent on a recent hunting trip to Alaska and read the FIRST Dexter book and now I am hooked! Have been watching them everynight. They are so addicting my girlfriend thinks I am a freak!
  11. I use a big chief smoker and smoke lots of venison and salmon, I am a pretty serious hunter and just shot a moose in Alaska and brought back 4oolbs of meat, I have been making jerky for 2 weeks, Im me if you want a recipe, you can find the big chief at WalMart http://luhrjensensmokers.com/
  12. "long sped" is that how they say long speed in Alabama?
  13. Could not quite remember, the old man replied "Commander Tom" And it all came back! I am only 9 years younger than you my friend!
  14. Have a thing against pre- marital sex do you?
  15. What a deal to be down 3-0 against the Yankees and come back and win in that fashion, that guy stealing second base in the ninth with Mariano Rivera on the mound and I believe the Yankees two outs away from the win! I was actually happy for the Sox in a way! Must of been a good day to be a Sox fan!
  16. Oh yes I forgot about the National scout thing! I was wrong, sorry!
  17. That's why I chose the Yankees, because Buffalo has no MLB team and I can expect at least one championship every few years! What a let down this year.Sounds bad I know, but figured I would stick to a NewYork team.
  18. I don't think you can give any credit to Buddy for Byrd I believe that was the DJ era!
  19. Does this guy look like he likes the "SAUCE'??
  20. Yes I did the same and I used to wake up early hoping he would announce that my school was closed due to a snow day! Thank God for lake effect in the Southtowns!
  21. Is that Irv wienstien???
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