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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. we are rebuilt and fantastic. Stop the gloom and doom! 16 and 0 for sure with the great offensive line. We have three (count'em) THREE franchise quarterbacks on board right now. With CORNELL GREEN anchoring that line we can't go wrong. Only a clown would waste a first round pick on a position of actual need. We will use our number one to get another good running back or defensive back.
  2. Flutie, Jim Kelly, Joe Ferguson, Jack Kemp...who cares? We have the best quarterbacks i the NFL on our team Levi Brown Trent Edwards and Fitz should be put on the hall of fame this year. Anyone who disagrees is on the gloom and doom squad!!!
  3. oh it is sooo great to wake up in the morning knowing we have made all the right moves to win the superbowl this year. To think I was going to be satisfied with only nine wins! You know with this 3-4 defense and all of the new players coming in that nobody ever heard of and who couldn't pass other teams physicals, is it too much to hope that we not only be undefeated but also (dare I say it?)....UNSCORED UPON??? Some naysayer sumbitch is going to say that it is unlikely we will not be scored upon but to such a crabby naysayer, I say "go back to Al Qaeda!!" you disloyal bills fan!!!
  4. OH GOD!! we are going to be sooooo awesome this year. This offensive line is the best in football history. To think we were able to get CORNELL GREEN from the great OAKLAND RAIDERS!!! And the depth we have! I think we have to win the superbowl easy this year. Undefeated for sure!
  5. I think we'll finally win the superbowl this year. We have a a real hall of famer coming at at right tackle (green) and Demetrius Bell has the hang of it for left tackle. clearly we have the best offensive line in the AFL. Levi Brown is a stud and will be right up there with Marino and Rothlesberger taking us to the bowl in his first season. I love the idea of getting rid of TO and Josh Reed which opens up positions for those great receivers we've been hiding on the bench and on the taxi squad to shine. Getting rid of Schobel by going to a 3-4 and bringing in all of those guys in the later rounds of the draft to fill out the defensive front seven was a stroke of genius. My only question is whether we will go undefeated and have a perfect season like the 72 Dolphins!
  6. Exactly. I agree with every word of the article. In fact I'm going to nominate them for the Pulitzer Prize for stating the obvious. All of these obvious problems have been pointed out ad infinitum on this board.
  7. had it a few years ago after running a 15k in Tampa (fun race, the Gasparilla I think is its name). The doc told me no running for six months (dam near killed me and I put on a ton of weight.) My godchild who was a serious runner at Binghamton told me an exercise that you do on stairs, and recommende not so much a tennis ball, but frozen soda cans to roll on the inside of your foot. Stretching and rest seem to be the key to getting rid of it, but believe me it seems to take forever.
  8. Excellent player and a big part of the best ever buffalo bill teams. Another of the famous Penn State Linebackers.
  9. Geez...Brohm actually was more interested in talking to a hot chick than in talking with a beastmode fan? He sounds like he might have what it takes to be quarterback next year!! Actually I'm not surprised that TE (and any other Buffalo qb who values his life) would be excited about something being done to correct that TACKLE problem that we have. Chan and Buddy...are you friggin listening?
  10. when we went from a 3-4 to a 4-3 under Gregg-o Phil Hansen retired. I would not be surprised to see our best defensive lineman in a 4-3 retire rather than play linebacker in a 3-4. Should have seen that coming. Hell we have so many all-pro players we can afford to lose one for the sake of implementing a new defensive scheme without the appropriate personnel. I can't believe no one saw this coming.
  11. Our O'Line is a "work in progress"? What work...what progress? Our D-line is based on rookies and people playing new positions who for the most part were unsuccessful in their old positions. It might or might not be good but the jury has to be very out on the assessment of this line. I found Gailey's putting that as the key to turning it around, at least as far as the offensive line goes, very interesting. If you're gonna fix the o-line, stop talking about it and do something.
  12. I've always liked Roscoe, but it seems we have a lot of players can and will return well, and Spiller seems to be the first bet to fill in for many of the "waterbug" roles that Roscoe is so good at. I would think he would be very good trade bait as I think he has a lot to contribute to some team.
  13. Incognio did not suck for the bills by any means. And he'll probably start for Miami this year. And we have a starting gaurd coming off an injury. And we have very little depth at gaurd. Still doesn't compute.
  14. I'm at a loss how you could say we are better now than we were. We had a pretty good team last year but suffers a rash of injuries on defense, a poor qb. We lost TO, Reed from the receivers, Incognito from a weak and understaffed offensive line, and went to a new defense where Schoble and Kelsay would play new positions, Stroud may not fit, and with mostly rookies on the d-line. The additions on the offensive line is a guy with a history of offsides penalties and no re real basis to think of a quality replacement and the defensive lineman we brought in was let go and failed two team physicals before coming here. I think even a casual observer would have to say let's get a few games into the seaon before we make such a statement. I'm a bills supporter, but I can't see drinking this brand of Kool-Aid without some evidence that things are improving.
  15. Getting a qualityt left tackle is the best way to improve the team's performance next year. The only thing that MIGHT have improved it more could have been getting McNabb, but I think the MAIN reason he would not have been interested in Buffalo was the p-poor offensive line. I think giving pass protection is the best way to insure whatever qb we have (and the pool is clearly not all that impressive) is to improve the offensive line. Letting Incognito go still boggles the mind.
  16. The hell with him. Dump her and thank your lucky stars you found out before the wedding. Hang in there, there'll be another chick along in fifteen minutes.
  17. Old fashioned vd you got then got again. I think the new stuff is forever. Better gargle next time, Buff....
  18. Geez...I can't wait til the end. I hope the Americans win cuz those Japanese sound like some pretty rotten guys. Wonder if we have some secret weapon to really whip their asses.
  19. its too early to tell. I'm not optimistic about the way the present regime is proceeding but I'm willing to see what happens on the field next year. Nine wins and I'll be ready to join the band. To quote Gailey himself, Show me the baby.
  20. 1/ We didn't draft quality offensive tackles 2/We didn't draft a quality quarterback I just loved his comment that it all begins with the lines. Well, if it does...GET US A FRIGGEN OFFENSIVE LINE!
  21. http://www.metrowny.com/blogs/archives/606...-75b0xw00d.html I agree with this guy. We need a good solid 24 year old tackle...the Ravens seem committed to Oher at left tackle ans this guy is not going to be happy at RT. I'm really tired of hearing how nix and gailey "tried" (and failed) to get players. Getting this guy would be a huge upgrade to the offense. By saying he would be a huge upgrade is not to praise Gaithers as much as it is a recognition that our offense is pathetic with the existing (or non-existing in the case of offensive tackles.) line.
  22. DARN RIGHT!! We should be happy with the lazy bastards presently on the roster!
  23. I miss the "greatly improved" part. TO and Josh Reed are gone and everyone else is pretty much unproven other than Evans. The Tight Ends aren't any great shakes. The offensive line is weaker and with less depth than last year. The qb's are the same. Offensively this is an even weaker crew than last year. We had pretty good running backs last year and we got another running back who might be pretty good. Defensively we have Schobel, Kelsay and Maybin playing new positions and an oft injured guy from Tennessee, and possibly two rookies on the line and a new system. I hope we do well, but I don't see any reason to see how the Bills are "greatly improved". The one thing that may be improved is the coaching staff, given the implosion that our coaches went through last season, but I want to see the new staff perform (9 wins) before I'll say they are any great improvement.
  24. I disagree...going into the 2010 season we had a lot more confidence in TE than we did going into this season, we had two high offensive line draft picks and some stability on the o-line. We had a pretty fine defense on paper particularly before the rash of injuries behind the front four. This year we have pretty much NOTHING on the offensive tackles, Wood coming back off a serious injury with very little depth on the o-line, a brand new 3-4 with most of the front seven either rookies or playing out of their natural positions. I think on paper this team is MUCH weaker than last year. I'm giving Gailey the benefit of the doubt to impose a nine-win litmus test as to whether the team is better or not. Wait and see.
  25. I went to my doc and he said "Did you have this before?" I told him yes He said "Well, you've got it again."
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