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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. That really hurts...probably because it is so true.
  2. I'm looking for forward progress. I think the Spiller choice was a risky but very positive and gutsy choice. I think Gailer taking over the offense makes a lot of sense. On the other hand there has been no interest in revamping a poor offensive line nor to add depth to that critical area. The switch to 3-4 was puzzling. Our defense was bad last year because of crippling injuries (a TON of them) and there wasn't much that had to be done to get production out of the defense. Needs on offense on the line and possibly (some of you would say probably or be more adamant about this need) could have been addressed and wasn't. I believe goals should be set and the goal this year should be a better won lost record than last year. However I would go beyond and set a stretch goal of nine wins. Might get it, might not, but we would have set expectations high and hold the coaches accountable.
  3. I have the strategy....listen up... THROW THE FIRST FIVE GAMES!!! The pundits say we'll be last, and we can lull the league by being really crappy the first five games and then just bust it open the remainder of the season, win the division, the league and then the superbowl. Why didn't we think of this before!!!
  4. kind of a combination Gayle Sayers/Jim Brown with a little Cookie Gilchrist and OJ thrown in...I think he is probably the greatest running back of all time. Is he in the hall of fame yet?
  5. if you remember they had a shot at McKinney, picking Williams instead. Your challenge was to find five of the top ten who were first round picks. There are five there and a bunch of other first rounders who are starting. Its not much of a presumption that the Bills had a shot at most of the second round picks who are on that particular list and a few of the first rounders. They also have been known to trade up for a position of need, so they might have gotten any of them except those who went in the top five picks (and even them if they sacrificed enough. The fact is that they did not make any particular effort to address the most critical need on the team and we have not been to the playoffs in so many years because of it.
  6. Whoops...Brown and Gross were first rounders and Light was taken high in the second round.
  7. Little early in the game to mention him in the same sentence with Thurman Thomas, Faulk or Johnson. Let's see what he does in his first year before we put him such a heady category. I hope he is in the same class as any one of those three though!
  8. http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/04...he-top-10-list/ ok...Ferguson, Long, Clady, Thomas and McKinney from this list. The other starters are in their first or second year respectively but well on the way to being top ranked (in the top 15) Several top rated anythings have come from out of the first round.. Brady, Warner at qb off the top of my head. I don't see your point. You wanted to know if there were five from the first round. Remember that many of the others (McNeil as an obvious case in point) came high in the second round. You want a top LT you get him in the first round or high in the second for the most part.
  9. hell there were four last year...Oher, Monroe, Smiths, Jason and Andre. Jake Long and Ryan Cady from the 2008 first round. Thomas, Brown and Staley from the year before that. Bryant McKinney and Orlando Pace from years past come to mind. Where on earth did you come up with that assertion?
  10. The whole damned team was a mess after game 1 against the pats. They saw themselves as snakebitten, Jauron couldn't get them going, and there was little to do. The team was much more talented than they played. Another listless season and we'll actually BE a very bad team as the talent departs. Hence my expectation that we had better get nine wins this season. While some say this is not realistic, I would maintain it is not realistic only because nix and Gailey failed to keep the players they should have, to get players through trade or free agency, or to draft players who would have had immediate impact on the situation. You don't get three or four years to "rebuild" a team these days. I think we are headed down the wrong path, and if nix and gailey don't get the nine wins they should be out.
  11. I think we have to see if Edwards or Brohm are going to pan out and bringing in others who "might" pan out just dilutes the time we have to evaluate and develop. I think you got what you got at qb for now. Edwards is an interesting option who has had a less than optimal situation up until now, with bad line play and poor coaching. At least he'll have good coaching if he starts. And Brohm will have ample opportunity to show what he has.
  12. I think "miscalculation" is a very nice way to put it. The failure to address the offensive line effectively through the draft, trade and free agency is something we are going to pay for this season. Edwards, Fitz or Brohm won't have a chance, our running backs (the strength of the team in my opinion) will not be able to be as good as we would hope, and the receiving corps will be pretty useless when it comes to stretch the field passes, as the quarterbacks will be on their respective asses. I like the Bills and have followed them since 1960, but to assert that they look competitive at this point is just a pipedream. And there were any num ber of opportunities to address this problem since Gailey and Nix took over. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and expect them to produce nine or more wins. If that doesn't happen they should be on extremely thin ice, if not gone.
  13. ho hum...we'll never know. I think Flutie should have started the Titans game and would have played better under pressure than Johnson did. And actually I think Johnson played pretty well in that game given the ferocious pass rush from the titans. But hell..that's just one opinion among many.
  14. If he was going to be good enough to be a #2 receiver he would have been one by now. He'll earn a place on special teams and spot receiver duty, assuming he stays with the team.
  15. lisbeth Salander from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo....the swedish film, not the American one being planned. That girl is one remarkable character. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisbeth_Salander
  16. Frankly he's way too kind. Its freaking the height of negligence not to have addressed not only this error but the lack of starting talent or depth on the offensive line. Yeah...Levitre and Wood are good additions but we need 7 to 8 first rate offensive linemen. I watched a little of the Ravens/Oakland game rerun on NFL Station yesterday and the Raven running game with that excellent offensive line was outstanding. You have to build from the trenches out and it is a little scary (to say the least) that it hasn't been addressed.
  17. Frankly he's way too kind. Its freaking the height of negligence not to have addressed not only this error but the lack of starting talent or depth on the offensive line. Yeah...Levitre and Wood are good additions but we need 7 to 8 first rate offensive linemen. I watched a little of the Ravens/Oakland game rerun on NFL Station yesterday and the Raven running game with that excellent offensive line was outstanding. You have to build from the trenches out and it is a little scary (to say the least) that it hasn't been addressed.
  18. 1948/south park 66/UB/great time- flunked out/Vietnam/Buffalo PD and Sheriff Dept while working thru college and law school/ now in Tennessee doing the lawyer and teacher business. Get to Buffalo on consulting gigs a few times a year usually to see a home bills game or two. Got brothers and sister in Buffalo so its nice to get back and I like the area.
  19. I am not a fan of Chan or Buddy, nor do I think they have been effective to date. That being said, the decision to serve as offensive coordinator makes considerable sense. The weakest area of the team is the offensive, torn by dissension, lack of talent (particularly in the offensive line) and little guidance for inexperienced qb's. Offense has been Chan's strength...so he is going to area of weakness and applying his strength. The obvious question is what happens to a new and developing defense, but I suppose that Chan has a ton of confidence in the guy masterminding the 3-4. I don't think the problem is that chan has too much on his plate. I think the problem is that he doesn't have enough on the roster.
  20. I think the guy is okay, but really missed some opportunities to straighten things out with wall street, with the implementation of the stimulus with Afghanistan (which frankly is beginning to become "his" war.) A huge improvement over his predecessor, but with a long way to go.
  21. The key component in a "functional environment" for a qb is first and foremost an offensive line, second a viable group of wide receivers and a good running game. Collins had the best situation, RJ had a little less, JP less than that, but TE had a mess on his hands. The carousel of Offensive Co-ordinators didn't help either. I'm not sure if he has what it takes to play or not, but certainly would have done better with a more supportive environment.
  22. Igotta go with your assessment. As to who is number 2 and who is number 3 is pretty much up for grabs. Its time Hardy and Johnson made their statement. Parrish I see more as a very very useful role player. I'm kind of confident in the receiving corps. If the o-line does the job I think we might have some nice surprises.
  23. "st least serviceable" tackle. Now that's the way to get to the super bowl!
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