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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Our schedule is much tougher this year because the teams we are playing have improved themselves through free agency, trades, and the draft. There is NO reason we shouldn't win more than last year since many of the injured players have returned, the coaching situation is relatively stable (at least compared the clusterfk of last year) and Gailey supposed to be a pretty good game day coach. Dam right I'll whine if we get fewer wins this year than last. Anyone should.
  2. Oh...an injustice righted....FREE LINDSAY!!! Actually I imagine everyone in that jail is delighted to see her go. Good luck in rehab, kid, a life is a terrible thing to waste.
  3. I like the camp reports as well. Thanks guys (and girls?). While we are kind of reading tea leaves out there, there are valuable insights to be gained regarding rookies and free agents and especially with our change to the 3-4 to get a sense of who the major players are. I'm pulling for Maybin to be successful.
  4. I'm not sure he was a number one overall caliber player, especially looking at some of the hall of famers who were drafted after him. However he was the MVP of the CFL for a number of years and seems to have played well in an unfortunate situation in Cleveland. We had any number of notoriously bad drafts in those years and were less than stellar in keeping good players (or coaches, apparently). Some of the problem with this franchise may very well have been at the top.
  5. From what I read in the link, it looks like the problems in their marriage where a huge part in their conversion to a more spiritual life and a recommitment to the marriage. While I agree that people generally should keep marital problems themselves, where the revelation is for a higher purpose and is honest, I think it serves a good purpose.
  6. I always thought Tom Cousineau hated Buffalo and went to Canada just to get some autonomy in where in the NFL he would play. According to him its a little more complex and, again according to him, Buffalo's front office didn't handle negotiations very well. http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/04/21/tom-cou...en-one-in-1979/ On the positive side, in a complex set of transactions, this fiasco gave us the draft choice to get Jim Kelly.
  7. Tjhe missed opportunities for waterfront development are legion. The University of Buffalo could have put what is now its "Amherst Campus" there which would have created a vibrant downtown. The stadium could have been built there with top flight college and pro football being played there as well. Remember that when UB gave up Div. 1 football in the 60's they had players like Jerry Philbin and John Stofa. I could have seen the new law school in the Ellicott Building, and lots of creative industry coming into Buffalo. Some very bad decisions were made.
  8. i know..nix and gailey have forgotten more football than vince lombardi, lou saban and Bill Belichik combined....come to think of it we might be better off if they actually remember a little bit...Like IT ALL STARTS IN THE TRENCHES
  9. Expect him to hold out for a while. He sees himself as the number one running back who slipped to nine. The Bills FO sees him as the pick who should be paid somewhere between 8 and 10. Neither of them are in a hurry. The bills are fine at running back going into the season, and Spiller isn't going to be hurt all that much by sitting out preseason altogether if necessary. Not a lot of urgency on either party.
  10. Good sign. Hope they are ass full of pissandvinegar through camp and into the season.
  11. I'm not sure I want guys who have forgotten that much about football running the team. They apparently forgot that there are five dull offensive linemen who make flashy running backs look good. Even Juice had the Electric Company and wasn't a stellar professional running back until Lou Saban came back on board and put a good offensive line together. And I've seen the Juice run...believe me..Spiller has a long way to go before he can be considered in the ilk of Juice, Payton, Sanders, Thurman or the elite runners in this league.
  12. yeah...and now that he and that Palin girl are getting married he should have more time to devote to football.
  13. Camp just started. See who starts when the money games start. Its gonna be Adams.
  14. I played defensive end on a team in the air force and I had a gaurd who had played D1football fighting with me all the time during practice for roughing our running back. We had a fist fight nearly every practice, but he was one of my best friends off the field. Football is kind of like that.
  15. Frankly I think he might have bitten your lip..and then kicked your heinie!
  16. Frankly I think he might have bitten your lip..and then kicked your heinie!
  17. no no no....I think Nix is stupid because he failed to fix the most glaring hole on the team. Offensive tackle. I don't care if he drafted two, traded up for two, traded down for two, used free agency to get two or if he friggin cloned them from tackle from past years. He's stupid for not addressing this need now. He'll do it next year? He'll have more holes next year. This isn't 1990. Your stars aren't going to stay unless there is a real turn around. Come to think of it..he's stupid for not realizing that fact either.
  18. The guy was a failure at DE. He may or may not be a failure as a linebacker in a 3-4...but I think he has a better chance at the linebacker position than he would have had at DE. That being said, I haven't seen anything about this guy that makes me optimistic. I'm hoping he steps up, plays lights out football and makes me apologize!
  19. The sooner the better, for the Bills and for him. However he was the number one RB and may figure that he should not be in the bracket between 8 and 10, so I wouldn't be surprised at a longer holdout. An interesting negotiation.
  20. Frankly I think we should look at who can play now. Adams apparently, at least in Pittsburgh Steelers front office and coaching staff's minds can play left tackle today. He's better at right or left tackle than anyone we have on our roster and I'm willing to bet he'll start at either right or left tackle for the Steelers. I don't think we have anyone who would start at right or left tackle for the Steelers. Maybe I'm wrong and our two starters will be pro-bowl players and take us to the superbowl. Let's wait and see.
  21. We apparently don't need tackles...we're a little shallow at running back...can we get McGahee?
  22. Apparently we got the wrong guy in charge of signing free agents.
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