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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. If Schobel is so bad why the interest from Houston, Seattle and the Patriots? http://bleacherreport.com/articles/431610-...andful-of-teams And if we knew he didn't fit in with the Bills so many months ago, don't you think we could have gotten something for him back then? I suspect wherever he goes he's going to get a lot of playing time.
  2. Seems kind of nutty to play for a low draft pick. Despite the Spiller pick (which although wrong in my opinion, was a very gutsy and imaginative pick) Nix seems pretty good at the draft biz, and I wouldn't be too worried about him finding what he needs with a top 20 pick. I think its a little optimistic (but not TOO optimistic) to see us draft in the 25 to 32 range. I'm old fashioned but I believe you build a winning team by actually learning to win football games...and not NEXT year. I want to see the bills going all out to win on the last day of the regular season whether they have 11 wins or 3 wins. That's the way you build a winning tradition.
  3. Freakin A...Now that's how you're supposed to play football. Even if your team isn't ranked to win!
  4. Somehow I would think getting banned by Sullivan would be a badge of honor!
  5. oh...well..Lee Evans should be in the hall of fame. Wait wait...JD Hill....Bobby Chandler...Bo Roberson.
  6. people come, people go. Free country.
  7. Nix has a brand new defense, a moribund offense, first year coach, and a ton of things to keep him busy evaluating and assessing in preseason to be thinking about Shanahan. I suspect Buddy has been around long enough not to have any particularly strong feelings about the skins or shanahan. Give him a year and he'll have the same hard feelings about the teams that so heartily deserve our hard feelings-the pats, thedolphins and the jets.
  8. boy a coach expressing high expectations from his team? No wonder they finished below us last season. We should beat the crap out of them this season as we are much more "realistic" in our expectations hoping for five wins.
  9. I see Reed as a very good receiver and a marginal bet for the hall of fame. Apparently so do the voters. The home cooking this guy gets is unbelievable.
  10. Just a few issues, though: He'll have to do it with the same group of quarterbacks, a receiving corps without last season's top wideout, Terrell Owens, question marks at the tackle position, and the top draft pick holding out. oh yeah..Can't wait for the season to start.
  11. Rice was terrible. Reed is the greatest receiver in the history of the world. We would have never won those four superbowls without him.
  12. The proof is in the pudding. Let's hope he keeps developing. This is a critical position and having him step up and take care of it is really key to the success of the 3-4. So far so good!
  13. I don't care about Schobel (unless he goes to the Pats). I care about us getting nothing for him. Another blown opportunity.
  14. At a minimum left tackle should have been addressed. I think it was foolish not to address the qb issue in free agency or trade since none of the contenders have shown any particular capability of starting for an NFL team. I think it was a little nutty to go to a 3-4 off the bat meaning the obvious loss of the DE's and retooling of fairly second rate DE's to linebacker status. Are they going to charge us half price for 2010 tickets? I don't think so. You want to build a winning team? Start by learning to win. They could have moved to address the gaping holes, brought stability and won this year.
  15. Gee...I guess they must have stopped using twitter and signed the friggin agreement and got to work. Are you following CJ? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../s151809D99.DTL Seems like Davis and Bulaga are making their case for starting positions a lot earlier than CJ.
  16. Actually from a lawyer's point of view I like the idea. Divorce courts would have a whole new clientele. Mediators, private investigator's lawyers all would cash in. Isn't this a GREAT country?
  17. Nix should have known from the day it was decided to go 3-4 that Schobel would not play here, and should have begun trade talks then. The guy had ten sacks last season and was viable in most 4-3's and would start in some of them. Buddy let the situation drag on and stagnate and even made statements downplaying Schobel's value in trade. Major screw up.
  18. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...S03/8050343/tbd See also Chris Brown on Day 7 posted on buffalo rumblings For the first time in Bills training camp one side of the ball clearly outplayed the other as Buffalo’s defense completely thwarted the offense’s passing attack in Wednesday night’s practice. Pass coverage was sound for the most part, which only enhanced the effectiveness of the unit’s pass rush as quarterbacks were often flushed out of the pocket and forced to throw on the run.
  19. I have to wonder at the conclusion that a good play is necessarily a bad play on the part of the person defending against it. This in light of the fact that I just posted a quote from the d&c about collapsing pocket as a possible concern about the o-line when it could have pure and simple been the good play of the defense. I say let's cheer the good plays and not worry about it. If its because the guy played well, it reinforces it. If the guy defending feels bad because he missed his assignment, he knows what to do to avoid the cheering in the future.
  20. From the D&C today A few players later, with Ryan Fitzpatrick at quarterback, the defensive line was able to quickly collapse the pocket and force Fitzpatrick into an off-balance throw that was intercepted by Bryan Scott. The article seems quite optimistic about the new 3-4 defense and how its progressing though.
  21. 1. I don't care about California 2. I think people should marry pretty much who they want to assuming they're of age and the government should stay out of it. 3. Marriage is a wonderful institution. Populated by folks who belong in an institution. If gays want to marry let them suffer like heterosexuals do
  22. Why can't we follow along with the Corner tradition and have Trent Quarterback, CJ Halfback, Lee End, Brian Punter?
  23. The Bills are very concerned about clap at camp.
  24. Gaither isn't the problem nor is he the solution. The Ravens themselves weren't even aware of his health issues during the time he was discussed as one of the possible solutions for what is the real problem. Let me reiterate the problem for the Bills: The offensive line-LT/RT and quality reserves. All options should have been being considered and where appropriate acted upon. They weren't.
  25. Don't worry too much about it. Consult with the coaches, set back and enjoy the show. The kid sounds like he's doing just fine. Remember its his game and let him develop on his own and get a love of the game. There will be lots of time to develop technique and the tricks of the trade in high school and beyond. If he gets out of youth football with a love of the game, discipline, and an ability to learn from the coaches, good sportsmanship and good friends he'll be way way ahead of the game. Congrats to an obviously proud dad.
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