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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. We had two positions of desperate need, left tackle and qb. There was lots of debate about going qb or LT before the draft (I leaned on the LT side of things.) All that being said lets hope spiller has us eating our words from the first regular season game on. I'm not too hung up on what happens in the preseason.
  2. I see a nine win season as a vigorous and optimistic stretch goal. Given the stars falling into place its just barely possible.
  3. We've been hearing numbers like that from everyone. I'm not buying it. I think we can win at least as many as last year and with the right coaching and the offensive line improving we could end up with nine wins. Of course, the offensive line has to improve.
  4. There were some great players in another era, such as Otto Graham and Norm Van Brocklin and Sammy Baugh who may have been overlooked. No defensive backs? Night Train Lane and a whole bunch of players from the late 60's to the present should be upset. I'm not sure about Munoz as the greatest offensive lineman. Ron Mix of San Diego Chargers and any number of others come to mind. If this is a ranking process, I have to go with Jim Brown. I've never seen anything close to him, and that includes OJ, Gale Sayers and Walter Payton.
  5. Actually..the same goes for Clausen, Stafford, Okung and....oh my god!!....Spiller.
  6. Bulaga was drafted as a left tackle, and the long term plans at Green Bay have been for him to play that position. http://www.fox11online.com/dpp/sports/pack...e-at-left-guard That being said there was a position of need, Bulaga is being given the opportunity to play there, but there's no indication as of yet that he isn't still being considered for LT. Not that we neede a LT anyway.
  7. I'm going to predict that we will be surprised at how effective the new 3-4 defense is. I think we will be surprised at the effectiveness of special teams.
  8. Trent isn't exactly a franchise player and he isn't far ahead (if at all) of the guys behind him or whatever qb is going to get cut from some other team in a week or two. I say go ahead and play him.
  9. The defensive secondary is very good and has very impressive depth. The running back group may be one of the best in the NFL. The special teams can be exceptional, given the punter, kicker and a bunch of exceptional return men (and a new coach out to prove something). The center of the offensive line is looking pretty good. There are positive points. There are also, unfortunately, huge and glaring weaknesses.
  10. We're talking New York City here. Class and five bucks will get you a cup of coffee.
  11. Your missing the point. Your cellar is flooding and the sump pump is broke. You drive down to Home Depot to get a new sump pump. There is a great sale on a refrigerator for, believe it or not, THE SAME PRICE as the sump pump. You buy the frig, bring it home. The wife gets pissed, the cellar is a mess, all sorts of stuff is ruined. You went for VALUE over NEED. see?
  12. yeah...another division title and getting deep into the playoffs and he'll be out on his ass. New York won't put with a douchebag loudmouth who just wins. If you're going to succeed in New York sports its all about being nice and good sports and not getting hung up on winning and losing. Look at the Yankees for instance.
  13. Gone from the Buffalo Bills, but many still playing football in the NFL. I'm not sure what to read into that. Reed, Aiken, Wire, Bannan. We could use a receiver (Reed or Aiken) or a good defensive tackle (Bannan). Not sure Wire would fit into the plans but he seemed a pretty good (nothing special mind you) player.
  14. They had transvestites in the weight room?
  15. Oh for the days of amphetamines, great painkillers, steroids and playing hurt. Freakin sissy game with the steroid ban and drug testing and now everyone is out with "injuries". I say suit em up, kick their asses and get them onto the field. Siissy-boys...freakin league is being run by sissy-boys! In my day you just squeezed that bone into place popped a few uppers saw the trainer for a shot, guzzled a little whiskey and got back on the field. Now every time there's a little arterial bleeding they pull the guy off the field have the freaking cast from "Grey's Anatomy" look him over, give him a lollipop and send him home. World is going to hell in a handbasket if you ask me. If Patton were alive and coaching two thirds of the team would have been slapped by now.
  16. What he said. Lots and lots of bad moves. Only one way to prove him wrong. Win nine games.
  17. I'd be happy with a blowhard and douchebag who would take us to the playoffs this year.
  18. For the record Wade Phillips has a .600 career coaching win record. That isn't bad at all. and he head coached a lot of games for a lot of teams.
  19. if he wins, I'll like him. I'm not looking for someone to date my sister, I'm looking for someone to turn this team around. An a-hole will do just fine if he gets wins. Mother Teresa should be run out of town on a rail if she can't get some into the win column.
  20. I'm pulling for this guy to be something really special.
  21. yup..but in their case they'll probably cough up the dough and keep him.
  22. has alex smith been "deciding" to be bad up until now? I think you have to put a full offensive line into the equation, and I suspect that if Davis and Upati work out along with Staley that will be a huge strengthening of an area of weakness. I think that the 9'ers have drafted and traded pretty wisely and we should see results. Interesting year for them.
  23. no need for remorse...this is all in fun! In fact I acknowledge the possibility (many would say the probability...more than I would like would say the inevitability) that I could be full of manure.
  24. Ah...a misreading...I said he was a fourth running back. Which he is. We had three before he signed. He was the fourth. Where he shows up on the depth chart will depend on his play and the coaching staff.
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