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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. you raise very good points, but the fact that the skins got Beck after Brennan's hip surgery leads me to wonder if he is ever going to really recover. I think he'd be risky but if no one else comes available we might want to give him a shot. I think stuckincincy has a point that bringing qbs in is probably not going to lead to any great season this year, but it is really important for the team to progress to put out a qb who can do the job on a week by week basis. The guys we have probably aren't going to be able to do that.
  2. As that great philosopher, Rodney King, once said..."Can't we all just get along?"
  3. oh..I'm not sure I'd take a chance on Brennan even with the crappy qb's we presently have. Others will come available.
  4. A point well taken. But on the other hand the bills quarterbacks really stink and Boller at least showed some potential. If I remember he was known for a very strong arm. I don't think I'd bet the farm on him, but I'd keep him in my sights if one of our motley crew doesn't step up soon. There will be other qbs to look at in coming weeks.
  5. now now..people are dead, families are mourning... Let's sympathize with their grief and consider the silver lining to this tragedy...Lawyers are clamoring to bring litigation and going to get wealthy...see how God's plan works a benefit in the end?
  6. Sadly...I think you hit the mark. I would like to add more keepers, but until I see some better performances in coming weeks, I'll stick with your list.
  7. A guy who calls himself Jesus thinks I'm lacking common sense? Actually the only available talent pool at this point will be the cut list. We would have been wiser to draft an offensive line, to trade for a qb, or to use free agency...but we didn't. What makes you think the "football team" that took the field last week will play well in the regular seaon? enerally, but with some exceptions, running backs get hurt because some big fella hits them really hard while they are trying to run the ball. Some get hurt falling inthe shower, some get hurt playing racquetball, and in such cases an offensive line doesn't really help. Back to getting hit hard by some other player while trying to run the ball though...tackles play a major role in insuring that big guys don't hit them. It would be a real help to this team if we had a couple of tackles that were effective in doing that. I don't think we'll get "high quality" players through the cut list. I do think we'll get better players than we have at certain positions through the cut list.
  8. Gotta take him at his word. His retiring on August 15 doesn't mean he wasn't tradable last April.
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/cin/depthchart Actually it is kind of pathetic that we are relying on making a passable team by being such scavengers...but we could have done something in trade, free agency or the draft. Seeing us sign another running back just convinces me that we going on in the wrong direction. With Spiller, Bell and Simpson we have all we need and we expect Lynch and Jackson back for the season...wtf?
  10. for WR the announcers were talking about the depth on the Bengals, not the Broncos.
  11. I watched Cincinnatti/ Broncos last night and one of the announcers was going on about the great number of quality wide receivers they had and the difficulty they would have deciding which ones to cut. Frankly we don't have enough starters and we don't have quality backups. I think the time may have come to drop the players who aren't either starters or potential starters and grab high quality players in position of need..(LT, QB, WR, Defensive front seven.) We can't really afford to have a roster full of guys you wouldn't want on the playing field (hell we're STARTING some players who shouldn't be on the playing field. Without tackles you'll have five or six running backs injured before too long. Time to look to the only personnel pool available to us and scavenge among the players to be let go.
  12. THE GUY GOT 16 yards on FOUR carries!!!!! Except for the fact that he is the number one pick in an area where we don't need him either of the other healthy backs might well be starting. Given our offensive line I won't be surprised if he gets injured as well. For that matter its only a matter of time before the qb's start going down. Fix theoffensive line.
  13. Thd picture of LT Rookie number one pick Trent Williams manhandling our former one pick Maybin is worth a thousand words, and tells us something It is good to draft a quality left tackle. Maybin is a bust.
  14. I'm not quite as depressed as you. But I think it is time to dump the never has beens and open up room for the final cuts of the better teams. That might mean getting rid of Fitz and Brohm or even Edwards and Brohm unless they show something great in the preseason. We might as well get us a few potential qbs who don't make the final cut from a really good team with more promise. We might want to get rid of most of our offensive linemen unless they emerge as potential starters and get a few potential players off the waiver wires to try out as well. Send a message...you're a starter...a potential starter in whom we have confidence....or gone.
  15. UH...we need an offensive line that can pass block a lot more than we need a qb who can run. We don't have that line thanks to the non-moves of the incumbent FO and ownership. We can address it by putting in a blocking back and a blocking tight end to compensate. Limits what we can do...oh...wait a minute...with no offensive line...WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING!! Draft Value...not need....that's the ticket ...to the bottom.
  16. not to worry...injuries happen, we have depth and three guys who need the playing time while Jackson and Lynch heal.
  17. We made up for a bad defense with a really anemic offense. At least we compensated with a lot of penalties and turnovers.
  18. The defense is new, and we should expect that it will be awful in preseason. Going3-4 when you have the personnel for a 4-3 is going to be traumatic, maybe for a whole season. It is no surprise it would be a nightmare the first game of preseason. Let's give them the preseason to develop and start whining and gnashing our teeth if it doesn't show great improvement in the regular season. Offensive should not be a surprise to anyone who has watched our personnel moves all year. The offensive line is the weakest spot on the team and qb isn't too far behind. The saving grace, if we can somehow create an offensive line is going to be our running game. Run the ball, eat the clock get an occassional score and count on the defense. Special teams will develop under a new coach, seems to have some good players such as Youbooty, Nelson, and a bag of returners. I'm disappointed in the penalties even for a rebuilding team. We have to work on that fast and often. Bad show, Buffalo. We expect better even in preseason.
  19. Chan has a good record as head coach and has a reputation for knowing what he's doing when the game actually starts. While I am puzzled at the personnel moves (mostly at the non-moves) to date, I think it is way too early to reach any judgment on Gailey one way or the other until he gets at least half of this regular season under his belt. Winning cures a LOT of misgivings.
  20. Not to pile on, but why on earth would anyone call Maybin the gright spot on our defense before we even played a preseason game, when he is playing a new position, and he wasn't very good at defensive end? I mean..Poz might be a bright spot, from what I'm hearing Whitner might be a bright spot, our cornerbacks are probably bright spots...but Maybin?
  21. He's in the best position of anyone picked as low as him to get a shot. None of the other three have grabbed the reins as of yet. I'd be surprised, but stranger things have happened. And if, as some say, the powers that be are not thinking of doing anything but rebuilding this year and he shows real potential, he might get a shot.
  22. Unfortunately the problem is that the Bills have sucked for quite some time, and not only that, we're boring with no passing offense and are frankly...hard to watch for anyone but our fans. We have to change that.
  23. Art Shell of Oakland was an outstanding offensive lineman. I think I'd have to put Lawrence Taylor on as the greatest outsid Linebacker..as someone said he was by definition a game changer.
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