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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I like your mindset, but lets and see what is there at left tackle. There was a particularly good crop this year. Hopefully we'll be picking from the bottom third of the first round and have to be even more judicious than usual in making our choice.
  2. we might have a good team. Remember we had 7 wins last year with an unbelievable raft of injuries, an offensive co-ordinator being fired after the last pre-season game, a coach fired in mid year and lots of issues. I think nine games is a realistic goal, been saying that for months, even though I think we could do even better had we made a few personnel changes by keeping some of the departed, by aggressive movement in the free agent market, by trade and by filling holes in the draft. That all being said, I'm confident that Gailey will be a huge game day improvement, that Spiller seems to be the real deal, and I'm hopeful the offensive line will gel. The 3-4 will be a work in progress early on but seems to have improved greatly from preseason 1 to preseason 2. The nice thing about all this is that if we get to the postseason Mike Ditka will have a caniption.
  3. I think Bell or Simpson are on a lot of teams look to wire list and whichever one goes will be snapped up in minutes. I don't see us keeping five backs, but we have five guys who could step up and play. It will be interesting to see how this develops in the next few weeks.
  4. Very nice job. Thanks for all that you do. Actually I think we ought to make you an honorary Buffalo Bill. Not an Aaron Maybin Buffalo Bill...more like a Jim Kelly buffalo Bill
  5. That quite frankly is most likely the big advantage for Brohm. He "belongs" to the new management and Fitz has been here a while. He is almost certainly seen as having a better upside than Fitz. I agree that he has not played all that much better than Fitz, and maybe not quite as good as Fitz, but I have a feeling that the powers that be see him as the better investment as of right now. Stay tuned though...anything can happen with game 3. Interesting preseason.
  6. Thanks for the quote and comment. Its a new defense, new coaches and new positions for them all so I imagine it wil be a pretty steep learning curve. I have to admit the improvement between week 1 and week 2 is remarkable, and I'm happy to see they acknowledge there is quite a way to go. Let's see if they keep improving.
  7. I think somewhere between 80 and 85. There was a huge improvement all around. The defense is working into the 3-4, the offensive line improved. I think the 85-90 might be seen as high by some but taking into consideration how bad they were the first game this is a huge improvement. If they keep on improving they will do just fine this year. NINE WINS is still my stretch goal for these guys.
  8. I'm not getting the impression Chan is completely sold on TE as the starting QB, and would not be surprised to see BB get to start a game. Right now I suspect Fitz is beginning (beginning, mind you) to look like the odd man out in the equation. This evaluation may go on a little longer than comfortable.
  9. A big improvement over the first game both on offense and defense. The qb situation is still problemmatic. TE looked better but note that the td to evans was on a busted play with three backs in the lineup. Offensive line is somewhat better, and should get even better as the preseason goes on. I was most impressed with the receivers throughout the game. I think we'll be fine there. CJ Spiller was in a class by himself. He keeps that up he'll silence those who had a hard time with the pick at 9 (including me).
  10. in this league with free agency and player mobility how on earth you give anyone a season "wash". Gailey and Nix inherited a team that had three consecutive 7-9 seasons and are about to set the record for consecutive years not going to the playoffs. If you hire a coach after a 7-9 record it doesn't seem all that unrealistic to expect a two game improvement and then another one or two game improvement. Are you asserting that their personnel changes together with their new defensive scheme and failure to recognise the most glaring deficiencies have put them in a position where they are worse than last year and their talent level doesn't justify even a 7-9 season? And we would be supposed to be content with that? Sorry...they knew what we had the day they took control and it was up to them to make decisions to make this a better team. It sounds as if everyone is conceding that this team is NOT as good as the one that finished last season. I'm saying give them a chance to prove they are on the track by improving over last season..nine wins. Not setting a goal is just accepting failure.
  11. probably, unless he has a very solid plan for moving forward, and even then I'd have a tough time with keeping him with 6 7 or 8 I'd consider, based on what he did over the course of the season and if there was significant improvement. Nine and he's in. The second year I'd want the playoffs.
  12. I would still hold him to nine wins this season or he's out of here. He made some very gutsy non-decisions and has to play with the team and scheme he has developed instead of doing a lot of rather obvious things to help the team. I'm ready to give him a chance and willing to put up with a "development" kind of horror show pre-season...but at the end of this season it should be nine wins or out.
  13. what he said. This is preseason, time to get things in place for the regular season, evaluate and get rid of the weak sisters and perhaps even find some new talent where we need it. There are some very good running backs to evaluate and having Lynch and Jackson gone has the silver lining of letting us get a long look at the talent and to get Spiller ready to do what we want him to do in the regular season. The offensive line and wider receiver situation is fluid and if we are stuck with what we have we have to get them used to the regular season playbook and perhaps amed the regular season playbook if they can't hack it.
  14. If he had been working in Tennessee we would have beaten the Redskins, with Donovan McNabb completing five passes to Lee Evans and Terrel Owens, supported by a line comprised of Bulaga, Levitre, Hammy, Wood and Flozell Adams and our 4-3 defense would have been whooping the Redskins with two sacks by Schobel. Unfortunately, he wasn't here in Tennessee.
  15. I have put forth a pretty low opinion of most of the moves of the new coach and gm. However they have done some gutsy things (although not addressing the real needs of this team in my humble opinion). They had a nightmare preseason opener. However... There is a new defensive scheme with a lot of people untried and being tested in new positions. That takes time and lots of reps. I suspect we will see major improvement in the next few weeks on the defensive front. The offensive weaknesses are showing. People will improve or there will be some new people brought in. I don't see Gailey putting up with the type of play we saw last week, and suspect he will engage in some major efforts to find talent to get us into the season if the existing crew doesn't perform. I'm still a believer that with a quality offensive line and another wide receiver perhaps one of our four qb's can perform. for us the preseason is a lot more than a tune up for the regular season and we'll have growing pains with it as Gailey and Nix learn what they have and, better yet, assess what they need.
  16. Actually sometimes Poland IS Germany, and sometimes Poland is Ukraine. Although sometimes Ukraine is Russia.....
  17. I wouldn't judge scouting by the number of scouts a team has, but rather by how they draft and what kinds of players they get out of free agency. Results are what matter, not numbers. My personal favorite is the Baltimore Ravens, who seem to be on the money year after year. My beloved Buffalo Bills? I don't think we're in the top 25 in that element.
  18. Exactly..."Building through the draft" is like saying you are going to build a house with a hammer. The tools you need are there in the draft, in free agency, in trades and in judicious decisions on the waiver wire...(look at how we got Jack Kemp, Steve Tasker, and how many players have we cut who were successful elsewhere) The problem with us is this...draft, free agency, trade and now the waiver wire..we ain't freaking building. As to free agents coming here...you can get them if you pay and give some good reason to come here. McNabb wouldn't come here, I suspect, more because our offensive line sucked and we didn't have a full complement of receivers than because he didn't like the city.
  19. From the looks of it we'll be missing three starters all freaking season. Unless we actually go out and get three legitimate starters.
  20. I have a hard time criticizing the team for their remarks. If the Bills don't like being told they suck, they should take some steps to stop sucking.
  21. Ryan Leaf Jamarcus Russell A host of others. Being a top five pick doesn't gaurantee success.
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