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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I don't see the FO going crazy on pickups..everything they've done since they've been here seems to indicate that they are conservative and like what they are building with what they have. As a result I'd be surprised to see a great number of pickups. I'd love to see a backup linebacker skilled in playing a 3-4 who might even work his way into the starting lineup. A backup guard would be nice (this is the spot where I could have said "I told you so" when I protested Incognito being let go...but I'm just not the kind of guy to say "I told you so" even when the opportunity so obviously presents itself). A good solid tight end prospect would be good to. As to OT we have backups, but I don't think we have GOOD backups...hell I'm not all that sure about our starters...although they have played fairly well thus far. I think this an opportunity to carefully improve the team.
  2. I see a buffalo win against Miami! Frankly I am coming to believe we can be pretty darn good this year. Right now it seems like everyone ...EVERYONE...out there is of the opinion that this is the worst team in football regardless of how well we played in the preseason. I think that will pay off in the first game or two. After that i think we'll get a little more respect and the teams will be taking us seriously. We gonna beat dem Dolphins...
  3. I think Fitz and Brohm are pretty much equal as far as talent and showing what they have goes, but I suspect Fitz will be the backup, and I am pretty darn sure we'll want to keep Brown. I'm seeing Brohm being cut and possibly coming back on the taxi squad.
  4. I suspect they will be looking for 3-4 type linebackers and possible offensive tackles. There might even be a receiver or tight end that they will be looking for. If pressed, I'd say they will be looking carefully at backers.
  5. I'm encouraged by the preseason stats and much more optimistic about the qb situation than I was previously. TE has had a ton of coaches, changes, and a very poor offensive line since he's been here and it seems at least in preseason that things are coming together for him. I'm looking forward to the Miami game.
  6. Interesting...but when you have three potential all pro running backs, and two very surprisingly good backups, a question mark at quarterback and an offensive line that doesn't pass block well, running should definitely take precedence over passing. Also, you can eat up a lot of clock and keep your offense on the field with running plays (see how the Giants beat us in the first superbowl..our offense was on the field all of nineteen minutes). Throw in a new defensive scheme and something that keeps the offense on the field is time that the defense gets to rest, regroup and plan.
  7. I''m thinking keep Corner, Simpson, Roosevelt, and Fitz. If possible keep Schouman as the next guy. The rest of them can go. Even if they don't need to. I can see us picking up better players off the waiver wire. I know we'll have more running backs than most teams, but this is an exceptional bunch of running backs.
  8. I think Edwards will be better than 31 of 33, but I can see Clayton's reasoning based on past performance. The sad state of the coaching and the poor offensive line have to be factored into the assessment, but in the final analysis the way Edwards is going to work his way up the chart is by winning football games. I think his performance this preseason should give us some confidence.
  9. I think Dolphins 11-5 Bills 9-7 NE 9-7 Jets 6-10 Jets Sophomore slump for Sanchez, Tomlinson starts good but gives out. Offense blows it for them NE Age shows Bills Better offense this year. Scary run game. Defense gels after a few games, but not enough to make a serious playoff run Dolphins...I think they're the real deal in the Division. However we will upset them in game 1.
  10. McKelvin, Parrish, Mcgee, Jackson, and possibly Spiller. I think we kind of have the return game covered as far as qualified personnel. Moorman and Lindell...I think we have the kicking and fg responsibilities covered as far as personnel. I'm sure that DeHaven will find the people he needs to fill in the gaps. I'm just not that worried about special teams.
  11. He's way out in left field. The offense looked quite good in the last two games. Special teams is a crapshoot all preseason especially when you have a new st coach. Our returners are good based on their experience in regular season and we have Spiller if push comes to shove, so I'd be VERY loathe to classify ST as a problem for the regular season. Finally defense is implementing a new system, we are trying players at different positions and it will take a few games before we even have any idea what the D will be like. Probably, okay, not very good as there is a lot of change with personnel that might not fit. Nah...we'll be okay this season. I wouldn't expect us to be playoff bound but NINE WINS is within reach.
  12. I'm not all that sure about the defense playing all that well, but they are improving. It is nice to see someone in the media acknowledging that we don't look as bad as most of the media is predicting. I'll buy that its only preseason, but the team is starting to look pretty good.
  13. http://blogs.palmbeachpost.com/thedailydolphin/2010/08/29/tony-sparano-dolphins-have-big-decisions-coming-up-about-will-allen-nate-garner/ It looks as if Miami has a tough choice to make on this guy given that he won't be available until October. If they let him go we might want to grab him up. Can't ever have enough good offensive lineman and I don't think anyone is very impressed with the offensive tackles we have starting, let alone the backups. Face it, in the course of a season there are injuries and you have to have 7 to ten quality O-linemen to get through a season (and perhaps playoffs).
  14. hell..i'm in the mountains of east tenn, on the border with n. carolina and virginia. Got the Appalachian mountains and the Blue Ridge, great fishing in TVA lakes, can play golf year round and drive 40 minutes to ski in the mountains in the winter. No state taxes, great medical care (VA, med school and good hospitals) pretty much recessionproof. Like my job, like the people I work with. I'll be happy doing this til the day I die, or at least until the Bills win the superbowl.
  15. A good sign. I have been favorably impressed, but then I had very low expectations. I hope they keep improving and perhaps we might pick up a quality player or two off the wire as time goes on.
  16. The question was whether ANY of our qb's would start for another team. The given answer wanted a statement about ALL of the qbs. I think Trent would start for two or three other teams right now. I don't know about Fitz or Brohm, but they might. Brown is a rookie.
  17. I'm not sure a guy who has been around as long as Green was being "schooled". Schooled is for a rookie or first time starter. I think the term for someone like him is bytchslapped. I couldn't believe how everyone was excited about acquiring him when the Raiders (THE RAIDERS!!) were so happy to let him go.
  18. I know its only preseason, but isn't this record and these statistics hard to square with us being the "worst team" in the NFL? I can't believe the media having orgasms over other teams based on preseason performance or dooming teams for poor performance and completely ignoring our record to date. Yes, its only preseason, but right now preseason is all they have to talk about. We have certainly provided something to talk about and we aren't hearing a darn thing. I'm starting to buy into the media being biased stuff that's been posted.
  19. I had that happen with the first game. I went home to watch and it had the run up to the game, and suddenly when the game started it was a rerun of the New England game. I couldn't believe it. I thought maybe it was a decision made by region, this being tennessee to show a more "competitive" team. I hope we go out and kick someass in the regular season.
  20. There's going ton ne a three man rotation and plenty of times we'll see two or even three backs on the field. One of the oldest rules in the game is that if you can run...run first. I suspect Gailey will buy into that given that he had two good backs and the team used its #9 pick on a third exceptional back. There must be a plan in that kind of thinking...and I suspect it will be LOTS of runs. Who starts is pretty irrelevant, but I wouldn't be surprised if the first sets of downs will be given to the most durable of the three.
  21. The guy is a dolt. The bills have been doing quite well offensively, but it will be a very good thing in the regular season to have both Jackson and Lynch back, opening up lots of offensive looks and spelling Spiller without much a drop in effectiveness. The problem was our offense, and our offense seems to be getting better and better and most importantly the offensive line is improving. The defense? New system takes a lot of time especially with how many of our personnel are playing new positions. Tt will take a little time. Nine wins.
  22. What...we've played two preseason games, won one, with what may be the best run of the season, had a long bomb in the terrible redskins game. Sorry bout that mr Fox guy, but no way this is the worst or even close to the worst team in the NFL this season. Are we a sleeper for the playoffs? Probably not..but I see us close to a .500 with a nine win stretch goal. Sticking by that prediction, even though the powers that be didn't make the personnel moves I wanted. The 3-4 will get better and we'll have a very good running game (eat the clock game).
  23. I'm missing something here. I haven't thought our linebackers were bad, and we should consider it is a new defensive scheme and folks are playing in positions they are learning. I think talentwise they are pretty good, and by the time the season rolls around (soon!) they will be be gelling. Look for significant improvement through the first couple of games of the regular season. Hopefully a clock eating running game will give us lots of Time of Possession and points to counter the learning curve.
  24. I think for better or worse we have the quarterbacks we are going with this season. Gailey seems to be planning a regular season strategy with Trent in the starting role and if there is a change it will be for Brohm or Fitz. For what its worth, I think that is the best strategy at this point. I think it doesn't take too much thinking to see that Gailey will be emphasizing (as he should, given the talent) the running game. We're just going to play the hand we're holding.
  25. I wish Clausen well, although if he does well there will be a lot of "I told you so's" from the Clausen for Buffalo crowd. I wasn't one of them, but I really do think he will do okay.
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