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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. What exactly have they done in one draft and one season? Get rid of some of the best players on the team (Schobel, Incognito, Owens) fail to recognize a poor quarterback who hasn't produced in all the time he has been here and fail to get a quality qb from a number of available options?(Vick, McNabb) Fail to draft (Bulaga)sign (F. Adams) or trade (Gaither) for a quality tackle? Go to a 3-4 defense when they didn't have the personnel to make it work? How does this project into a quality team this year or even next year? Their tenure has been nothing short of incompetent. I'll admit I might be wrong. Win some games Chan and Buddy and I'll be the first to recognize some competence. Until you do...you're well on your way out the door in my book.
  2. yup...Lynch is actually playing like an NFL starter even with a pansy offensive line. We should get rid of him before his attitude catches on.
  3. What's dumb is letting them fart around for another two years of incompetent bungling and the franchise deteriorating further. There tenure so far has produced NO improvement nor any particular hope for improvement. Maybe they are in the right direction...to paraphrase one of those two..start showing me the babies. (wins)
  4. 1. He couldn't even beat out Trent Edwards. 2. His offensive line is the same one we saw last week 3. He doesn't have much in the way of receivers 4. The coaches apparently don't know how to use the running game to take the pressure off. 5. The defense can't get him on the field to play. (time of possession) 6. The receivers not only can't catch catchable balls, they are ineffective at preventing preventable interceptions Other than those things I think Fitz is pretty good shape...oh...I forgot... he doesn't have very much talent.
  5. I'm no fan of sully, but he's right on this point. Gailey had lots of film and a full preseason to see what TE had and if he had any brains at all would have pulled the plug. He apparently was even less impressed with Fitz, Brohm and Levi and should have known that he had to find someone else in trade, free agency, the draft, or even off the waivers. What Sully doesn't mention is the fact that Fitz is doomed from the start because of another Gailey failure, addressing the problem at both tackle positions and depth on the offensive line. Gailey and Nix made this team...let them live or die with it. Nine wins or out.
  6. As opposed to the guys we already have, who are making no impact whatsoever. The defensive lineup would have our existing lineup for breakfast. The offensive line would be better than what we have. I think Sam Aiken, who was cut by the patriots would probably fit on that team in both a special teams and number two receiver mode. Can't think of any qbacks still in the game although we might pull Kelly Holcombe or, god forbid, JP Losman out of retirement to get in there.
  7. The interesting thing this year is that we didn't address EITHER the clear deficiencies in the offensive line nor the problem at qb. We were not aggressive in free agency or trade (Vick, McNabb, McNeil, Gaither, Terrell Owens) to address our needs nor in the draft (Bulaga or Clausen) nor even on the waiver wire. So for us it just doesn't matter. Going forward? I'd say draft either the best quarterback or the best OT available with the first round and look careful at available qb's and ot's through the rest of the draft.
  8. nine wins is not idiotic. There should have been a standard set when they were hired. We had six wins, a defensive structure that needed a good tackle, a need to keep Incognito and get two tackles, and a quarterback problem for a team that had 6 wins despite a rash of injuries. Nine wins going into the season was a good stretch goal. Have Nix and Gailey failed to even come close to addressing the needs to the point that thinking nine wins now after two horrible games is idiotic. Maybe..but that's why they should be fired...they are playing with the hand that they themselves dealt.
  9. no no no...we will be so much better off with Fitz getting sacked and knocked unconscious than we were when Trent was getting sacked and knocked unconscious. Maybe we can trade for someone else to get sacked and knocked unconscious!
  10. judging from the criticisms of TE lately, I guess we're going to start our playoff run now.
  11. Good move...but the offensive line is still the offensive line.
  12. oh...55% winning percentage compared to our winning percentage so far this year of...0%
  13. little late in the game to do much to change the personnel we have. I think changing strategy to take advantage of three backs in the backfield, using two tight ends is about the best we can do this season. The defense will get better or it won't. We don't have the talent there. I'm not too optimistic. Get rid of Nix and Gailey when the season ends if they don't have nine wins and start over.
  14. let's see...we took 4-3 personnel and asked them to play a 3-4 and our best rushing lineman retired. Wonder why our pass rush didn't improve?
  15. This game? I would start and keep two backs on the field the entire game. Lynch and Jackson. I would play two tight ends to support the pass blocking. I would go with Edwards for a half to see if he can perform with adequate blocking. I would wildcat with Spiller in for Edwards on a significant number of plays. Run 70% of the time. Get creative on special teams, to include a reverse and possible on-sides kick. Yank Edwards for Fitz if he doesn't manage the game well in the first half.
  16. yeah..kind of a stupid idea...but we can always hope whatever coach we have next year kind of figures it out.
  17. look..the interceptions yesterday were on Smith and Parrish. The quarterback gives you a catchable ball, it would be nice if you actually catch it. TE is no great shakes but the pass blocking is ludicrous. I suppose Levitre and Wood are good, but there are nine players on that offense that really suck as bad as Edwards. Not that Edwards doesn't suck, mind you.
  18. Vince Lombardi was smart enough not to assemble a roster of talent this bad.
  19. There has been enough bad decision making in the Gailey/Nix era for them to be responsible for what we are seeing. Certainly Jauron ignored a major problem with Peters leaving by not drafting Oher instead of Maybin. However Nix/Gailey could see the problem from the day they came in and could have easily drafted Bulaga and gotten a second serviceable offensive tackle in free agency or trade. They really should have seen whether our qb situation was okay or not based on years of tape and the pre-season and could have gone in a different qb direction with the McNabb/Vick/or any number of other qb options. They could have seen that we would be weak on receivers and made a play to keep TO. This is clearly THEIR team and they can't blame it on the previous administration. They have the hand that they dealt themselves. I say hold them to getting nine wins with that hand and if they don't get rid of both of them.
  20. Gailey and Nix had tons of opportunities to fix this team in the offseason. They had lots of film and a whole preseason to recognize the problems at offense (which weren't problems at running back.) They had free agent and trade opportunities (Owens, Incognito and Vick could have been had if the price were right.) They could have gotten the guy who was playing left tackle pretty well for Green Bay yesterday as a first round pick instead of Spiller (Bulaga) They could have gotten Flozell Adams for right tackle, or addressed the issue in the draft. They didn't. Chan and Buddy...you better get hustling if you're going to get the nine wins which should allow you to keep your jobs.
  21. In my dream I saw us qb'd by Michael Vick who we got for a second round pick last spring, and at left tackle was none other than our first round pick from the draft, Mr. Bulaga (number 75 actually playing left tackle for the packers yesterday) and at right tackle was Flozell Adams. At gaurd was Levitre and Incognito and at center was our Mr. Wood. The receivers included a re-signed Terrel Owens and Lee Evans. We won our second game against the Packers. The second half opened with a nifty reverse for a touchdown which was managed by our special teams coach Bobby April. Our 4-3 defense was anchored by Aaron Schobel, Kyle Williams, Marcus Stroud and Chris Kelsay and our top off season free agent pick Karlos Dansby at linebacker added a lot to the play.
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